Plagiarism is the unauthorized appropriation of words, ideas, or other types of information from an external source.
Plagiarism is a criminal offence and is regulated by Law no. 475 of 19th April 1925.
The thesis is the result of your individual work and you are required to make correct use of sources. When using a source, this must be quoted in the text and in the final bibliography; if you use someone else’s material, you must not present it as your own idea.
Politecnico di Torino has implemented the use of an anti-plagiarism software, anti-plagiarism service supports faculty members in correcting Bachelor's final project and Master’s theses and checking their originality. This verification has an educational objective and it is intended as a support tool for students; nevertheless, if a clear violation in the use of original sources occurs, the student found guilty of plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.
Plagiarism checks can be carried out by the supervisor at these stages:- thesis conclusion confirmation;
- electronic thesis submission.
While submitting the Thesis conclusion confimation, you (author of the thesis) declare under your own responsibility that:
- you are aware that Politecnico has adopted a web-based service for plagiarism detection ( software);
- you expressly authorize Politecnico to upload, store, disseminate, reproduce and use your thesis for an indefinite period of time in the database with the sole purpose of detecting plagiarism by comparing the thesis with the contents available in the database or with other contents added to it at a later stage (for non-embargoed thesis only);
- you are aware that is a support tool for the supervisor but it does not replace the work carried out by the Graduation Examining Committee for the evaluation of the thesis quality and originality;
- the document uploaded corresponds to the thesis which will be defended in front of the Graduation Examining Committee; it is an “original product” and it does not infringe the legislation on Intellectual Property Rights;
- you waive and release Politecnico of any liability which could ever derive from claims by third parties concerning the contents and/or the structure of the thesis, including possible infringement of Intellectual Property Rights;
- your personal data will be communicated to the service provider in order to get access to the basic service and to Studium, in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003, with the sole purpose of consenting service operations. Any other possible use of the above-mentioned personal data is prohibited.