Politecnico di Torino
Anno Accademico 2011/12
Innovative process analysis and design
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Tessile (Textile Engineering) - Torino
Docente Qualifica Settore Lez Es Lab Tut Anni incarico
SSD CFU Attivita' formative Ambiti disciplinari
ING-IND/25 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria chimica
The course has dual objectives: a) to provide a vision of the environmental impact of textile productions by analysing water need, pollutant load as well as evaluating updated solutions for water economization up to reach a wastewater treatment advancement at which recycling is possible, and b) to train students to undertake a comprehensive design method to conceive and size innovative solutions which can be implemented into production steps and wastewater treatment process
A synthetic panorama is given to list the major pollution sources in the textile sector, then alternative solutions, now at the development stage, are mentioned. Water needs and major categories of waste chemicals are given to define typical pollution parameters. A panorama of acting laws in different countries as reference frames to which technologies should aim at. The wastewater state of the art is presented as a starting point from which develop novel treatment schemes and then a panorama of BATs is illustrated to define how to reach the necessary water quality specifications to accomplish recycling. A brief presentation of an extensive research program carried out by an Industry/Academia is illustrated as an effective tool to generate suitable know-how.
The second part of the course will work on actual industrial data to design an installed base model to integrate the management of a dye-house together with an advanced wastewater treatment plant. The following steps will be considered:
- choice of dyeing equipment to rationalize water consumption,
- choice of basic dyeing diagrams and their development at an engineering representation;
- evaluation of typical pollution parameters;
- design of a sewer infrastructure;
- design of primary wastewater treatment stages;
- comparative design of aerated secondary wastewater treatment stages;
- selection of tertiary wastewater treatment stages: design of GAC units, ozone treatment units, standard and tangential filtration systems;
- use of PFD and P&IdD diagrams.

Several guided classroom exercitations will be carried out and a one-day visit to a dyeing factory and to an experimental wastewater treatment platform is foreseen.
Statistiche superamento esami

Programma definitivo per l'A.A.2010/11