(2024 - 2025)
Master's degree programme in
CYBERSECURITY (change programme)
Location: Torino
The Final Examination for the Master’s degree
Your thesis is the last learning activity of your Master’s educational path.
For your Master's thesis you will have to write an original essay which must be consistent with scientific quality standards. You will write it on your own under the supervision of a Supervisor.
You can find specific information about the thesis in theTeaching Regulations of your degree programme
How to register for your Master's Final Examination 
1. Thesis application
Personal page of the Teaching Portal - Online services TAB - Degree and Final Examination portlet
• Apply for a thesis topic and wait for the approval of your Supervisor
•Check if you need to place an embargo on public access to your thesis: read the terms on thesis emgargo and tick the correct box
2. Request thesis conclusion confirmation
• write your thesis;
• on your personal page, Thesis TAB , click on "Request thesis conclusion confirmation from Supervisor";
• enter the final title of your thesis and upload your thesis in PDF/A format (provisional version);
• submit your request by the deadlines;
• wait for your Supervisor's confirmation.
3. Course evaluation questionnaire
Competing the course evaluation questionnaire is not compulsory.
4. Almalaurea questionnaire
• Register to  and fill out the questionnaire (in full)

* Important: for international students the correct information on your degree is "Laurea Magistrale" NOT "Master's degree".
5. Registration for the Final Examination
• Pay the amount displayed by the system (for payments by MAV, go back to the guided procedure and enter your payment date before the deadline for registering for the Final Examination)
• Click "Continue" to register for the Final Examination
• If you have exams not registered in your transcript -> Registration with condition
    • This condition does not have a predefined deadline and it is the responsibility of the Student Careers Unit to solve it. 
• At this point, the registration procedure (also with reservations) is completed. You will get an e-mail with registration confirmation.
6. Thesis electrnic submission (final version)
• Deposit the final version of your thesis in PDF/A format (NOT editable) + annexes, 7 days beforethe Thesis oral defences
• Get the approval of your thesis file from your Supervisor

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