Elenco notifiche

Computer sciences


A.A. 2024/25

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo (Automotive Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Meccanica (Mechanical Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Electronic And Communications Engineering (Ingegneria Elettronica E Delle Comunicazioni) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dei Materiali - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettrica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Biomedica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Chimica E Alimentare - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Civile - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Edile - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Energetica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Per L'Ambiente E Il Territorio - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Matematica Per L'Ingegneria - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Elettronica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Fisica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Del Cinema E Dei Mezzi Di Comunicazione - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Gestionale - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Gestionale - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Civil And Environmental Engineering - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 32
Esercitazioni in aula 30
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 18
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Bernardi Paolo - Corso 3 Professore Associato IINF-05/A 32 20 0 0 3
Jahier Pagliari Daniele - Corso 2   Professore Associato IINF-05/A 32 30 36 0 2
Squillero Giovanni - Corso 1 Professore Ordinario IINF-05/A 32 30 0 0 15

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-INF/05 8 A - Di base Matematica, informatica e statistica
This course, mandatory for all the students, has a twofold objective: on one hand, to introduce to the student to the “cultural” and technological issues related to computer science. On the other hand, the course aims at teaching the use of a computer programming language as a way to solve realistic problems.
The student must acquire two fundamental types of knowledge: (i) the ability to solve concrete problems through programs implemented using a programming language and executed on a computer; (ii) the understanding of the quantitative aspects of computer science such as performance, computational power, representation of information, computer architecture. These skills will be applied to the solution of practical problems.
No special prerequisites are expected for the course. Some basic notions of Calculus (e.g., the concept of function) and a minimal level of familiarity with the interaction with a computer.
o THEORY (6 HRS) + Representation of numerical and non-numerical data + Computer Architecture + Software Architecture o PROBLEM SOLVING AND ALGORITHMS (14 HRS) + Flow charts, pseudo-code to solve real problems + Solution of complex problem by iterative refinements + Choice of the most suitable data structure in the solution of complex problems o Python LANGUAGE [40 HRS] + Data types + Numeric constants and variables + Strings and their manipulation + Input/Output of numbers and and strings + Arithmetic operators, powers, and mathematical functions + Boolean variables and operators + Control-flow structures (iterative and conditional) + Functions and calls + Lists, Sets, and Dictionaries + Complex data structures (Dictionaries of sets and dictionaries of lists) + Text Files + Exceptions handling
The course includes about 15 hours of lab, in which the topics covered in the classes will be implemented as Python programs.
Each week the student will attend 4.5 hours of lectures and 1.5 hours of laboratory (starting from the second week). The lectures will be of three different types: + Theory: illustration of theoretical topics with exercises + PPS: Problem posing and solving: analysis of 'complete' problems, classroom discussion, design with flowchart or pseudo code. As we proceed with the weeks, students will implementing gradually increasing of portions of the exercise. + Programming: illustration of the Python language constructs and their demonstration using the PC. For each week the following will be identified: + Objectives of the week + Chapters / paragraphs of the book covered + Laboratory exercises + Proposed exercises (taken from the book) assigned as individual study + Theory and Programming slides + Problem analyzed in the PPS
- Handouts of class material. - Python For Everyone (3rd Edition), Cay S. Horstmann, Rance D. Necaise, ISBN: 978-1-119-49853-7, https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Python+For+Everyone%2C+3rd+Edition-p-9781119498537
Lecture slides; Lecture notes; Exercises; Exercise with solutions ; Lab exercises; Lab exercises with solutions; Video lectures (previous years);
You can take this exam before attending the course
Exam: Computer-based written test in class using POLITO platform;
The exam consists of a test on the computer that aims at assessing the students’ knowledge of the theoretical aspects of the course (through numerical exercises or open-answer questions) and the programming skills (through the writing of a Python program that implements the solution of a practical problem). The duration of the written test is 1,5 hours and it is a closed book test. The maximum score for the written test is 30 cum laude. During the discussion of the score written test, a supplementary oral test can be requested at the discretion of the instructor and covers the whole course program and is meant to assess and elaborate the student's skills.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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