(2024 - 2025)
Master's degree programme in
Location: Torino
Internships are offered to students as the first real chance to gain experience in the world of work. An internship gives you the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned during your studies and it will help you decide about your future professional career. Politecnico di Torino promotes internships and guarantees insurance coverage both for civil liability and occupational injuries.

Before starting an internship, you need to include it in your Personal Study Plan/Annual Personal Study Plan in the academic year in which you would like to do your internship. Students wishing to carry out an internship must complete the training project from their personal page on the education portal, stage section.

Information on the online process to submit the training project and to track its progress until its conclusion, together with the general rules to undertake the internship, can be found at the following link > CURRICULAR INTERNSHIPS.
University Regulations on curricular internships and practical evaluation internships can be found HERE
Additional information:
  • Both face-to-face and remote internships are permitted; however,you cannot undertake the internship completely remotely unless expressly stated in the course guidelines. The study course may therefore specify the maximum percentage of remote activity allowed. Unless indicated, the internship may be carried out in mixed mode without further constraints.
  • Since the internship consists of a newly formulated activity, no internship activities already carried out or in progress will be recognised. However, you can always apply for recognition of professional skills as free credits by following the procedure indicated in the section Free choise credits - Other learning activities.
Check the guidelines to apply for a curricular internship
The curricular internship can only be undertaken as part of the final exam. For this purpose, both the thesis and the internship must focus on the same topic, and it will be necessary to request the division of the 30 credits for the thesis into 18 credits for the thesis and 12 credits for the internship. Below are the guidelines for requesting the split. 
However, it is recommended to keep the thesis as 30 credits and only request the split when it is not possible to reach an agreement with the hosting entity regarding the documentation required for a thesis at the host organisation. Further information can be found in the student guide, under the section on Master's final examination, thesis application in an institution/company.
You can apply for a curricular internship upon requesting the split of the thesis's credits, yet the thesis be present on the plan of study and annual study plan related to the academic year you intend to undertake your itnernship.
How to put it in the PSP/APSP and undertake the internship
12 credits/300 hours* 
elective - related to the thesis
To include the internship in your study plan, you will need to send an email to, expressing your intention to split the dissertation into dissertation and internship. The email should contain the following information:
  • Name of the host organisation and the tutor;
  • Name of the degree programme and the academic tutor;
  • Estimated duration of the internship;
  • Description of the internship activity (4 lines).
The request will be forwarded and assessed by the Internship Coordinator, and only requests where the internship experience is considered educational and has specific projects that can be further explored in the dissertation will be approved.
Once approval is granted:
  • Wait for the modification of your study load by the Career Unit;
  • Complete the training project from the personal page in the internship sectionnew project.
not permitted
*It is possible to carry out a maximumof 40% of the activities remotely.
Internship's time extension
There is the possibility (only during the initial phase of the training project, not during its execution) to increase the number of hours of the internship by selecting one of the options visible in the “EXPECTED HOURS” section within the training project. In any case, it is not possible to exceed 900 hours (the maximum number of hours may vary depending on the degree programme). This request must be agreed upon in advance with the company/professional studio/organisation and must be confirmed by the individual acting as the academic tutor, who has the right to refuse a proposed training project. In the event of a refusal, a new internship proposal must be agreed upon, and a new training project must be completed. The credits related to the extension will be recorded as additional credits beyond the 120 required for the Master’s degree programme. However, all hours, including the extension, must be completed in order for the internship to be officially recorded in the academic record.
Completion and registration
For the conclusion and registration, refer to the information provided on the website in the page related to curricular Internships, in Italy or abroad, section "Developing and ending of the Internship".
The study course has confirmed that the end-of-activity report is not required.
Internship Coordinators: 
For ICT For Smart Societies, Prof. Roberto GARELLO (
For Ingegneria Elettronica, Prof. Mario Roberto CASU (
For Nanotechnologies For ICTs, Prof. Francesco BERTAZZI (
For Physics Of Complex Systems, Prof. Luca DALL'ASTA  (