(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
COMPUTER ENGINEERING (change programme)
Location: Torino
Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
 if you scored less than 12 points of 38/100 in the mathematics section of the til admission test (which corresponds to less than 30% of the maximum score for the section), you will have to fulfil some supplementary academic obligations (in italian, obblighi formativi aggiuntivi - ofa). in this case you are allowed to enrol at politecnico but: 
  • you must attend an online interactive support course called «c.i.a.o. - corso interattivo di accompagnamento online»
  • you are encouraged to attend tutoring math classes organized by ciao
 the learning path is organized as follows:  
  • after enrolment, you will find the ciao course on your personal page of the teaching portal and some guided exercises that you can do by yourself
  • in september you will be able to join a telegram channel administered by math tutors to whom you can ask questions about the exercises. you will find more info to join the channel on your personal page
  • in september you will also find 5 thematic online sessions during which you can ask questions about the exercises, quizzes and games included in the ciao course. the dates of the online sessions will be available on your personal page,
  • the math tutoring classes will be offered until the end of october
  • the learning material will be available throughout the full academic year so you can keep practicing and improving your skills for all the core subjects, not only for math.
How to fulfil your supplementary academic obligations (OFA) 
In order to fulfil your supplementary academic obligations (OFA) , you need to pass the online final test of the CIAO course by answering correctly 10 questions out of 15.
There will be 5 test dates during academic year 2023/24 (September, October, November, December, April).
If you cannot pass the test in any of the sessions scheduled for a.y. 2023/24, you can retake it the next academic year (October, November, December 2024/25).
The dates of the test will be published on your personal page of the Teaching Portal. In any case, your supplementary academic obligations  will be automatically fulfilled as soon as you pass the “Mathematical analysis” or "Linear algebra and geometry" exam.
IMPORTANT: if - by the end of Year 1 - you earn the number of credits required to add your second-year courses to your Annual Personal Study Plan, but you have not fulfilled your OFA, you will be allowed to include your second- year courses in your APSP, but you will not be able to take the exams until you fulfil your OFA.
All non-EU students residing abroad and requiring visa who enrol in a Bachelor’s degree programme in academic year 2023/2024 must fulfil the supplementary academic obligations (OFA) according to Rector’s decree no. 582/2023 of 09/06/2023