(2023 - 2024)
Master's degree programme in
CYBERSECURITY (change programme)
Location: Torino
Plagiarism is the practice of using someone else's words as your own  - for example, when you copy a piece of writing or just parts of it. But you can commit plagiarism also if your take someone else's ideas or information without quoting the source - for example when you report or summarize the content of a text in your own words.
You may even commit plagiarism unintentionally when you summarize or report in your own words ideas or information that you have found in a book or in a paper without full acknowledgement of the author. It is also in order to avoid plagiarism that authors of books and scientific papers fill their texts with dozens of references, each time indicating the source of their statements.
Plagiarism is a criminal offence. For this reason, graduands should personally process the material they examine for their final project/ thesis, rather than simply translating it literally.
Politecnico di Torino makes use of anti-plagiarism software(Compilatio).
The anti-plagiarism software supports faculty members in correcting final projects/theses and checking their novelty.  
How do I know if my thesis has been checked for plagiarism?
You need to contact your Supervisor who can decide whether to check your thesis for plagiarism or not.
I would like to personally check my thesis for plagiarism before submitting it. What should I do?
Politecnico di Torino does not have an anti-plagiarism software for students. You need to check your thesis using the online software available on the Web.
What percentage of corresponding matches is considered plagiarism?
There is no specific percentage. It is up to your Supervisor to determine if it is a case of plagiarism or not. The Supervisor will use the software to examine the sources that you have quoted and will decide whether to accept or reject your work on the basis of the similarities detected.
Will the provisional version of my thesis be checked for plagiarism?
Yes, your Supervisor may also check the provisional version of your thesis in order to let you know what you have to modify in order to avoid plagiarism.
How to avoid plagiarism