Politecnico di Torino
Anno Accademico 2012/13
Well drilling and Completion
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Del Petrolio (Petroleum Engineering) - Torino
Docente Qualifica Settore Lez Es Lab Tut Anni incarico
Romagnoli Raffaele ORARIO RICEVIMENTO AC CEAR-02/D 60 40 0 0 16
SSD CFU Attivita' formative Ambiti disciplinari
ING-IND/30 10 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio
This subject has the main task of teaching how to face the drilling stage, whenever the engineer has to reach a deep target, as far the hydrocarbon research is concerned. Nowadays machinery and technology have to be studied. As well, the rapidly changing standards must be followed and must get the right place in the student's mind.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
Applied physics and chemistry principles, devoted to the good management of the rig and of the well. Skills about the energy standards and about the maintenance problems, according to the environmental constraints.
The student must also get familiar with the main underground hydraulics fundamentals.
Prerequisiti / Conoscenze pregresse
Fundamentals of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Geophysics, together with the good capability of modelling the physical phenomena which have to be observed and analyzed. Individual capability of judgement has to have already reached high quality standards.
SI vs SOA units / update of established knowledge.
The drilling process (design and operative stages).
General information on the drilling rigs.
The drilling fluids: mud and cement: hydraulic and rheology.
Directional drilling technology: aims, methods, real problems.
Well design criteria, including optimization.
Well safety machinery and techniques.
Well testing while drilling.
Well completion technology onshore and offshore.
Environmental impact of the drilling activity.
Skills coming from field experience: troubles and high level problems.
Practical real problems given, faced and solved by the professors.
Organizzazione dell'insegnamento
One day devoted to a technical visit to a drilling rig in Italy. Possibly also one day devoted to attend a Conference of Petroleum Engineering. Lab experimentation on drilling muds and cements might also be included.
Testi richiesti o raccomandati: letture, dispense, altro materiale didattico
Bourgoyne, Chenevert et al.: 'Drilling Engineering Fundamentals', SPE Editions, 2007.
Romagnoli, Maglione: 'Rheology and Hydraulics of the Drilling Fluids', Politecnico of Torino, 2009.
Notes in English, to be taken by the candidate himself. Classroom attendance is carefully checked.
Criteri, regole e procedure per l'esame
Written test including 4 exercise (4 points each) and 7 theoretical questions (2 points each). Oral is complimentary. Upon request, also intership activity is possible.
Orario delle lezioni
Statistiche superamento esami

Programma definitivo per l'A.A.2012/13