(2024 - 2025)
Bachelor's degree programme in
ARCHITECTURE (change programme)
Location: Torino
Politecnico can recognize 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 or 12 credits depending on the activity. Politecnico can recognize more than one learning activities outside the University during your educational path.
You can ask for the recognition of external activities that you have carried out outside the University before your enrolment at Politecnico, but you must do it during the admission phase (credit transfer). After enrolment you can only request the recognition of activities carried out during your course of study.
Politecnico does not recognize any activity which lasted less than 50 hours (2 credits).
Politecnico does not have a specific list of recommended learning activities outside the University.
Politecnico can award you some credits if: 
  • you participated in lectures/conferences/ courses, provided that the teaching contents, duration and testing methods can be clearly identified;
  • you won or were selected for a competition for ideas/design:
  • you attended a specific School (i.e, Summer School)
  • you have professional skills which are in line with the learning objectives of your degree programme
  • you took part in workshops;
  • you have taken part in the Civil Service with tasks that are coherent with the learning outcomes of your degree programme.
You cannot ask for the recognition of the following activities: 
  • internships;
  • professional licenses;
  • cooperation with associations;
  • scholarships;
  • computer licences  (i.e., ECDL);
  • aptitude tests (i.e., SAT)
Politecnico can recognize up to a maximum of 6 academic credits, only one time during the entire duration of your studies  (Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme). 
If you practice sports at a competitive level (as an athlete, coach or referee) or if you achieve outstanding results in sports competitions while you are studying at the university, you can ask for recognition of this activity at any time during your university studies in accordance with the following rules:
  •  6 credits for students who participate in the Dual Career Politecnico programme;
  • up to 6 credits for students who have achieved sports results of the utmost excellence. In particular:
    • Olympic/Paralimpic medal:  6 credits;
    • World medal, European or Universiadi medal, champion of division in Italian championships: 6 credits for gold medals, 5 credits for silver medals, 4 credits for bronze medals;
  •  3 credits for students who have been selected to play in Politecnico sports teams;
  •  3 credits for competitive sports activities with the all the following requirements:
    •  competitive activity in a sport with a federation approved by CONI and/or CPI
    • 4 weekly training sessions/competitions (1.5 hours each)
    •  participation in top-level national and regional championships;
After completing the procedure described below and filling out all the required fields, your credits will be automatically recognized as soon as you accept the approval of the board.
Politecnico can recognize 3, 6, 8 or 12 credits, only one time during your Bachelor’s degree programme and only one time during your Master’s degree programme. 
At the end of the activity, students who have actively participated in a student team can apply for recognition.
Information on student teams is published on the Politecnico di Torino website.
After following the procedure for requesting approval, from your personal page, by filling in all the fields required for the team activity, you will have to wait for the person in charge of the team to attest to the nature of the collaboration and the amount of time dedicated.
The request for recognition of student team activities may be made at any time during the university career, but the process must in any case be completed before registration for the final examination. Requests for recognition that remain pending, after registration for the final examination, cannot be assessed.

The student team activity provides for registration without a grade.

Politecnico can recognize this competence only one time during the Bachelor’s degree programme
If you have a certificate of a foreign language other than the mandatory languages of your Bachelor's degree programme, you can ask for its recognition at any time of your academic career. The request shall be made through the portlet called “Approvazione attività esterne”/Approval of external activities", available under the "Segreteria on line"/Online services" tab of your personal page. You will have to upload a copy of your language certificate. If your request is approved, you will have to show the original certificate to the staff of the Polito Language Centre. The table with the list of languages and of the recognised certifications is published on thePolito Language Centre.
ProcedurePer effettuare la richiesta di riconoscimento, a prescindere dalla tipologia di attività, è necessario:
  • accedere alla sezione Segreteria online/Online services - portlet Approvazione attività esterne
To apply for recognition, regardless of the type of activity, you must:
  • access the Segreteria online/Online services - portlet Approval of external activities
  • fill out all the required fields and attach the necessary documentation for the various types of activity. For external training activities and for student team activities, it will be necessary to attach the documentation relating to the program of the activity for which evaluation is requested, with the description of the activity and its duration and the certificate of attendance/participation;
  • if the activity for which recognition is to be requested has already ended, it is necessary to indicate the start and end date of the activity itself. If the recognition request was sent to an activity that has not yet been completed, it will be necessary to resubmit the request once the activity has been completed
  • indicate in the box Note for the Faculty Member if recognition is requested instead of free credits and the elective course or courses to be replaced in the event of approval;
  • click on Save and submit to send the request.
  • It is possible at any time to view the status of the request for approval of other external activities.
    • Who has the role of the Referee for the course of study will carry out the evaluation and - in case of approval - will indicate the number of recognized credits and any replacement with free credits present in the career.
    • Recognition can take place in compliance with the maximum number of credits that can be included in the annual personal study plan allowed by the type of enrollment chosen and the maximum number of credits that can be included in the study plan.

    If your activity is approved, you must:
    1. go back to the Approval of external activities portlet; 
    2. click the "View" button (referred to the approved activity);
3. in the next screen click the "Accept" button.

The procedure ends when you accept and the activity is recorded in your transcript.

If the following message is displayed: "insufficient space in your Annual Personal Study Plan, contact the Office of Student Services", it means that you have already reached the maximum number of credits allowed in your APSP. In this case, even if your external activity replaces some free choice credits, this replacement will not be automatic. You will have to contact the Student Registry Office which will update your APSP. If, on the other hand, the inclusion of the supernumerary activity has been requested, it cannot be added as there is not enough space, it can therefore be added in the following academic year, once enrolment will have been completed.