Change of academic status to forfeiture - STUDENTS ENROLLED IN A DEGREE PROGRAMME OF THE SYSTEM (ORDINAMENTO) "DM 270/2004"
As a Bachelor’s student, you incur forfeiture (art.15 of the
Student Regulations) in the following cases:
if you do not pass your first-year compulsory exams (required for admission to second year) in two years. In this case, you are considered a forfeited student and cannot continue your studies on the same academic path. If you want to resume your studies at Politecnico,
you must take and pass the admission test again and be on the ranking list in a suitable position for admission;
b. if you do not pass any exam for three consecutive years, or if you do not pass all the exams (excluding the Final Examination) in six academic years. In this case, you are considered a forfeited student and cannot continue your studies on the same academic path. After forfeiture, you can enrol in the same Bachelor’s degree programme (if still offered) without taking the admission test again. For enrolment in the Bachelor's degree programme in Architettura- Architecture it is mandatory to take and pass the admission test again and be on the ranking list in a suitable position for admission.
As a Bachelor’s student enrolled in a degree programme belonging to the system (ordinamento) of DM 509/1999 , you incur forfeiture (art.15 of the Student Regulations) if you do not pass all the exams (excluding the Final Examination) in six academic years. Therefore if you do not pass all your exams (excluding the Final Examination/Thesis) by the end of the September 2024 examination session, you will be considered as a forfeited student starting from 1/10/2024. After forfeiture, you can enrol in an equivalent Bachelor’s degree programme without taking the admission test again. For the evaluation check the table to verify the equivalences among programmes:
If you wish to enrol in a non-equivalent degree programme, you will have to take and pass theadmission test again. For enrolment in the Bachelor's degree programme in Architettura- Architecture it is mandatory to take and pass the admission test again and be on the ranking list in a suitable position for admission.
As a Bachelor’s student enrolled in a degree programme belonging to the system of DM 509/1999, you incur in forfeiture in accordance to the Decree of August 31st, 1933, n. 1592, art. 149. If you do not take any exam (even if not passed but registered in the system) in the last 8 years, you will be considered as a forfeited student starting from 1/10/2024.
- A year of full-time enrolment counts as 1 year.
- A year of part-time enrolment counts as 0.5 year.
- Each year of non-enrollment counts as 1 year.
- any years of voluntary suspension from studies do not count towards forfeiture.
Academic years 2019/20 and 2020/21 do not count towards the total number of academic years for the purpose of forfeiture (this rule is valid only for students who were enrolled in aa. yy. 19/20 and 20/21. For students who were not enrolled in those aa. yy., the same will be counted for the purpose of forfeiture).
Students who risk to incur in forfeiture from1st October 2024 will see the change of status to "ACTIVE-ABOUT TO INCUR FORFEITURE" on their personal page of the Teaching Portal, while students who had forfeited in previous academic years will see the status "FORFEITED" and the date of forfeiture.
Students with the status "ACTIVE-ABOUT TO INCUR FORFEITURE":
- cannot enrol in a.y 2024-2025
- cannot request an internal transfer to another Bachelor's degree programme
If they pass the exams required to avoid forfeiture by the end of the September 2024 examination session, their status will automatically updated to 'ACTIVE' and they will not incur in forfeiture.
An appeal to the Rector for deferment of the terms of forfeiture is permitted only in the event of serious and certifiable reasons that took place during the course of studies and had an impact on the student’s academic progress. The appeal must be submitted within two months from the date of forfeiture, i.e. by 1st December 2024. As a general rule, appeals for forfeiture which took place in previous academic years are not accepted. In order to request an appeal to the Rector for deferment of the terms of forfeiture, students must send a Ticket, selecting the topic “ACADEMIC PROGRESS, RULES AND OTHER INFORMATION/ACADEMIC CAREER” providing the reasons for the appeal. Following a preliminary evaluation, students can be requested to provide further supporting documents (in the event of health issues the documents need to specify the time frame in which the problem occurred and a medical certificate produced by a doctor/ health facility based in Italy must be provided). Serious problems that took place prior to enrolment as well as during a.y. 2019/20 and a.y. 2020/21 will not be taken into account for the evaluation of the appeal (these two academic years do not count towards the total number of years for the purpose of forfeiture). If the appeal is accepted, the waiver will be valid for a.y. 2024/25. Therefore, in order to avoid forfeiture, students must drop the condition "ACTIVE-ABOUT TO INCUR FORFEITURE" by the end of the last examination session of a.y. 2024/25.