Politecnico di Torino | |||||||||
Anno Accademico 2011/12 | |||||||||
01PADOT TOP-UIC - Telecomunicazioni |
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Delle Telecomunicazioni (Telecommunications Engineering) - Torino |
- Nel semestre presso UIC non possono essere scelti corsi che corrispondano a quelli già seguiti a Torino; la corrispondenza dei corsi presi verrà comunicata a ciascuno studente durante il semestre a Torino.
- La scelta dei corsi deve soddisfare le regole di UIC per ottenere il titolo di MS in ECE complessivamente sui due semestri (cioè includendo le equivalenze dei corsi seguiti a Torino), ed in particolare riguardo al numero minimo di corsi di "livello 5". - La scelta dei corsi nel semestre presso UIC deve essere approvata da UIC.] Elenco moduli a scelta: ECE401 - Quasi-Static Electric and Magnetic Fields ECE407 - Pattern Recognition I ECE410 - Network Analysis ECE412 - Introduction to Filter Synthesis ECE415 - Image Analysis and Computer Vision I ECE417 - Digital Signal Processing II ECE418 - Statistical Digital Signal Processing ECE421 - Introduction to Antennas and Wireless Propagation ECE423 - Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility ECE424 - RF and Microwave Guided Propagation ECE427 - Modern Linear Optics ECE431 - Analog Communication Circuits ECE432 - Digital Communications ECE434 - Multimedia Systems ECE436 - Computer Communication Networks II ECE437 - Wireless Communications ECE442 - Power Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits ECE445 - Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Circuits ECE448 - Transistors ECE449 - Microdevices and Micromachining Technology ECE451 - Control Engineering ECE452 - Robotics: Algorithms and Control ECE458 - Electromechanical Energy Conversion ECE465 - Digital Systems Design ECE466 - Advanced Computer Architecture ECE467 - Introduction to VLSI Design ECE468 - Analog and Mixed Signal VLSI Design ECE469 - Computer Systems Design ECE491 - Seminar ECE493 - Special Problems ECE510 - Advanced Network Analysis ECE513 - Advanced Analog Filter Synthesis ECE515 - Image Analysis and Computer Vision II ECE516 - Adaptive Digital Filters ECE517 - Digital Image Processing ECE520 - Electromagnetic Field Theory ECE521 - Computational Electromagnetics ECE522 - Advanced Microwave Theory ECE523 - Advanced Antenna Engineering ECE526 - Electromagnetic Scattering ECE527 - Optical Electronics ECE528 - Fiber and Integrated Optics ECE530 - Random Signal Analysis ECE531 - Detection and Estimation Theory ECE532 - Advanced Digital Communications ECE533 - Advanced Computer Communication Networks ECE534 - Elements of Information Theory ECE540 - Physics of Semiconductor Devices ECE541 - Microelectronic Fabrication Techniques ECE542 - Advanced Semiconductor Devices ECE545 - Advanced Power-Electronics Design ECE550 - Linear Systems Theory and Design ECE551 - Optimal Control ECE552 - Nonlinear Control ECE553 - System Identification ECE559 - Neural Networks ECE560 - Fuzzy Logic ECE565 - Physical Design Automation ECE566 - Parallel Processing ECE567 - Advanced VLSI Design ECE568 - Advanced Microprocessor Architecture and Design ECE569 - High-Performance Processors and Systems ECE572 - Nanoscale Semiconductor Structures: Electronic and Optical Properties ECE594 - Special Topics |
Statistiche superamento esami |