(2023 - 2024)
Master's degree programme in
CYBERSECURITY (change programme)
Location: Torino
Recognition of NON-ITALIAN degrees
Recognition of credits earned at a non-Italian universityIf you are transferring to Politecnico from a non-Italian university and you have passed some exams abroad, you can apply for the recognition of the credits you have earned, logging in to the Apply@polito platform after registration.
Please find here below some general rules:
  • you can request the recognition of the credits earned abroad only one time during your studies and only before completing the enrolment process according to the deadlines established every year;
  • the credits that you have earned at Bachelor's level cannot be recognized for Master-level courses;
  • your previous courses, if validated, WILL NOT HAVE A GRADE until Politecnico defines new rules for grade conversion;:
  • foreign language exams taken at other universities will not be recognized;
  • recognized credits will be included in your Annual Personal Study Plan of the academic year in which you have requested the recognition. They will not be kept on hold to be validated in the next academic years. This is done in order to facilitate (and not disadvantage) you when you apply for a shorlaship or other finacial aid. If you already have a scholarship, make sure you check the requirements for keeping your schorship before accepting the recongnition of your previuosly earned credits.
If you are enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme, you are allowed to include second and third-year courses in your APSP only if you have fulfilled your unfulfilled academic requirements or if you have been recognized and validated at least 40 credits in any subject (excluding the English language exam). In any case, you must add your first-year incomplete courses before adding any other course. 
If you still have some unfulfilled academic requirements: you can only add first-year courses to your APSP. If you pass your exams (unfulfilled academic requirements) by the end of the Winter Examination Session, you will be able to update your APSP (check the rules for updating the APSP in the chapter on Unfulfilled academic requirements - Updating your APSP).
In any case, you must earn at least 60 credits (including the Final Project) at Politecnico di Torino in order to get your Bachelor's degree and at least 50 credits (excluding the thesis credits) in order to get your Master's degree. This rule applies to transfers from Italian universities as well.
Recognition of a non-Italian degree
You can apply for the recognition of a degree awarded by a non-Italian university for the following purposes:
a) admission to a Bachelor's/ Master’s degree programme
b) credit transfer for enrolment in a Bachelor's/ Master’s degree programme
c) admission to the State Examination for Professional Practice (Esame di stato)
d) conferral of the corresponding Italian degree (Equipollenza)
The validity of your non-Italian degree is evaluated after you apply to Politecnico from the Apply@polito platform.