Politecnico di Torino | |||||||||||||||||
Anno Accademico 2011/12 | |||||||||||||||||
02MAXNA Petroleum Geology |
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Del Petrolio (Petroleum Engineering) - Torino |
Primary objectives of Petroleum Geology course are to explain selected geological principles and processes, and describe how certain petroleum reservoirs and source rocks are formed.
After a general introduction to the basic concepts of the Physical Geology the course concentrates on sedimentology, sedimentation environments and relationships with hydrocarbons generation and accumulation. The course is mainly focused to provide basic geological skills for engineers involved in the Petroleum industry. The main topics developed are: Plate tectonics, geological time and history, the fundamentals of rock formation and deformation, the essentials of various depositional environments and the reservoirs, the distribution of porosity and permeability in reservoirs produced in different depositional environments, how rock characteristics are related to modern geological processes and applied to the ancient record, petroleum reservoir and source rocks, petroleum origin, migration, and trapping. |
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
The student will acquire specific skills that related to:
- major geodynamic phenomena and nature of the rocks - understanding of the main geological phenomena of sedimentary basins genesis and evolution - origin, migration and trapping of hydrocarbons |
Prerequisiti / Conoscenze pregresse
Intermediate knowledge of the main natural physical and chemical phenomena
The course is subdivided intro three main section
Section I- Introduction to Geology and rocks (20% total) Lectures: ¿ Introduction to Geology, Geologic time, the Earth system, the rock cycle, Earth internal structure, Continental drifts and their evidences, plate tectonics, mechanism, continental boundaries, ¿ Matter and material. Atoms, structures, compounds, chemical bondings, ionic, covalent, metallic, Van der Waals, Minerals. Physical properties of minerals, Mohs scale of hardness, Rock-forming minerals, Mineral Groups, Silicates. ¿ The igneous rocks, the rock cycle. Crystallization of Magma, Igneous Textures, Igneous Compositions, Bowen's Reaction Series, Magmatic Differentiation, Assimilation and Magma Mixing, Igneous Rock Types. ¿ Origin of magma: role of heat, pressure, volatiles, extrusive rock bodies, intrusive rock bodies, volcanoes, types of eruptions and effects, hot spots. ¿ Metamorphic rocks, characteristics, Agents of metamorphism, Pressure and Stress as Metamorphic Agents, Textural Changes, Foliation, Common Metamorphic Rocks, Contact Metamorphism, Fault Zones, degree of metamorphism, Metamorphic Facies. Section II- Introduction to Sedimentology (50% total) Lectures: ¿ Introduction to Sedimentology, Temporal and spatial scales, Primary data sources for sedimentologic/stratigraphic studies. ¿ Unconsolidated clastic sediments, grain-size scales, Grain shape, Clast/matrix proportion, Fabric. Sediment composition, Sediment maturity, Clay minerals, ¿ Clastic (siliciclastic) rocks, Carbonate sediments and rocks, Organic (carbonaceous) sediments and rocks, Evaporites, Volcaniclastic sediments and rocks ¿ Sediment transport and deposition, Transport media, Bernoulli effect, Transport modes, Current ripples, Dunes, Plane beds and antidunes, Waves, Tides, Ocean currents, Gravity flows. ¿ Sedimentary structures, grading, Cross stratification, Planar stratification, Debris-flow deposits, Turbidites, Imbrication, Sole marks, Paleocurrent measurements, Trace fossils, bioturbation, Soft-sediment deformation structures ¿ Facies and depositional environments, Facies analysis, associations, successions Walther¿s Law, sedimentary architecture, Facies models, Paleosols. ¿ Glacial environments, Fluvioglacial deposits, glaciolacustrine, Eolian environments, Loess, Lacustrine environments, Fluvial environments, deltaic environments, coastal environments ¿ Shallow marine environments, deep marine environments. ¿ Stratigraphic principles, Lithostratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, ¿ Sequence stratigraphy, aggradation, regression (progradation), forced regression, or transgression, Clastic environments. Carbonate environments. Sea-level changes. Seismic stratigraphy. Sedimentological Processes Modeling Section III - Sedimentary basins and Hydrocarbons (30% total) This section includes both lectures and exercises Lectures: ¿ Formation of sedimentary basins: Mechanisms, Classification ¿ Characterization of sedimentary basins. ¿ Evolution of sedimentary basins: Compaction, porosity, permeability, Burial history, Temperature and heat flow ¿ Evolution of petroleum systems: Introduction petroleum systems, Source rocks and petroleum generation, Petroleum migration, Petroleum accumulation in trap. Exercises: ¿ Isostasy, ¿ Geological history ¿ Contour Maps |
Organizzazione dell'insegnamento
The exercises in the final part of the course were held in small groups directly in the classroom. At the end of the course in the case of good weather it could be possible to make one-day educational tour focused on the examination of the sedimentary sequences of the Ligure-Piemontese Sedimentary Basin.
Testi richiesti o raccomandati: letture, dispense, altro materiale didattico
Summary of the main topics and PPT slides are available on the course web site.
Main reference texts: ¿ Compton R.R. (1962) Manual of field geology. John Wiley & Sons. ¿ Chapman R.E. (1983) Petroleum Geology. Elsevier. ISBN 0-444-42165-3 ¿ Hyne N.J.(2001) Petroleum Geology, Exploration, Drilling and Production. Pennwell. ISBN 0-87814-823-X ¿ Knut B. (2010). Petroleum Geology. Springer. ISBN: 9783642023316. Other specific references will be provided during the course. |
Criteri, regole e procedure per l'esame
The written examination consists of a set of closed questions, numerically evaluated. If the numerical assessment is sufficient (¡Ý 18/30) students can ask for an optional oral exam to improve the final evaluation.
Orario delle lezioni |
Statistiche superamento esami |