Elenco notifiche

Design Thinking, Processes and Methods


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Gestionale E Della Produzione - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Informatica E Dei Sistemi - Torino
Doctorate Research in Energetica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Chimica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Fisica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali - Torino
Doctorate Research in Architettura. Storia E Progetto - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Meccanica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Gestione, Produzione E Design - Torino
Doctorate Research in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-Chirurgiche - Torino
Doctorate Research in Urban And Regional Development - Torino
Doctorate Research in Metrologia - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Intelligenza Artificiale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Materiali, Processi Sostenibili E Sistemi Per La Transizione Energetica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Patrimonio Architettonico / Architectural Heritage - Torino
Doctorate Research in Design E Tecnologia. Persone, Ambiente, Sistemi - Torino
Doctorate Research in Scienze Matematiche - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 2
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
In recent years, ‘Design Thinking’ has become a recognized corpus of transversal skills, competences and soft skills with respect to the different domains of technology and human action. Knowing ‘how to design’ in fact is no longer the prerogative only of those involved in designing and manufacturing products, machines, software, services or buildings, but of anyone who has to face complex decision-making problems and generate innovative solutions in organizational, business, or social contexts. In view of that, design thinking constitutes a fundamental professional and cultural background for every 'designer', as well as specifically fundamentals for R&D Managers, Innovation Managers and any senior manager with responsibility for strategic and organizational decisions. Design thinking is applicable to all decision-making contexts and types of design problems, whether they are in the definition of a strategy, in the organization (of processes and human resources), in the development of innovative products or services, as well as in the field of start-ups, in both private and public, profit or non-profit sectors. It is particularly suitable for dealing with complex and/or poorly structured problems, characterized by uncertainty and lack of information. On the operational side, the phases of design process, such as basic cognitive processes of human thinking, can be supported by specific methods and tools for the problem-solving phase. These tools focus on humans/users/customers and are characterized by considering multi-stakeholder and negotiation contexts. Typically, they consider collaboration, diversity and multi-disciplinary involvement as a fundamental element in the definition/structuring of the problem and for the generation/choice of the valuable innovative solutions. At the end of the course, students will be able to: • know the main steps of product and service design, as well as its fundamental principles; • know and understand the peculiarities of 'design thinking' and the various approaches to Design (Engineering Design, Industrial Design), as well as the main methods of supporting technical design decisions (Design Methods); • have knowledge of Lean and Agile approaches for the management of R&D, innovation and product-service development processes. The course provides 12 basic theoretical nuggets, delivered remotely. The teaching can be integrated with the courses of: • Management of Design Processes (from Management, Production and Design PhD program), which includes synchronous lectures (held in classroom) for a deeper analysis on the topic, with extensive use of cases of real products and services, empirical research and practices that are based on 'team base learning', so that students will experience a complex design problem step by step, with respect to which they are required to apply the proposed methods and analyze quantitative and qualitative information in a rigorous and systematic way. • Innovation Management (in the soft skill courses) which covers the economics of innovation and the strategic approaches to innovation, together with application perspectives and contexts so to make students able to face both strategic and technical-operational decisions for innovation processes.
In recent years, ‘Design Thinking’ has become a recognized corpus of transversal skills, competences and soft skills with respect to the different domains of technology and human action. Knowing ‘how to design’ in fact is no longer the prerogative only of those involved in designing and manufacturing products, machines, software, services or buildings, but of anyone who has to face complex decision-making problems and generate innovative solutions in organizational, business, or social contexts. In view of that, design thinking constitutes a fundamental professional and cultural background for every 'designer', as well as specifically fundamentals for R&D Managers, Innovation Managers and any senior manager with responsibility for strategic and organizational decisions. Design thinking is applicable to all decision-making contexts and types of design problems, whether they are in the definition of a strategy, in the organization (of processes and human resources), in the development of innovative products or services, as well as in the field of start-ups, in both private and public, profit or non-profit sectors. It is particularly suitable for dealing with complex and/or poorly structured problems, characterized by uncertainty and lack of information. On the operational side, the phases of design process, such as basic cognitive processes of human thinking, can be supported by specific methods and tools for the problem-solving phase. These tools focus on humans/users/customers and are characterized by considering multi-stakeholder and negotiation contexts. Typically, they consider collaboration, diversity and multi-disciplinary involvement as a fundamental element in the definition/structuring of the problem and for the generation/choice of the valuable innovative solutions. At the end of the course, students will be able to: • know the main steps of product and service design, as well as its fundamental principles; • know and understand the peculiarities of 'design thinking' and the various approaches to Design (Engineering Design, Industrial Design), as well as the main methods of supporting technical design decisions (Design Methods); • have knowledge of Lean and Agile approaches for the management of R&D, innovation and product-service development processes. The course provides 12 basic theoretical nuggets, delivered remotely. The teaching can be integrated with the courses of: Management of Design Processes (from Management, Production and Design PhD program), which includes synchronous lectures (held in classroom) for a deeper analysis on the topic, with extensive use of cases of real products and services, empirical research and practices that are based on 'team base learning', so that students will experience a complex design problem step by step, with respect to which they are required to apply the proposed methods and analyze quantitative and qualitative information in a rigorous and systematic way. • Innovation Management (in the soft skill courses) which covers the economics of innovation and the strategic approaches to innovation, together with application perspectives and contexts so to make students able to face both strategic and technical-operational decisions for innovation processes.
MOC available to PhD candidates of Politecnico di Torino in the section “SCUDO – e-learning courses” of the teaching portal. To access the MOC the course must be added to the personal study plan. I module– Design processes I lesson – Innovation processes, Design processes, Development processes. Design, Problem Solving and Decision II lesson Cultural perspectives to Design (Engineering Design vs Industrial Design, Systematic Design vs Design Thinking) II module– Design methods III- IV lessons – Product Planning. Qualitative, quantitative and data-driven techniques for need identification V - VI lessons – Requirement analysis, Human-Centered Design and Experience Design VII-VIII lessons - Creativity and idea generation, Brainstorming, TRIZ, Biomimicry and Gamification IX lesson – Design of System Architecture Platform Design X lesson – Concept selection III module – La gestione dei progetti di progettazione XI lesson – Traditional and current approaches to the management of design and innovation processes XII lesson – management of development processes (planning, scheduling and DSM). Bibliography: Cross N. (2021), ‘Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design’, 5th edition, Wiley. Cross N. (2011), ‘Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think’, Wiley. Brown T. (2015), ‘Change by Design: How Design Thinking Can Transform Organizations and Inspire Innovation’, Harper. Brown T., Christensen C., Nooyi I., Govindarajan V. (2020),’HBR's 10 Must Reads on Design Thinking’, Harvard Business Review. Martin R. (2009), ‘The Design of Business, Why Design Thinking is the next Competitive Advantage’, Harvard business Press. Dorst K. (2012), Frame Innovation: Create new thinking by design. Cambridge’, MIT Press. Ulrich K., Eppinger S., Yang M. (2020), 'Product Design and Development', 7th edition, Mc Graw Hill. Cantamessa M., Montagna F. (2015), ‘Management of Innovation and Product development Integrating Business and Technological Perspectives’, Springer.
MOC available to PhD candidates of Politecnico di Torino in the section “SCUDO – e-learning courses” of the teaching portal. To access the MOC the course must be added to the personal study plan. I module– Design processes I lesson – Innovation processes, Design processes, Development processes. Design, Problem Solving and Decision II lesson Cultural perspectives to Design (Engineering Design vs Industrial Design, Systematic Design vs Design Thinking) II module– Design methods III- IV lessons – Product Planning. Qualitative, quantitative and data-driven techniques for need identification V - VI lessons – Requirement analysis, Human-Centered Design and Experience Design VII-VIII lessons - Creativity and idea generation, Brainstorming, TRIZ, Biomimicry and Gamification IX lesson – Design of System Architecture Platform Design X lesson – Concept selection III module – La gestione dei progetti di progettazione XI lesson – Traditional and current approaches to the management of design and innovation processes XII lesson – management of development processes (planning, scheduling and DSM). Bibliography: Cross N. (2021), ‘Engineering Design Methods: Strategies for Product Design’, 5th edition, Wiley. Cross N. (2011), ‘Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think’, Wiley. Brown T. (2015), ‘Change by Design: How Design Thinking Can Transform Organizations and Inspire Innovation’, Harper. Brown T., Christensen C., Nooyi I., Govindarajan V. (2020),’HBR's 10 Must Reads on Design Thinking’, Harvard Business Review. Martin R. (2009), ‘The Design of Business, Why Design Thinking is the next Competitive Advantage’, Harvard business Press. Dorst K. (2012), Frame Innovation: Create new thinking by design. Cambridge’, MIT Press. Ulrich K., Eppinger S., Yang M. (2020), 'Product Design and Development', 7th edition, Mc Graw Hill. Cantamessa M., Montagna F. (2015), ‘Management of Innovation and Product development Integrating Business and Technological Perspectives’, Springer.
Lezione videoregistrata
Videorecorded lesson
Test a risposta multipla
Multiple choice test
P.D.1-2 - Novembre
P.D.1-2 - November