Elenco notifiche

Networked Control Systems


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Mechatronic Engineering (Ingegneria Meccatronica) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 60
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Proskurnikov Anton Professore Associato IINF-04/A 60 10 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/04 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria dell'automazione
Networks are pervasive across all levels of the organizational structure of matter, ranging from the microscopic scale of atoms and molecules to the macroscopic realms of the World Wide Web, ecological systems, and global supply chains. The advent of the digital revolution has facilitated connections among individuals, organizations, and communities on a global scale, effectively transforming the world into a huge network. The traditional architectures of control systems, consisting of a plant, a controller, actuators, and sensors, are giving way to networked control systems. In these systems, the functions of decision making, data processing, sensing, and actuation are distributed among simpler subsystems that are referred to as agents and can be separated by large distances. The agents are capable of cooperating with each other to achieve their goals and, at the same time, might be autonomous in their decision making and need not be controlled from a single center. Understanding the principles of networked control systems' functioning is vital for modern system engineering, particularly in the development of Internet of Things (IoT), smart infrastructures, automated factories, algorithms for coordinated motion of connected vehicles and robots. Many algorithms for networked control are inspired by dynamics observed in human societies and animal populations, e.g., fish schools or bird flocks. Networked control is also closely related to dynamics of epidemics and their containment. The goal of this course is to introduce basic concepts of dynamical networks, their structural properties (elements of graph theory) and some control algorithms (e.g., consensus and synchronization), as well as several simple models of networks inspired by social and natural sciences.
The digital revolution has interconnected individuals, organizations, and communities globally, transforming the world into an immense network and redefining the concept of control systems. Traditional control system architectures—comprising a plant, controller, actuators, and sensors—are evolving into networked control systems. In these modern systems, decision-making, data processing, sensing, and actuation functions are distributed among simpler subsystems, known as agents, which can operate over large distances. These agents can collaborate to achieve common goals while maintaining autonomy in their decision-making, without centralized control. Understanding the principles of networked control systems is crucial for modern system engineering, especially in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart infrastructures, automated factories, and algorithms for the coordinated motion of connected vehicles and robots. Many algorithms for networked control draw inspiration from the dynamics observed in human societies and animal populations, such as fish schools or bird flocks. Additionally, networked control is closely related to the dynamics of epidemics and their containment. The goal of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of dynamical networks, their structural properties (including elements of graph theory), and key control algorithms (such as consensus and synchronization). The course will also cover several simple network models inspired by social and natural sciences.
At the end of the course, the student will know the main paradigms of networked control systems design, describe and predict behaviors of dynamical networks. More specifically, students learn -- modeling of networks and dynamical networked systems in Matlab; -- basics of graphs theory, probability and state-space dynamical models; -- main distributed algorithms to control cooperating autonomous agents and benchmark problems (consensus, synchronization); -- networked models arising in social and natural sciences (opinion dynamics, coupled oscillators, flocks, dynamics of epidemics); -- applications in engineering (distributed optimization, platoons of vehicles, control of mobile robots, estimation in sensor networks).
At the end of the course, the student will know the main paradigms of networked control systems design, describe and predict behaviors of dynamical networks. More specifically, students learn -- modeling of networks and dynamical networked systems in Matlab; -- basics of graphs theory, probability and state-space dynamical models; -- main distributed algorithms to control cooperating autonomous agents and benchmark problems (consensus, synchronization); -- networked models arising in social and natural sciences (opinion dynamics, coupled oscillators, flocks, dynamics of epidemics); -- applications in engineering (distributed optimization, platoons of vehicles, control of mobile robots, estimation in sensor networks).
Strict prerequisites for this course are limited to 1) basics of higher algebra - operations on vectors and matrices, complex numbers, eigenvalues; 2) basics of calculus (mathematical analysis) - derivative, partial derivatives, gradients, Jacobian matrix, integral, minimization of scalar functions. Desirable, yet not strict prerequisites, are: basics of differential equations, linear control theory, basic of probability, convex functions.
Strict prerequisites for this course are limited to 1) basics of higher algebra - operations on vectors and matrices, complex numbers, eigenvalues; 2) basics of calculus (mathematical analysis) - derivative, partial derivatives, gradients, Jacobian matrix, integral, minimization of scalar functions and differential equations. Desirable, yet not strict prerequisites, are: 3) linear control theory in time domain (stability, controllability, observability) and frequency domain (transfer functions) 4) basic of probability theory.
Main topics of this course are: -- basics of graph theory, graphs' connectivity types, Laplacian matrix, algebraic connectivity; -- basics of probability (discrete distributions and densities); -- statistical models describing real-world large graphs (Watts-Strogatz small-world networks, Erdos-Renyi random graphs, scale-free networks); -- linear and nonlinear state-space models, eigenvalues, local stability and stabilization (LQR, pole placement); -- Lyapunov functions and criteria for stability in large; -- multi-agent consensus and its applications (opinion dynamics modelling, formation control, coupled oscillators); -- controlled synchronization of general dynamical systems, pinning control of networks; -- applications to distributed convex optimization, optimal distributed estimation and load balancing; -- networked models of epidemics and algorithms for their containment.
The course consists of theoretical material (including examples and exercises) and laboratory practicums and organized into three modules: 1. Introductory module (20h of lectures + 6h of labs): -- Graph theory; -- Basics of Matlab, solving continuous-time and discrete-time equations. -- Recollections state-space models, stability and stabilization. 2. Collective behaviors in dynamical networks: self-organization and control (30h lectures+10h labs) -- Consensus, self-synchronization and controlled synchronization in networks; -- Applications to control of vehicles and mobile robots; -- Networked models in natural and social sciences (opinion dynamics, oscillators, flocks etc.); -- Applications to distributed estimation and computing. 3. Models of epidemics (10h of lectures +4h of labs). Optional: Project on modeling of a dynamical network and/or group of cooperating agents (group activity, final report is discussed as a part of exam) . The introduction of the project takes 1h of lectures.
The course consists of theoretical material (including examples and exercises) and laboratory practicums and organized into three modules: 1. Introductory module: -- graph theory; -- basics of probability; -- basics of Matlab, solving continuous-time and discrete-time equations. -- Introduction to state-space models, stability and stabilization. -- Laboratories on Matlab and graph visualization. 2. Collective behaviors in dynamical networks: self-organization and control. -- Consensus, self-synchronization and controlled synchronization in networks; -- Applications to control of vehicles and mobile robots; -- Networked models in natural and social sciences (opinion dynamics, oscillators, flocks etc.); -- Applications to distributed estimation and optimization. -- Laboratories on consensus and synchronization. 3. Dynamics and control of epidemics (seminar-laboratory). 4. Project on modeling of a dynamical network and/or group of cooperating agents (performed in groups, final report is discussed as a part of exam).
The course consists of lectures, laboratory practicums and the seminar-lab on epidemics modelling. 60 hours of lectures cover: -- the theoretical topics of the course (basics of graph theory, state-space dynamical models, analysis and control of multi-agent systems and dynamical processes over networks); -- some numerical examples and solved problems; 20 hours of laboratories aim at enabling students to use MATLAB and Simulink software for numerical simulation, rigorous analysis and design of networked control systems and dynamical processes over graphs. The topics of exercises are: -- basics of Matlab, vectors and matrices, solving of differential and difference equations, plotting functions; -- basics of graph theory, modelling and visualization of random graphs; -- multi-agent consensus, simple models of opinion formation and flocking; -- controlled synchronization, LQR design of distributed controllers; -- lab-seminar on modeling and control of epidemics.
The recommended books: 1) F. Bullo, Lectures on Network Systems, downloadable at https://fbullo.github.io/lns/ 2) D. Easley and J. Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, can be downloaded at https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/networks-book.pdf 3) A.L. Barabįsi, Network Science, can be read online at http://networksciencebook.com/ 3) G. Notarstefano, I. Notarnicola, A. Camisa, Distributed Optimization for Smart Cyber-Physical Networks, Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control, 2019 4) Lewis, F.L., Zhang, H., Hengster-Movric, K., Das, A., Springer, Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems, 2014
The recommended books and papers: 1) F. Bullo, Lectures on Network Systems, downloadable at https://fbullo.github.io/lns/ 2) D. Easley and J. Kleinberg, Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, can be downloaded at https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/networks-book.pdf 3) A.L. Barabįsi, Network Science, can be read online at http://networksciencebook.com/ 3) G. Notarstefano, I. Notarnicola, A. Camisa, Distributed Optimization for Smart Cyber-Physical Networks, Foundations and Trends in Systems and Control, 2019 4) Lewis, F.L., Zhang, H., Hengster-Movric, K., Das, A., Springer, Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems, 2014 5) W. Mei et al., On the dynamics of deterministic epidemic propagation over networks//Annual Reviews in Control Volume 44, 2017, Pages 116-128
Slides; Esercizi; Esercitazioni di laboratorio;
Lecture slides; Exercises; Lab exercises;
Modalitą di esame: Elaborato progettuale in gruppo; Prova scritta in aula tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
Exam: Group project; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
... The exam consists of two parts: 1) Computer-based Quiz with multiple-choice and open questions (students should bring their computers), the maximal mark is 16 points. 2) Group project activity is assigned during the semester in order to check the ability of the students to apply the tools and results presented in the lectures. The maximal mark is 15 points. Participance in both parts is mandatory, the student should collect at least 8 points for the Quiz and 18 points in total to pass.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilitą o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unitą Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione pił idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Group project; Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
Students can choose between two exam options: (a) Quiz Only (b) Quiz + Project QUIZ DETAILS 1) Format: The mandatory computer-based quiz is conducted in the computer lab (LAIB) and consists of 8 problems, which may be multiple-choice or open-ended. Some problems require Matlab for solution, a hands-on practicum will be provided as part of the laboratory exercises. 2) Scoring: Each problem is worth 4 points if fully solved. Partial credit is available for open-ended questions. Wrong answers are not penalized. 3) Duration: The quiz lasts 2 hours. 4) Restrictions: Students must not use their own computers or any electronic devices. Use of written or printed materials, such as books, lecture notes, or printed Matlab scripts, is also strictly prohibited. Students with special needs are kindly asked to contact the examiners in due time to arrange for the formula sheet (il formulario). PROJECT DETAILS [OPTIONAL] 1) Proposal: The projects are proposed in the 5th or 6th week of the course and are typically undertaken by groups of 3-4 students. 2) Content: Each project involves reading a research paper and conducting a numerical simulation of a networked system (e.g., modeling 3) epidemic spread or opinion formation in a social network). 3) Submission: Groups must submit a brief report (no more than 10 pages) by a specified deadline and give a 20-minute presentation at the end of the semester. 4) Scoring: The project is worth a maximum of 10 points, with up to 5 points for the presentation and up to 5 points for the report. FINAL MARK: (a) If a student prefers the Quiz Only option, their final grade is solely based on the quiz score. A perfect score of 32 points is registered as 30 e lode. The minimum passing score for the quiz is 18 points. (b) The option Quiz + Project is available only to students participating in the optional projects. The final grade is the sum of the quiz and project scores, capped at 31 points (=30 e lode). However, the minimum passing score for the quiz in this option is 12 points. Students scoring below 12 must retake the quiz.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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