(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Bachelor’s final examination
The Final Project is the last learning activity of a Bachelor’s educational path.
The rules for the Final Project are illustrated in the Teaching Regulations of each degree programme.
Steps to register for the Bachelor's Final Examination
1. Apply for a topic
• Personal page - Online Services TAB - Bachelor’s degree and Final Examination portlet
• Apply for your Final Project and wait for your Supervisor's approval
2. Apply for Final Project conclusion confirmation
• Write your Final Project
• Upload your Final Project file (My academic progress TAB - Shared drives portlet, in agreement with the tutor)
• Apply for Final Project conclusion confirmation (to be requested well in advance, in order to be able to register for the final examination by the deadline for each graduation session) and wait for your Supervisor's approval
3. CV  and course evaluation questionnaire
• Update your CV
• Fill out the course evaluation questionnaire (not compulsory) 
4. Almalaurea questionnaire
• Register to Almalaurea
• Enter information on your Bachelor's degree programme (type)
• Fill out the questionnaire (in full)
• Download the receipt
5. Register for the Final Examination
• Pay the amount displayed by the system (for payments by MAV, go back to the guided procedure and enter your payment date before the deadline for registering for the Final Examination)
• Click “Continue” to register for the Final Examination
    • If some of your exams have not been registered in your transcript yet -> Registration with condition. This condition does not have a predefined deadline and it is the responsibility of the Student Careers Unit to solve it. 
• At this point, the registration procedure (also with reservations) is completed. You will get an e-mail with the registration confirmation.