You will incur automatic forfeiture if:
- you do not pass any exam for two consecutive years, or
- you do not pass all the exams (except for your thesis) in four years.
In these cases, you are considered a forfeited student and cannot continue your studies in the same academic path. After forfeiture, you are allowed to re-enrol in a Master’s degree programme of the Engineering area, provided that you meet the admission requirements.
The rules on forfeiture provided by article 15 of the
Student Regulations are applicable to the students who
first enrolled at Politecnico starting from a.y. 2016/2017.The rules on forfeiture also apply to the students who first enrolled at Politecnico before a.y. 2016/2017, but in this case, the number of years of enrolment is calculated starting from a.y. 2016/2017 a.y., instead of taking into account the actual date of the first enrolment.
You will incur automatic forfeiture if you do not pass all the exams (except for your thesis) in four years.
This rule on forfeiture is applied in a.y. 2023/24; for this reason, if you do not pass all your exams (excluding the Final Examination/Thesis) by the end of the September 2023 examination session, you will be considered as a forfeited student starting from 1/10/2023.
A year of full-time enrolment counts as 1 year.
A year of part-time enrolment counts as 0,5 year.
Each year of non-enrolment counts as 1 year.
Academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21 do not count towards the total number of academic years for the purpose of forfeiture (this rule is valid only for students who were enrolled in aa. yy. 19/20 and 20/21). For students who were not enrolled in aa. yy. 19/20 and 20/2, these two years will be counted for the purpose of forfeiture.
If you have the status of "FORFEITED STUDENT" or "STUDENT ABOUT TO FORFEIT", you are not allowed to enrol in a.y. 2023/24 and you cannot request an internal transfer to another Master's degree programme.
You can request the recognition of the credits earned during the Master's degree programme from which you have forfeited.
We remind you that you must check the language requirements for admission.
An appeal to the Rector for deferment of the terms of forfeiture is permitted in the event of serious and certifiable reasons.
Forfeited students and students who will incur in the forfeiture on 01/10/2023 (DM 270/2004, DM 509/99) may enrol again in a Master’s degree programme at Politecnico. In this case, you must check the admission requirements, deadlines and enrolment procedure on Politecnico website:
Admission to Master’s degree programmes 2023/24.You will have to submit a new admission application from the Apply@polito platform.
To request the recognition of the credits earned before forfeiture, visit the
page (credit transfer).
Please note that, in order to apply for re-enrolment, any debts relating to the last academic year of enrolment must be settled, in accordance with the
Tuition Fee Guide 2023/24.