(2023 - 2024)
Bachelor's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Internships are offered to students as the first real chance to gain experience in the world of work. An internship gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned during your studies and it will help you decide about your future professional career. Politecnico di Torino promotes internships and guarantees insurance coverage both for civil liability and occupational injuries.

Before starting an internship, you need to include it in your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan in the academic year in which you would like to do your internship.

The documents and general rules for internships are published at this LINK
Below you can find the specific guidelines for each degree programme.

The curricular internship is configured as a compulsory training activity of 8 Credits, corresponding to 200 hours of commitment at the host institution and can be carried out during the two teaching periods.

In the first semester, there are two internship sessions:
  • the first session starts in October, and the internship can be part-time (almost 12 weeks) or full-time (6 weeks). Admission requirements: you must have earned at least 150 CFU by the July examination session;
  • the second session starts in mid-November, and the internship has to be full-time (6 weeks). Admission requirements: you must have earned at least 150 CFU by the September examination session.
In the second semester, there is only one Internship session, beginning in March, part-time (mornings). Admission requirements: you must have earned at least 137 CFU by the first round of exams of the February examination session.
Internship assignments are managed directly by the study course. For further information please refer to the Internship Coordinator, Prof. Molinari.

Additional Information 
You can find the instructions about the platform that you need to use to upload your internship project and to report the internship progress till its completion at:

Internship Coordinator: Prof. Filippo Molinari 