Elenco notifiche

Social and environmental impact


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Gestionale E Della Produzione - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Informatica E Dei Sistemi - Torino
Doctorate Research in Energetica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Chimica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Fisica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali - Torino
Doctorate Research in Architettura. Storia E Progetto - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Meccanica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Gestione, Produzione E Design - Torino
Doctorate Research in Bioingegneria E Scienze Medico-Chirurgiche - Torino
Doctorate Research in Urban And Regional Development - Torino
Doctorate Research in Metrologia - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni - Torino
Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Civile E Ambientale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Intelligenza Artificiale - Torino
Doctorate Research in Materiali, Processi Sostenibili E Sistemi Per La Transizione Energetica - Torino
Doctorate Research in Patrimonio Architettonico / Architectural Heritage - Torino
Doctorate Research in Design E Tecnologia. Persone, Ambiente, Sistemi - Torino
Doctorate Research in Scienze Matematiche - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 10
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Campagnaro Cristian Professore Ordinario CEAR-08/D 10 0 0 0 3

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
The concept of social impact refers to the effects, intentional or not, of transformative interventions on contexts; as a result of the project, it describes a change that must be felt and accepted as a positive alteration of pre-existing conditions and behaviors, towards preferable situations. Furthermore, the Impact concerns the different dimensions of sustainable development - environmental, social, cultural and economic - and is characterized by an approach to the project that combines economic prosperity, well-being, inclusion and cohesion. At the base of it, there is the commitment of professionals, organisations and society for the protection and enhancement - in the short, medium and long term - of the available and potential resources, both material and intangible, as well as attention to the dignity of the person and the needs of the communities. The main objective of the laboratory is to prepare students to recognise the multidimensional impact and effects of the projects and the decisions they contribute within multidisciplinary and multi-actor working groups and to exercise roles and functions with awareness and intentionality in multistakeholder processes.
The concept of social impact refers to the effects, intentional or not, of transformative interventions on contexts; as a result of the project, it describes a change that must be felt and accepted as a positive alteration of pre-existing conditions and behaviors, towards preferable situations. Furthermore, the Impact concerns the different dimensions of sustainable development - environmental, social, cultural and economic - and is characterized by an approach to the project that combines economic prosperity, well-being, inclusion and cohesion. At the base of it, there is the commitment of professionals, organisations and society for the protection and enhancement - in the short, medium and long term - of the available and potential resources, both material and intangible, as well as attention to the dignity of the person and the needs of the communities. The main objective of the laboratory is to prepare students to recognise the multidimensional impact and effects of the projects and the decisions they contribute within multidisciplinary and multi-actor working groups and to exercise roles and functions with awareness and intentionality in multistakeholder processes.
The teaching will provide a syllabus of key concepts to, consciously, have to deal with the impact and act on multiple design scales, combining creative and interpretative abilities, as well as socio-technical and socio-economic sensitivities: Introduction to the concepts of impact, social impact and sustainable development; Wicked problems, continuous critical problems, and sustainable development goals Inclusion, cohesion and economic prosperity. Corporate social responsibility and social innovation. Design domains and the four components of technology. Transformative and reflective approaches to a project. The Theory of Change Users and stakeholders: mapping and analysis Measure, evaluate, and analyse the impact: an overview of theories, methods, and tools. Comparative analysis of social reporting for impact. Readings and supplementary material will be made available after each lesson.
The teaching will provide a syllabus of key concepts to, consciously, have to deal with the impact and act on multiple design scales, combining creative and interpretative abilities, as well as socio-technical and socio-economic sensitivities: Introduction to the concepts of impact, social impact and sustainable development; Wicked problems, continuous critical problems, and sustainable development goals Inclusion, cohesion and economic prosperity. Corporate social responsibility and social innovation. Design domains and the four components of technology. Transformative and reflective approaches to a project. The Theory of Change Users and stakeholders: mapping and analysis Measure, evaluate, and analyse the impact: an overview of theories, methods, and tools. Comparative analysis of social reporting for impact. Readings and supplementary material will be made available after each lesson.
In presenza
On site
Presentazione orale - Presentazione report scritto
Oral presentation - Written report presentation
P.D.2-2 - Settembre
P.D.2-2 - September
- 19 settembre 2024 dalle ore 14 alle 19 - Saletta Riunioni del I° Piano Manica Nuova, Castello del Valentino - 26 settembre 2024 dalle ore 14 alle 19 - Saletta Riunioni del I° Piano Manica Nuova, Castello del Valentino
- 19th September 2024 from ore 14 to 19 - Meeting room first floor Manica Nuova, Castello del Valentino - 26th September 2024 from ore 14 to 19 - Meeting room first floor Manica Nuova, Castello del Valentino