Elenco notifiche

Experimental techniques for scaled model testing (insegnamento su invito)


A.A. 2023/24

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 12
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Avallone Francesco   Professore Ordinario IIND-01/F 2 0 0 0 1

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
In questo corso sarà illustrato il processo di preparazione di un apparato sperimentale per studiare l’aerodinamica e l’aeroacustica di modelli in scala. Il corso si focalizzerà’ sugli aspetti più rilevanti per effettuare misure di pressione e velocità. Dettagli su come si ottimizza un apparato sperimentale e le tecniche di misure per problemi di aeroacustica verranno discussi
The course deals with the preparation of experimental setups meant for the study of scaled models for the purpose of aerodynamic and aeroacoustics investigation. The course will present the salient aspects of measurement techniques for velocity and pressure quantification. Few details on how to optimize the setup and the measurement techniques together for specific applications in aeroacoustics will be discussed.
Day 1: Fundamentals of measurement techniques and setup preparation, 6h Lecture 1: (2h) Experimental testing in large scale models, the challenges and the requirements Full scale-models versus component, why? Reynolds scaling aspects and wind-tunnel choice. The parameters to select, rotating versus stationary objects. Lecture 2: (2h) Acoustic measurements: microphone applications for hydrodynamic and far-field pressures What is a microphone and how do we use it to isolate far field acoustic pressure? Can we adapt a microphone to measure wall pressure fluctuations? Pressure measurements, in-field versus wind-tunell measurements, what are the challenges? Lecture 3: (2h) Laser velocimetry: spatial vs. temporal resolution, how to trade off for large scale application Particle image velocimetry, how does it work and what can we do with it? How can we use laser velocimetry information for visualization or for integral quantities. Advanced techniques for saving on costs and increasing high-dynamic spatial resolution. Day 2: Applications and exercise for setup preparation, 6h Lecture 4: (2h) Applications in aeroacoustics Wind-energy and propeller applications in wind-tunnels. Drone measurements and full scale 3D visualization. In-field applications for wind-turbine noise. Group exercise: (2h)Analysis of component setup: propeller and pylon interaction Simulation of model preparation and experimental measurement setup (2h) Analysis of full scale setup: maneuvering drone Simulation of model preparation and experimental measurement setup
Day 1: Fundamentals of measurement techniques and setup preparation, 6h Lecture 1: (2h) Experimental testing in large scale models, the challenges and the requirements Full scale-models versus component, why? Reynolds scaling aspects and wind-tunnel choice. The parameters to select, rotating versus stationary objects. Lecture 2: (2h) Acoustic measurements: microphone applications for hydrodynamic and far-field pressures What is a microphone and how do we use it to isolate far field acoustic pressure? Can we adapt a microphone to measure wall pressure fluctuations? Pressure measurements, in-field versus wind-tunell measurements, what are the challenges? Lecture 3: (2h) Laser velocimetry: spatial vs. temporal resolution, how to trade off for large scale application Particle image velocimetry, how does it work and what can we do with it? How can we use laser velocimetry information for visualization or for integral quantities. Advanced techniques for saving on costs and increasing high-dynamic spatial resolution. Day 2: Applications and exercise for setup preparation, 6h Lecture 4: (2h) Applications in aeroacoustics Wind-energy and propeller applications in wind-tunnels. Drone measurements and full scale 3D visualization. In-field applications for wind-turbine noise. Group exercise: (2h)Analysis of component setup: propeller and pylon interaction Simulation of model preparation and experimental measurement setup (2h) Analysis of full scale setup: maneuvering drone Simulation of model preparation and experimental measurement setup
In presenza
On site
Prova di laboratorio di natura pratica sperimentale o informatico
Laborartory test on experimental practice or informatics
P.D.2-2 - Giugno
P.D.2-2 - June
to be defined
to be defined