(2024 - 2025)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Other learning activities
You can substitute your free choice credits with other learning activities undertaken outside the university.
The activities that can be recognized are the following:
  1. competitive sports activities 
  2. participation in Student Teams
  3. other learning activities outside the university
An external activity is recognized on a pass-or-fail basis (i.e. it has no grade, it is simply recorded with a “pass” in your transcript) and can be recognized even if it exceeds the number of credits required for graduation (credit overload) but within the limit of 12 extra credits.
You can request the recognition of external activity at any time during your studies, but the process must be completed before you register for the Final Examination. After this date, pending requests will not be taken into consideration.
1. Competitive sports activities
Politecnico can recognize up to a maximum of 6 credits, only one time during the entire duration of your studies (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme). 
If you practice sports at a competitive level (as an athlete, coach or referee) or if you achieve outstanding results in sports competitions while you are studying at the university, you can ask for recognition of this activity at any time during your university studies in accordance with the following rules:
  •  6 credits for students who participate in the Dual Career Politecnico programme;
  • up to 6 credits for students who have achieved sports results of the utmost excellence. In particular:
    • Olympic/ Paralympic medal:  6 credits;
    • Word medal, European or Universiadi medal, champion of division in Italian championships: 6 credits for gold medals, 5 credits for silver medals, 4 credits for bronze medals;
  •  3 credits for students who have been selected to play in Politecnico sports teams;
  •  3 credits for competitive sports activities with the following requirements:
    •  competitive activity in a sport with a federation approved by CONI and/or CPI;
    • 4 weekly training sessions/competitions (1.5 hours each)
    •  participation in top-level national and regional championships;
After completing the procedure described below and filling out all the required fields, your credits will be automatically recognized as soon as you accept the approval of the board.

2. Participation in Student TeamsPolitecnico can recognize 6, or 8 credits for the role of Team member, or 12 credits for the role of Team leader, only one time during your during your Master’s studies.
If you are actively involved in a Student Team, you can ask for the recognition of this activity after completing your collaboration with the team. Information on Student Teams is published on the University website. After completing the procedure from your personal page as described below and after filling out all the required fields, the leader of your Student team must certify the nature of your collaboration and the amount of time that you have dedicated to it.
You can ask for the recognition of your activity in a Student team at any time during your studies, but the process must be completed before you register for the Final Examination. After you register for the Final Examination, the pending request will not be evaluated.
3. Other learning activities outside the universityPolitecnico can recognize 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 credits depending on the activity. Politecnico can recognize more than one external activity during your educational path.
You can ask for the recognition of learning activities undertaken outside Politecnico provided that they are relevant to and coherent with your degree programme. In case of activities carried out before enrolling to a Polito degree program, the recognition can only be requested during the admission phase to the same degree programme (during the credit recognition procedure). After the enrolment, you can request recognition for learning activities that must have been completed exclusively during the period of enrollment in the degree programme.
Politecnico does not recognize any activity which lasted less than 50 hours (2 credits).
There is not a specific list of activities.
As a general rule, Politecnico can award you some credits if:  
  • you have participated in lectures/conferences/ courses, provided that the teaching contents, duration and testing methods can be clearly identified;
  • you have won or have been selected for a competition for ideas/design:
  • you  have attended a specific School (i.e, Summer School)
  • you have professional skills which are in line with the learning objectives of your degree programme
  • you have attended workshops;
  • you have done the so- called "Servizio Civile" (if the type of service was in line with the learning objectives of your degree programme).
You cannot ask for the recognition of the following activities: 
  • internships;
  • professional licenses;
  • cooperation with associations;
  • scholarships;
  • computer licences  (i.e., ECDL);
  • aptitude tests (i.e., SAT);
  • language certificates or foreign language courses.
ProcedureIf you want to request the recognition of an external learning activity, regardless of the type of activity, you must:
  • log in to your personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online servicesTAB - Approval of external activities PORTLET.

  • Fill out all fields and upload the necessary supporting documents depending on the type of activity. For learning activities outside the university and Student Team activities: you must upload the programme of the activity including activity description, duration and certificate of attendance/participation.
  • If you are requesting the recognition of an activity that you have already completed, please enter the start and end dates. If you are requesting the recognition of an activity that is still in progress, you will have to resend your request when the activity is over.

  • in the field "Note to the professor" specify if you are requesting the recognition of the activity in substitution for your free choice credits (also indicate the course/s that should be replaced by the external activity, if approved).
  • click Save and submit to send your request.
  • you can check the status of your request for approval of external activities at any time.  

  • The Academic Advisor of your degree programme will evaluate your request and - in case of approval - will indicate how many credits are recognized and which course (free choice credits) is replaced by the external activity.   

  • The number of recognized credits cannot exceed the yearly credit limit imposed by your enrolment workload (part-time or full-time) nor the overall credit limit of your Personal Study Plan.

If your activity is approved, you must:
  1. go back to the Approval of external activities portlet; 
  2. click the "View" button (referred to the approved activity);

  1. in the next screen click the "Accept" button.
The procedure ends when you accept and the activity is recorded in your transcript.

If the following message is displayed: "insufficient space in your Annual Personal Study Plan, contact the Office of Student Services", it means that you have already reached the maximum number of credits allowed in your APSP. In this case:
a) If your external activity replaces some free choice credits, this replacement will not be automatic. You will have to contact the Student Careers Unit che verificherà la carriera ed eventualmente aggiornerà il carico didattico.
b) If you have requested to register your external activity as credit overload, the registration cannot take place in the current academic year as there is not enough space in your APSP. Your external activity will be recorded in the following academic year.
sarà necessario contattare l'Ufficio Carriere, che verificherà la carriera ed eventualmente aggiornerà il carico didattico.