(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
on-time EXAMS
For students with first enrolment at Politecnico starting from a.y. 2022/2023:
If you enrolled at Politecnico for the first time starting from a.y. 2022/2023 and pass the following exams:
  • first-year courses (excluding the English language exam)
  • core courses offered in the first semester of Year 2  (Mathematical Analysis 2 and Physics 2)
by the end of the examination session which immediately follows the semester when you attended the course for the first time, you will get a bonus (0.5 points for each exam) that will be added to your Final Examination score (final grade), up to a maximum of 4 points.
The table below shows the deadline for passing the exams with bonus:
Course (Year of first enrolment: 2022/2023)
Last examination session for passing the exam and getting the bonus (0.5 points for the Final Examination)
Mathematical Analysis 1January / February 2023
ChemistryJanuary / February 2023
Computer ScienceJanuary / February 2023
Linear algebra and geometryJune / July 2023
Physics 1June / July 2023
Specific courseJune / July 2023
Mathematical Analysis 2January / February 2024
Physics 2January / February 2024
Course (Year of first enrolment: 2023/2024)Last examination session for passing the exam and getting the bonus (0.5 points for the Final Examination)
Mathematical Analysis 1January / February 2024
ChemistryJanuary / February 2024
Computer ScienceJanuary / February 2024
Linear algebra and geometryJune / July 2024
Physics 1June / July 2024
Specific courseJune / July 2024
Mathematical Analysis 2January / February 2025
Physics 2January / February 2025