(2023 - 2024)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Internships are offered to students as the first real chance to gain experience in the world of work. An internship gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned during your studies and it will help you decide about your future professional career. Politecnico di Torino promotes internships and guarantees insurance coverage both for civil liability and occupational injuries.

Before starting an internship, you need to include it in your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan in the academic year in which you would like to do your internship.

The documents and general rules for internships are published at this LINK
Below you can find the specific guidelines for each degree programme.

At the end of the educational path, you may decide if you want to do an internship to work on your thesis project at the Department or in a private company.
The thesis internship carries 20 CFU and has a duration of 12 months. It represents an opportunity of connecting with a company and out into practice what you have learned in the, in view of a possible job offer by the company.  
Further information on the thesis in institutions/companies can be found in the STUDENT GUIDE - Master's Final Examination section.
Even if this is very infrequent, the company may ask you to start with an internship: in such cases, you will divide the 20 CFU in 12 CFU for the thesis and 8 CFU for the internship

Since this activity may represent a way of getting a job offer, the best way to take advantage of it, is to start the internship after having completed almost all exams. This will allow you to focus only on the job.

Internship related to the thesis in a company
If the host company wants to begin collaborating with you with an internship, you must request the modification of your Annual Personal Study Plan. You must submit this request by sending an email to the Internship Coordinator of the study programme (
The email must specify:
  • the company name;
  • the name and the mail of the company contact person;
  • the name of  your academic tutor identified among the Professors of Politecnico (the academic tutor will also be the thesis supervisor);
  • a short description of the activity on which the internship and then the thesis will be developed.
After the internship has been included in your Annual Personal Study Plan, you must fill out the Internship Project.
You can find the instructions about the platform that you need to use to upload your internship project and to report the internship progress till its completion at:
An end-of-internship report is not required.
It is not possible to obtain the recognition of activities/internships that you did in the past.

Extending the duration of your internship: internships have a given duration (hours) and provide a certain number of credits as specified in the Annual Personal Study Plan. You can extend the duration of your internship (number of hours) by selecting one of the options available in the field “Expected no. of hours”. You can only do this operation before the beginning of your internship and not while you are doing it (in any case, you cannot do more than 800 hours). Any request to extend the duration of an internship must be decided together with the Host Company. It MUST also be approved by a Polito faculty member (your Academic Tutor or the Internship Coordinator for your degree programme) who may reject your proposal. In this case, you need to make a new proposal and fill out a new Training Project. If your Training Project  is approved, it means that the extension of your internship and the extra hours have been accepted too. At the end of an internship with extended duration, you will see that the internship is recorded in your transcript as follows: INTERNSHIP with standard hours/credits in accordance with the rules of  your degree programme (i.e., 6 credits/150 hours) plus the annotation “curricular internship extension” with your extra hours/credits. These credits will be recorded in your transcript as credit overload (they do not count towards the 120-credits threshold required for Master’s graduation).

Internship Coordinator: Prof. Carlo Rosso