Master's degree programmes 2018 - 2019
(students with italian degree)
Candidates from other universities
 (cambia corso)
Corsi di laurea
Admissions a.y. 2018/2019
Before reading  this document, please read the general Admission Rules for Politecnico di Torino Master's degree programmes of the Architecture Area.
To apply for our Master's degree programmes fill out the online application form available on the Apply@polito portal.
You can  apply for a maximum of two Master's degrees programmes and you need to rank them in order of preference:  if you are considered eligible for both programmes,  you will only be allowed to enrol in the Master's degree programme which you  indicated as your first choice.
You can apply for admission if you have already graduated or if you are still a student and you  have earned at least 140 credits, by July 2018 (this is considered the minimum number of credits for the assessment of your previous academic records).  
The deadlines for application submission are illustrated in the Deadlines section.
Failure to comply with these procedure and deadlines will result in your automatic exclusion from admission to our Master's degree programmes.
In order to be admitted to a Master's degree programme, you need to meet the curricular requirements, language requirements and have achieved an academic performance considered suitable for admission.
Admissions to the Master’s degree programmes offered by Collegio di Architettura are possible in first semester only.
Curricular requirements
The curricular requirements for admission are:
  • Bachelor’s degree of class L-17 (or class 4 ex D.M. 509/99), or
  • three-year Bachelor's degree or university diploma, or
  • other suitable academic qualification obtained outside Italy and considered suitable for admission within the meaning of art. 6 c.2 ex D.M. 270/04
Another mandatory curricular requirement is that you must have completed the compulsory courses and activities listed in the Table of Class L-17  of the Bachelor’s degree programmes in Architecture.
Politecnico will assess if you meet the curricular requirements for admission through the Apply@polito portal.
If  your Bachelor’s degree belongs to a different class, you are required to make up for possible unfulfilled academic requirements before you take the admission test.