To apply for graduation you must meet the following requirements:
- you must have passed all the graded and ungraded exams included in your Personal Study Plan, including the English language exam (*);
- if the curriculum of your degree programme includes an internship (**) or other learning activities, these must be recorded in your transcript;
- you must be regularly enrolled for the current academic year;
- your Annual Personal Study Plan must include the Final Project module;
- you must have paid your tuition fees in full;
- you must not have any unreturned book borrowed from the library;
- you must not have any pending disciplinary sanction imposing a temporary exclusion from Politecnico with restriction of further academic progress.
(**)The internship can be recorded in your transcript even after the "Deadline for passing all the exams" but not after the Deadline for Final Examination Registration.
PLEASE NOTE:if some of your exams have not been recorded in your transcript yet or if you have other problems connected with the end of your mobility project, you will have to register with condition for the Final Examination. You will receive an email confirming your registration with condition (your registration for the Final Examination can be considered successfully completed).There is no specific deadline for dropping the provisional condition and it is the Student Careers Unit's responsibility to do it.