Elenco notifiche

POLITECNICO DI TORINO - A.A. 2024/25 Degree program in Design and Communication course Ranking list for Admission test TIL - D (Test In Laib Design)

Ranking list update of 22/10/2024
Non-EU applicants requiring a visa

Approved by D.R. 947/2024 del 03/09/2024 The ranking list of art. 10 paragraph 1of the Call for applications for admissions to the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes in Design and communication for Non-EU applicants requiring a visa - A.Y. 2024/2025 is formulated on the basis of the criteria indicated in art. 11 of the same Call. The ranking list classify applicants in the following positions: • ENROLLED STUDENT WITH INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE: a student who has got a valid international certificate (see art. 13, par. 1 of the Call) and has already enrolled; • ASSIGNED STUDENT WITH INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE: a student with a valid international certificate who MUST reserve his/her student place/enrol in the Bachelor’s degree programme assigned to him/her before the deadline for the update of the ranking list (see art. 14 of the Call); • ENROLLED STUDENT: a student who has reserved his/her student place or has completed the online enrolment process (see art. 14 of the Call); • ASSIGNED STUDENT: a student who MUST reserve his/her student place or enrol in the Bachelor’s degree programme assigned to him/her before the deadline for the update of the ranking list (see art. 14 of the Call); failure to reserve the student place/enrol by the deadline will result in the allocation of his/her place to another applicant – therefore, failure to reserve one’s student place/enrol by the deadline in accordance with art. 14 entails permanent renunciation of the place. • STUDENT ON WAITING LIST: a student who has not been offered a place in the programme, but could be offered a place in the next call/s if another student with a better score on the ranking list decides to renounce the right to enrol. This student must wait for the next the call/s. • WAITING LIST RENUNCIATION: a student who has explicitly renounced his/her right to be on the waiting list (art. 12, par. 2 of the Call). • ENROLMENT RENUNCIATION: - a student who has been ASSIGNED a place but has failed to reserve his/her student place / enrol by the deadline; - a student who has ENROLLED in the programme but has withdrawn from it before the closing date of the ranking list/ before the update of the ranking list referred in art. 12, par. 3 and in art 14, par. 1 of the Call. • NOT ADMITTED STUDENT DUE TO UNFULFILLED LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS: a student who has correctly reserved his/her student place but is not allowed to enrol since he/she does not meet the language requirements illustrated in Annex A to the Call. • NOT ADMITTED STUDENT: a student who has not reached the minimum admission threshold. • NOT ADMITTED STUDENT DUE TO CLOSED RANKING LISTS: a student who has not been admitted since the ranking lists were already closed when he/she decided to enrol • (see art. 12, par. 3 of the Call). Ranking list closed pursuant to D.R.1202/2024.

F560383 57,14 2,75/12 5,00/6 6,25/12 10,00/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F571599 54,17 10,75/12 2,75/6 3,50/12 5,75/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F557022 51,19 5,75/12 6,00/6 3,25/12 6,50/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F561977 48,81 8,75/12 2,75/6 3,75/12 5,25/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F557865 45,24 8,75/12 4,00/6 1,25/12 5,00/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F520178 42,86 6,75/12 2,00/6 3,75/12 5,50/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F571001 40,48 2,00/12 2,25/6 4,50/12 8,25/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F571028 38,10 3,75/12 3,50/6 3,25/12 5,50/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F561636 37,50 3,25/12 3,75/6 5,00/12 3,75/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F560182 36,90 4,00/12 2,75/6 2,75/12 6,00/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F554367 35,71 2,00/12 4,75/6 3,50/12 4,75/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F560355 35,12 2,00/12 5,00/6 2,25/12 5,50/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F561649 33,33 1,00/12 1,50/6 6,50/12 5,00/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F559603 33,33 2,25/12 5,00/6 4,75/12 2,00/12 IMMATRICOLATO
F584519 31,55 2,25/12 1,00/6 2,50/12 7,50/12 RINUNCIA ALL'IMMATRICOLAZIONE
F561677 29,76 1,00/12 2,75/6 3,50/12 5,25/12 NON AMMESSO
F585068 29,76 5,00/12 0,75/6 2,75/12 4,00/12 NON AMMESSO
F558590 27,38 4,25/12 5,00/6 -0,25/12 2,50/12 NON AMMESSO
F554585 18,45 1,25/12 1,75/6 2,00/12 2,75/12 NON AMMESSO
F522574 16,67 1,50/12 0,50/6 2,50/12 2,50/12 NON AMMESSO
F508936 11,31 2,25/12 1,25/6 -1,75/12 3,00/12 NON AMMESSO