(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ENERGY ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
DeterminING the final grade
The final grade is determined by the Graduation Examining Committee which evaluates the overall average of the exams on a scale of 110 after having subtracted the 16 worst credits. This number is proportionally reduced if some of your exams have been validated without a grade.
The weighted average grade is calculated on ALL graded exams (pass-or-fail exams are excluded from this calculation).
The weighted average grade is calculated as follows: 
a) Add the products given by the grade of each exam multiplied by its credits;
b) Divide a) by the sum of all credits:  

(Grade1 x Credits1) + (Grade2 x Credits2) + (Grade n x Credits n)
(Credits 1 + Credits 2 + Credits n)

In order to obtain the score expressed on a scale of 110:  Average grade on a scale of 30 x 110/30. 
Exams passed with honours do not have an impact on the Average grade.

The average grade is calculated on ALL graded exams to the second decimal position; there is no rounding. This Average grade is sent to the Graduation Examining Committee.      

As a general rule, during the Final Examination the Graduation Examining Committee can add up to a maximum of 5 points to this average, taking into consideration:  
  • the evaluation of your Final Project (if any);
  • the number of years it took you to complete your studies;
  • if you have attended a degree programme partially or entirely taught in English;
  • other information about your course of study (for instance, the number of exams passed with honours, your experience abroad, your extracurricular activities etc.).
If you first enrol at Politecnico starting from a.y. 2022/2023 and pass the following exams:
  • first-year courses (excluding the English language exam)
  • core courses offered in the first semester of Year 2  (Mathematical Analysis 2 and Physics 2)
by the end of the examination session which immediately follows the semester when you attended the course for the first time, you will get a bonus (0.5 points for each exam) that will be added to your Final Examination score (final grade), up to a maximum of 4 points. 
More information is available in this chapter.
You may be awarded a degree with honours (cum laude) in accordance with the Regulations of your degree programme.