In accordance with the
University Teaching Regulations, you are free to choose some optional courses (or free choice credits). Optional courses allow you to broaden your education experience to fields of study that are not strictly related to your academic path. You are required to provide the motivations which support the coherence of your choice with your educational path.
You can choose among the optional courses listed in the
Catalogue ofFree Choice Credits or you can choose:
- an internship
- other learning activities, at Politecnico or outside the university.
- a combination of optional courses, training activities, internship
Consult the University Course catalogue(catalogue of free choice credits) of the current academic year to choose and include your optional courses in your Personal Study Plan / Annual Personal Study Plan. Please note that you must include your optional courses (free choice credits) in your PSP / APSP before the deadlines illustrated in the academic calendar regardless of the semester in which the course is delivered.
If you want to choose an internship or other learning activities in substitution for your free choice credits, you are allowed to include them in your PSP / APSP in other periods of the year as long as you meet the terms and deadlines of the Internship Regulations of your degree programme.