(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
creating your psp (personal study plan)
When you create your Personal Study Plan you can:
  • choose a specialist pathway for your curriculum (if any). You can choose or modify your specialist pathway during the timeframe for the creation of your PSP/APSP.
  • create your Personal Study Plan (PSP)
Green courses: already passed 
Black courses: unpassed or not recorded in your transcript
Grey box: optional courses
Your Personal Study Plan must include all the courses that you are going to take before graduation: 180 credits for Bachelor’s degree programmes / 120 credits for Master’s degree programmes (this rule does not apply to special courses and projects).
Therefore, you need to include also the courses belonging to the next academic years and the optional courses (free choice credits), following the rules illustrated in the chapter Free Choice Credits.
The PSP overall number of credits includes the Final Project, the foreign language exam, and the internship (if any).
It does not include:
  • the credits of the courses that you are going to advance from your Master’s degree programme;
  • the credits of the Italian language exam (for students with a non-Italian qualification who attend a degree programme partially or entirely taught in English). 
We remind you that you can change your Personal Study Plan when you enrol in the next academic year.
Students can include in their University curriculum more credits (up to 12 credits) beyond the 120 expected. As a rule, the extra credits will not be canceled from the Annual personal study plan during the registration to the final exam and they will be counted for the final average. It is allowed to exceed the limit of 12 extra credits only if students have added credits aiming at the extention of the curricular internship.
Special curriculum are excluded from this rule.
We remind you that students who first enrolled at PoliTO in a.y. 2012/13 or before MUST NOT create their PERSONAL STUDY PLAN but only their ANNUAL PERSONAL STUDY PLAN. 
PERSONALIZE YOUR PSPThe standard Personal Study Plan shows the courses suggested for the specialist pathway you have chosen, but you can personalize it and include also some exams belonging to different pathways and/or degree programmes.
    • If you want to add a course:
Search it by course code or course title in the search box below the Personal Study Plan:
    • If you want to delete a course:
 Click the blue X (only if you have not passed the exam yet):
If you want to delete a course from a table (grey background), you need to deselect it. To delete an entire table, you first need to deselect each course in the table.
Click CONFIRM to save your changes and complete your Annual Personal Study Plan.
If the changes you have made to your Personal Study Plan require the approval of the Academic Advisor of the programme the system will show a page where you can submit your request and explain your motivations:
After submitting your request, your Personal Study Plan will be sent for approval (status: under approval). During this period you will not be allowed to make any further changes until you get the result from the Academic Advisor.
Please note: the period during which your Personal Study Plan is under approval does not count towards the 10 days for the completion of the Personal Study Plan. After receiving the answer from the Academic Advisor, you have 10 more days to make other changes. You will receive an e-mail when the Academic Advisor has evaluated your request.
EXTRA CREDITSYou can add up to a maximum of 12 extra credits to your Personal Study Plan, exceeding the 180-credit limit for Bachelor's degree programmes and the 120-credit limit for Master's degree programmes. As a general rule, extra credits cannot be removed from your PSP when you register for the Final Examination and they count towards the calculation of your final average grade.
Credits that you may earn for participating in special events/activities (Conversazioni in biblioteca, Festival della tecnologia, Costruire il futuro, Tempi Difficili) are recognized as extra credits. They are recognized on a pass-or-fail basis (without a grade) and do not have an impact on your final grade. They are marked in red in the curriculum of your degree programme available on your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Data consultation section.
These credits are automatically added to your PSP by the Student Careers Unit when the activity/event is over.
To learn more about the recognition of these credits please read the regulations of each event/activity.
COURSES THAT ARE GOING TO BE DISCONTINUEDThe course catalogue of a degree programme may change from one academic year to the other. Some courses may no longer be offered because they are replaced by new courses. When a course is about to be discontinued, it means that it will no longer be available starting from the next academic year. As a general rule, lectures will not be offered in the next academic year but you will be allowed to take the exam until the last examination session (September).
For these courses, you will not find new materials or the new timetable of classes on your personal page of the Teaching Portal (Materials section). You will only find materials from the previous academic year.
The courses included in your old APSP that are going to be discontinued are highlighted in the procedure for the creation of the PSP/APSP.
The table shows the last examination session in which you can take the exam and the name of the new course that will replace it when the examination session is over.
If the table does not show a replacement course:
    • if it is an optional course (free choice credits): you can choose another optional course (in the vent that the optional course is assigned on the basis of a merit ranking list, you must include the generico code of the course in order to visualize the possible choices);
    • if it is a compulsory course: you need to contact the Academic Advisor of your degree programme who will tell you the name of the new course.
If after these changes to your PSP you cannot reach the minimum number of credits required to complete your APSP, you need to report the problem to the Student Careers Unit using the Ticketing Support Service. 
The Student Careers Unit will automatically replace discontinued courses with new courses at the end of the September examination session. If the new course is offered in the second semester, you will be able to take the exam in the Winter examination session as well (since the new course will be considered as already attended).
If you are not interested in taking the exam of a course that is going to be discontinued and you want to attend the new course directly, you can replace the discontinued course with the new course by yourself during the time frame for the creation of your PSP/APSP.