2nd level Specializing Master's Programme in
Climate Change: Adaptation and mitigation solutions (2019 - 2020)
The selection process consists of two phases.
Step 1: Evaluation of applicant's qualifications
ALL the following supporting documents must be attached to the application on Politecnico di Torino website (in English or Italian only):
  1. Valid identification document (passport for extra-EU applicants);
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV must include the authorization to the processing of personal data – in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) and the Personal Data Protection Code, Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 no. 196 and subsequent amendments);   
  3. List of exams of both Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes
  4. Application form and questionnaire 
  5. Motivation Letter
If you fail to attach even one of the above mandatory documents, you will be excluded from the selection process.     
Optional documents can be attached to the application:
  1. Master's thesis’ abstract: this document is one of the elements attesting the coherence with the Master’s topics;
  2. English language certificate: candidates who do not submit a certificate and are eligible for the second step of the selection process (see below) will be interviewed to ascertain their knowledge of the English language.                                                                                                                                                                               
After the application deadline, the Selection Committee assesses all the applications and the attached documents.
The Selection Committee can assign a maximum of 60 points, according to the following criteria:
  • degree grade specified in the academic transcription (up to 15 points). For applicants who have not earned yet their Master’s degree (but expect to earn it before the enrolment deadline), a score will be awarded based on the weighted average of the exams’ grades received by the candidate at the date of application, as reported in the attached documentation via Apply@Polito (up to 15 points);
  • significance and coherence with the Master’s topics of the professional and formative experience (e.g., participation in PhD programme or second master’s degree on relevant topics; Master’s thesis on a relevant subject, as testified by the thesis’ abstract attached to the application; participation in conferences, summer schools or workshops; professional or voluntary activity on relevant subjects) (up to 20 points);
  • English language level for those applicants who attach an English language certificate attesting a level higher than B2 (up to 10 points). If the level is B2 or if no certificate is uploaded no points will be assigned.
  • Motivation letter (up to 15 points).
The final score will be based upon the above-mentioned criteria, up to a maximum of 60 points.
Candidates who do not reach the minimum score of 30 pointswill be considered as “ineligible” and they wil not be admitted to the second step of the selection process.
Step 2: Interview
In this phase, the Selection Committee interviews the applicants who passed the first step of the selection process.
Interviews aim to assess:
  • the applicants’ motivation;
  • previous experiences which may be relevant to the contents of the Specializing Master’s programme.
Interviews will take place soon after the deadline for application submission.
Applicants who do not attend the interview are automatically excluded from the selection process.
Candidates unable to attend the interview in presence at Politecnico di Torino may request the Selection Committee, within three days prior to the interview, to have a remote interview. The decision of the Selection Committee is unquestionable.
During the oral interview, the Selection Committee also assesses the level of English competency of the applicants who did not provide any proof of knowledge of the English language (B2 level English certificate).
The Selection Committee can assign a maximum of 40 points to each applicant for the oral interview. The overall score is the sum of the score obtained in the first and second step of the selection process.