(2024 - 2025)
Master's degree programme in
ICT FOR SMART SOCIETIES (change programme)
Location: Torino
italian language
Students with a non-Italian qualification who are interested in a Master's degree programme at Politecnico di Torino must check the website section dedicated to our language requirements
If you would like apply for admission to an Italian-taught Master’s degree programme and you have a non-Italian high school diploma, you must prove your knowledge of the Italian language: this is an admission requirement.
Please check the folloiwng link to learn about the language requirements and the cerificates accepted by Politecnico di Torino.
After admission, your certificate will be recorded in your personal page of the Teching Portal > "View your data and change your address" portlet > "Personal data".
You do not need to take any additional Italian language exam.
If you enrolled with condition in a.y. 2020/21 because you did not have the required Italian language certificate, you must get your certificate and submit a specific request for its registration  (personal page of the Teaching portal -  "Online Services" TAB  - "Language certificates upload" portlet)

fill out the online form and upload a scanned copy of your certificate
before the deadline for Final Examination registration for the graduation period in which you intend to graduate.
If you have a non- Italian educational qualification and you have enrolled in an English-taught Master’s degree programme at Politecnico di Torino, your knowledge of Italian is a graduation requirement: you will have to pass an Italian language exam at (minimum A2 level - CEFR) in order to graduate. 

The Italian language course (Lingua Italiana II livello / Italian language II level) will be included your APSP beyond the the 120-credit threshold required for graduation, without being counted among the possible 12 additional credits.

You can earn the Italian language credits if:
  • you pass the university exam after attending the mandatory Italian language course
  • you obtain an Italian language certificate (included in the table published on the Language Center website) at Politecnico or outside Politecnico. In both cases, you can request the registration of the Italian language exam. If you got your certificate outside Politecnico, you need to uplaod it to your personal page of the Teaching portal -  "Online Services" TAB  - "Language certificates upload" portlet.

The Italian language courses offered at Politecnico are available only for the students who must pass a mandatory Italian language exam. These courses have the only objective to prepare students to take the mandatory exam included in their Annual Personal Study Plan/Learning Agreement.

The Italian language courses offered at Politecnico and the corresponding CEFR levels are listed below: 
  • Lingua Italiana I livello (Italian language first level): level A1 (CEFR)
  • Lingua Italiana II livello (Italian language second level): level A2 (CEFR)
  • Lingua Italiana III livello (Italian language third level): level B1 (CEFR)
  • Lingua Italiana IV livello (Italian language fourth level): level B2 (CEFR)
You can access an Italian language course through a specific procedure available on the Lingue/Languages TAB of your personal page of the Teaching Portal. More information is available on the Language Center website.
The procedure to assess your level of Italian may have one of the following results:
  • your Italian is good enough to take the mandatory Italian language exam included in your Personal Study Plan:in this case, you can direclty attend the course and take the mandatory Italian exam;
or, else,
  • your Italian is not good enough to take the mandatory Italian language exam: you can decide to attend one or more Italian language courses (one course per semester) to get ready for the mandatory exam included in your PSP. 

PLEASE NOTE: these Italian courses prepare you for the mandatory Italian exam and have no final exam;
- they are offered at different levels depending on the result you got in the procedure for accessing Italian language courses;
- can be attended only one time per suggested level and only if you have not yet passed your mandatory Italian exam;
- are not included in your PSP;
- if they are shown in the section Other Courses on your personal page -My Academic progress TAB, you will not visualize them in your weekly time table of classes (check the wesite of the Language Center > Italian language > Italian language courses, for information on the course schedule);
- cannot replace the mandatory Italian exam included in your APSP/LA. 
The Language Center (CLA) offers self-study materials (video lessons for A0 and A1-CEFR level). You can find these materials on your personal page of the Teaching Portal -  My Academc Progress TAB  - Preparatory Materials.
More information is available on the webiste of the Language Center (CLA) - or may be required through the Ticketing Support System available on your PoliTo page - Ticket TAB.


At the end of the Italian language course of the level corresponding to the mandatory Italian exam included in your APSP, you can: 

  • take the University Italian exam in any examination session (check the general deadlines and procedures for all exams at Politecnico in the Student Guide).  If you pass this university exam, the Italian language exam included in your APSP will be recorded in your trascript with a "pass".
Please note: attending courses and taking the University Italian language exam does not entitle you to obtain any certificates of Italian language competency.
or else, 
  • get an Italian language certificate (A2/B1 level – CEFR) in one of the sessions organized by Politecnico in cooperation with an external examination
All information on the examination sessions organized by Politecnico in cooperation with the external examination board is available on the website of the Language Centre (CLA).   
In both cases, the registration of the Italian language certificate will be automatic (you do not need to make any specific request).
Considering that it may take a long time to receive the original certificate from the examination board, we recommend you check the date of results publication and make sure that this is compatible with the deadlines established by your degree programme.
Politecnico di Torino accepts the certificates in the tablepublished on the website of the Language Center (CLA).  
If you get a B2 level English language certificate (CEFR) (with the necessary score) at institutions outside Politecnico di Torino: you must submit a specific request for the registration of the certificate (personal page of the Teaching portal -  "Online Services" TAB  - "Language certificates upload" portlet)

fill out the online form and upload a scanned copy of your certificate

You must fill in the following fields:
    • Lingua/language:  enter "Italian"
    • Famiglia/Family: enter the type of certificate you have got;
    • Certificato/Certificate: enter the language level;
    • Data certificazione/Certificate date: enter the date on which you got your certificate. 
Our offices will check your language certificate. If your certificate is accepted, the Italian Language exam included in your Annual Personal Study Plan will be registered in your transcrip of records.
Considering that it may take a long time to receive the original certificate from the examination board, we recommend you get your certificate well in advance of the deadlines established by your degree programme.


The rules on the Italian language course for non-Italian students who enrolled at Politecnico before a. y. 2014/2015 are illustrated in the Italian Language Regulations of each academic year.