1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica - Torino 1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Electronic And Communications Engineering (Ingegneria Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni) - Torino 1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Fisica - Torino
The course is taught in English.
The course is mandatory for the Laurea degrees in Electronic and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Physical Engineering, and is the first element of the chain that, starting from solid-state physics, will lead the student to understand both analog and digital complex circuits. In particular, the competences acquired in Electronic
Devices will be directly applied at both the theoretical and experimental levels in the Electronic Circuits course.
The course is taught in English.
The course is mandatory for the Laurea degrees in Electronic and Communication Engineering (ECE) and Physical Engineering, and is the first element of the chain that, starting from solid-state physics, will lead the student to understand both analog and digital complex circuits. In particular, the competences acquired in Electronic
Devices will be directly applied at both the theoretical and experimental levels in the Electronic Circuits course.
-Knowledge of the main electronic properties of solids with particular attention to semiconductors
-Knowledge of the properties of a semiconductor in equilibrium
-Knowledge of the main transport parameters of electron and holes in a semiconductor
-Ability to evaluate equilibrium and out-of equilibrium concentrations in a semiconductor
-Detailed knowledge of the main equations used to describe the behaviour of semiconductors in equilibrium and out of equilibrium
-Capability to apply the required simplifications and approximations to the semiconductor equations in the practically more important cases
-Capability to define the band diagram in a semiconductor structure and to derive qualitatively its electrical behaviour, both in equilibrium and out of
-Knowledge of the charge density distribution in a metal-semiconductor junction
-Ability to foresee the electrical behaviour (rectifying or ohmic) of a metal-semiconductor junction based on the material used
-Knowledge of the charge density distribution in a p-n junction for doping profiles both uniform and position dependent
-Capability to relate the off-equilibrium behaviour of a junction diode to the main charge transport phenomena: forward and reverse bias, breakdown
-Capability to derive the large and small-signal models of a junction diode, and to relate them to the experimental behaviour
-Knowledge of the operating principle of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and of the equations defining their static behaviour, and capability to relate them
to the static characteristics
-Capability to derive the large and small-signal models of a BJT, and to relate them to the experimental behaviour
-Knowledge of the operating principle of field effect transistors (FETs)
-Detailed knowledge of MOS systems in terms of charge distribution in the various operating regions: depletion, weak and strong inversion, accumulation
-Knowledge of the long channel MOSFET static behaviour, and of the main effects taking place for short channel lengths
-Capability to derive the large and small-signal models of a MOSFET, and to relate them to the experimental behaviour
-Knowledge of the main technological processes in a semiconductor
-Ability to master the main issues concerning the semiconductor downscaling.
-Knowledge of the main electronic properties of solids with particular attention to semiconductors
-Knowledge of the properties of a semiconductor in equilibrium
-Knowledge of the main transport parameters of electron and holes in a semiconductor
-Ability to evaluate equilibrium and out-of equilibrium concentrations in a semiconductor
-Detailed knowledge of the main equations used to describe the behaviour of semiconductors in equilibrium and out of equilibrium
-Capability to apply the required simplifications and approximations to the semiconductor equations in the practically more important cases
-Capability to define the band diagram in a semiconductor structure and to derive qualitatively its electrical behaviour, both in equilibrium and out of
-Knowledge of the charge density distribution in a metal-semiconductor junction
-Ability to foresee the electrical behaviour (rectifying or ohmic) of a metal-semiconductor junction based on the material used
-Knowledge of the charge density distribution in a p-n junction for doping profiles both uniform and position dependent
-Capability to relate the off-equilibrium behaviour of a junction diode to the main charge transport phenomena: forward and reverse bias, breakdown
-Capability to derive the large and small-signal models of a junction diode, and to relate them to the experimental behaviour
-Knowledge of the operating principle of bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and of the equations defining their static behaviour, and capability to relate them
to the static characteristics
-Capability to derive the large and small-signal models of a BJT, and to relate them to the experimental behaviour
-Knowledge of the operating principle of field effect transistors (FETs)
-Detailed knowledge of MOS systems in terms of charge distribution in the various operating regions: depletion, weak and strong inversion, accumulation
-Knowledge of the long channel MOSFET static behaviour, and of the main effects taking place for short channel lengths
-Capability to derive the large and small-signal models of a MOSFET, and to relate them to the experimental behaviour
-Knowledge of the main technological processes in a semiconductor
-Ability to master the main issues concerning the semiconductor downscaling.
Basics of electromagnetism and of mechanics. Basics of circuit theory.
Basics of electromagnetism and of mechanics. Basics of circuit theory.
-Introduction to semiconductor physics [1 cfu] Solids: electronic behaviour, band structure; Semiconductors: electrons and holes, density of states and statistics; Semiconductors in equilibrium; Semiconductors out of equilibrium: transport and generation-recombination (GR); Transport in semiconductors: scattering, mobility, saturation velocity; Transport in semiconductors: diffusion, diffusivity, Einstein relationship; GR: direct, trap assisted. Lifetime approximation; Doped semiconductor band diagrams, calculation of the free carrier concentrations
- Semiconductors and semiconductor junctions [2 cfu]: Schockley equations; Conduction in semiconductors: drift and diffusion; Mathematical model of semiconductors; Applications of the mathematical model to some significant examples of off equilibrium semiconductors; Equilibrium metal-semiconductor junction: band diagram and electrostatics; Effect of an applied voltage bias to a metal-semiconductor junction: ohmic or rectifying behaviour, depletion charge variation, depletion capacitance; Equilibrium p-n junction: band diagram and electrostatics; Effect of the applied bias to a p-n junction: depletion charge variation and depletion capacitance; Measurement of the junction built in voltage based on 1/C^2; Quasi Fermi levels and junction law; Junction currents and static model evaluation; Diode turn on voltage; Junction breakdown effects; Charge control model and diffusion capacitance; Large- and
small-signal junction diode model derivation
- Bipolar transistors [1 cfu]: Introduction to transistors; Operating principle of the bipolar transistor BJT; Currents and main parameters of the BJT in forward operation; Carrier concentration calculation in the base and collector; Ebers-Moll equations derivation and static model; BJT in reverse operation, saturation and cutoff; BJT small-signal characteristics and model
-Field-effect MOS transistors [1 cfu]: MOS system: equilibrium band diagram and effects of the applied bias; Population inversion; Calculation of the semiconductor total charge as a function of bias; Strong inversion MOS systems and threshold voltage calculation; CMOS systems: n channel and p channel MOSFETs; MOSFET gradual channel analysis; Long channel static MOSFET model in the quadratic region and in saturation; Substrate effect; Large and small-signal MOSFET model; MOSFET short channel effects
-Semiconductor technology [1 cfu]: Principles of semiconductor technology: crystal growth, epitaxy, doping processes, film growth and oxidation, metal deposition, etching; photolitography, bipolar integrated circuits, MOS integrated circuits; Semiconductor technology evolution: scaling down, Moore’s law, compound semiconductor basics
-Introduction to semiconductor physics [1 cfu] Solids: electronic behaviour, band structure; Semiconductors: electrons and holes, density of states and statistics; Semiconductors in equilibrium; Semiconductors out of equilibrium: transport and generation-recombination (GR); Transport in semiconductors: scattering, mobility, saturation velocity; Transport in semiconductors: diffusion, diffusivity, Einstein relationship; GR: direct, trap assisted. Lifetime approximation; Doped semiconductor band diagrams, calculation of the free carrier concentrations
- Semiconductors and semiconductor junctions [2 cfu]: Schockley equations; Conduction in semiconductors: drift and diffusion; Mathematical model of semiconductors; Applications of the mathematical model to some significant examples of off equilibrium semiconductors; Equilibrium metal-semiconductor junction: band diagram and electrostatics; Effect of an applied voltage bias to a metal-semiconductor junction: ohmic or rectifying behaviour, depletion charge variation, depletion capacitance; Equilibrium p-n junction: band diagram and electrostatics; Effect of the applied bias to a p-n junction: depletion charge variation and depletion capacitance; Measurement of the junction built in voltage based on 1/C^2; Quasi Fermi levels and junction law; Junction currents and static model evaluation; Diode turn on voltage; Junction breakdown effects; Charge control model and diffusion capacitance; Large- and
small-signal junction diode model derivation
- Bipolar transistors [1 cfu]: Introduction to transistors; Operating principle of the bipolar transistor BJT; Currents and main parameters of the BJT in forward operation; Carrier concentration calculation in the base and collector; Ebers-Moll equations derivation and static model; BJT in reverse operation, saturation and cutoff; BJT small-signal characteristics and model
-Field-effect MOS transistors [1 cfu]: MOS system: equilibrium band diagram and effects of the applied bias; Population inversion; Calculation of the semiconductor total charge as a function of bias; Strong inversion MOS systems and threshold voltage calculation; CMOS systems: n channel and p channel MOSFETs; MOSFET gradual channel analysis; Long channel static MOSFET model in the quadratic region and in saturation; Substrate effect; Large and small-signal MOSFET model; MOSFET short channel effects
-Semiconductor technology [1 cfu]: Principles of semiconductor technology: crystal growth, epitaxy, doping processes, film growth and oxidation, metal deposition, etching; photolitography, bipolar integrated circuits, MOS integrated circuits; Semiconductor technology evolution: scaling down, Moore’s law, compound semiconductor basics
A recorded version (academic year 2018/19) is available.
A recorded version (academic year 2018/19) is available.
Lectures will be carried out mainly with the help of slides. Practice classes will allow the students to quantitatively apply the equations derived in class on semiconductor structures strictly related to realistic devices.
Lectures will be carried out mainly with the help of slides. Practice classes will allow the students to quantitatively apply the equations derived in class on semiconductor structures strictly related to realistic devices.
Lectures will exploit the projector so that all the produced materials will be made available on the course website. Exercises are discussed and solved in room. Homework exercises are also provided in .pdf format for self-learning and preparation of the final exam.
Suggested references are:
Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices (6th Edition), Prentice Hall
G. Ghione, Dispositivi per la microelettronica, McGraw 1998 (in Italian)
Lectures will exploit the projector so that all the produced materials will be made available on the course website. Exercises are discussed and solved in room. Homework exercises are also provided in .pdf format for self-learning and preparation of the final exam.
Suggested references are:
Ben Streetman, Sanjay Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices (6th Edition), Prentice Hall
G. Ghione, Dispositivi per la microelettronica, McGraw 1998 (in Italian)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam;
The exam consists of a written theoretical part and a written part relating to the solution of numerical problems, followed by a short oral part.
The aim of the written theoretical part is to check the student's knowledge of the subjects explained in the lectures. The aim of the numerical problem part is to test that the student is able to apply the theory to a set of numerical problems.
1 - Theory: The theoretical part (duration 1h) consists of a set (6-10 typically) of written questions of theory (selected from a set of questions made available on the course website, both open and multiple choice questions are present) and weighs 15/30.
2 - Problems: Written numerical problems (similar to those performed in classroom exercises) are the object of a second part of the written test (duration 1h) with weight 15/30.
The two parts of the written test are performed consecutively. During the solution of the numerical problems, students can keep a formula sheet (two A4 sides) that they can fill with whatever info they wish; a formula sheet prepared by the teacher (available on the course website) is also distributed.
3 – Oral: The oral test (approximately 15 m) typically includes theory and numerical problems, using as a starting point the discussion of the written test. The purpose of the oral part is to test the student's ability to explain in a coherent way, at least according to the main lines, the subjects discussed in the course. Often, in the oral test the student is requested to explain or justify parts of the written test that have been done poorly. The final mark is proposed after the oral part and may correct (+/-) the result from the written test. The oral examination is normally taken on the same day of the written test or in the following days.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam;
The exam consists of a written theoretical part and a written part relating to the solution of numerical problems, followed by a short oral part.
The aim of the written theoretical part is to check the student's knowledge of the subjects explained in the lectures. The aim of the numerical problem part is to test that the student is able to apply the theory to a set of numerical problems.
1 - Theory: The theoretical part (duration 1h) consists of a set (6-10 typically) of written questions of theory (selected from a set of questions made available on the course website, both open and multiple choice questions are present) and weighs 15/30.
2 - Problems: Written numerical problems (similar to those performed in classroom exercises) are the object of a second part of the written test (duration 1h) with weight 15/30.
The two parts of the written test are performed consecutively. During the solution of the numerical problems, students can keep a formula sheet (two A4 sides) that they can fill with whatever info they wish; a formula sheet prepared by the teacher (available on the course website) is also distributed.
3 – Oral: The oral test (approximately 15 m) typically includes theory and numerical problems, using as a starting point the discussion of the written test. The purpose of the oral part is to test the student's ability to explain in a coherent way, at least according to the main lines, the subjects discussed in the course. Often, in the oral test the student is requested to explain or justify parts of the written test that have been done poorly. The final mark is proposed after the oral part and may correct (+/-) the result from the written test. The oral examination is normally taken on the same day of the written test or in the following days.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.