Politecnico di Torino
Anno Accademico 2017/18
Sinergies among process engineering and information technology & management (didattica di eccellenza)
Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria Chimica - Torino
Docente Qualifica Settore Lez Es Lab Tut Anni incarico
SSD CFU Attivita' formative Ambiti disciplinari
*** N/A ***    

Il corso sarà tenuto dal prof. Paolo GREPPI della SIMEVO s.r.l. di Vercelli

The course will explore the sinergies among process engineering and information and operational technology, discussing from a theoretical and practical point of view the underlying philosophies, the available tools to support them and the data management needs and opportunities.
Course contents
On a scientific level the course will explore the synergies between process / industrial
engineering, information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT), discussing the
underlying principles, architectures, methodologies and protocols.
On a practical, business-oriented level, we’ll cover the available commercial and open source
tools and technologies, and try to decode the marketese: digital transformation, cloud, big data,
Artificial Intelligence, Industrial Internet of Things, smart manufacturing, Industrie 4.0 ...
Additionally and based on the attendees interests, skills and availability we can also try a
workshop; the teacher proposes to design the digital transformation of an entire industrial valuechain.
The course will be held in English unless all attendees are fluent in Italian.
The teacher will be Paolo Greppi (degree in Chemical Engineering @polito 1995, mixed IT /
process engineering professional background, founder and technical director simevo s.r.l.
There will be a total of 12 units of 2 hours each, with two 15-minutes breaks in-between.
The first unit will be on Friday 2018-02-09 at 9:00 in ???
As the first unit is essential (we’ll define the course language and schedule) attendees unable to
make it in person can dial in (please contact the teacher in advance for info).
The schedule for the next lessons will be agreed upon based on the attendees availability and on a
tentative frequency of two lessons per week; the goal is to finish in less than two months.
Statistiche superamento esami

Programma provvisorio per l'A.A.2017/18