(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
graduation ceremony
Every year (usually by the end of January) Politecnico announces the annual schedule of its Graduation periods and Graduation ceremonies on the General Notice Board.
After the closing date for registering for the Final Examination, the Secretariat of the Collegio of each degree programme draws up the official convocation notice with the following information:
  • names of the members of the Graduation Examining Committee
  • date of the oral defence (if there is any, depending on the regulations of each degree programme) 
  • practical details about the Graduation ceremony.
Graduands will be officially invited with a message displayed on the news board of their personal page of the Teaching Portal (My academic progress tab - News section) and they will receive an e-mail into their Polito mailbox. Further information could be published on the Notice board of the degree programme.
During the Graduation ceremony, the Chair of the Committee confers the title (even in absentia of the candidate, as long as this is due to justified reasons). The graduand is entitled to be qualified as “Dottore/ Dottoressa in…” (with the name of his/her Bachelor’s degree programme) and receives the degree parchment.  
The credits of the Final Examination will be recorded in the student's transcript after the registration of the final grade.
The degree parchment can also be collected after the Graduation ceremony (in person or by proxy) at the University Registrar and Tuition Fees Unit. Alternatively, graduates can ask the University to send their degree parchment by post following the instructions provided on the pageCertificates and other documents.
Graduation ceremony: rules of conduct
Final exam (dissertation) and ceremony are a very important moments both for you, your family and University. It is our duty to protect this moment, for this reason we would like to remind you a few rules of behavior that we kindly, ask you and your guests, to observe:
  • During the discussion we ask you to limit entry and exit from the room when changing candidates, causing as little disturbance as possible
  • During the graduation ceremony, the public is asked to remain seated and follow the instructions given by the President. Furthermore, for safety reasons, it is forbidden to remain standing obstructing the corridors and escape routes and to remain in the hallways and stairs after the opening of the classroom
  • The demonstrations of affection and congratulation to the graduate student must be appropriate to the meaning and value of the moment, always remembering that you are in a university classroom
  • It is absolutely forbidden to take and deposit baggage, bags, food, drinks at the reception desks and in venues where the discussion and ceremony take place, and in general to smudge walls and furnishings: if this should happen, the service supervisor is authorized to ask you for your personal information to subsequently evaluate any sanctions
  • To make the graduation ceremony a moment of attention to environmental sustainability we kindly ask you not to use plastic confetti for the celebrations. Although the internal and external areas are cleaned on a daily basis, a part of this material cannot be retrieved with severe effects on the environment pollution
  • It is, strictly, forbidden to organize refreshments in halls and courtyards.