Politecnico di Torino
Anno Accademico 2017/18
Circuit Theory
Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica - Torino
Docente Qualifica Settore Lez Es Lab Tut Anni incarico
Maio Ivano Adolfo ORARIO RICEVIMENTO PO IIET-01/A 60 40 0 0 4
SSD CFU Attivita' formative Ambiti disciplinari
ING-IND/31 8 C - Affini o integrative Attività formative affini o integrative
The course is taught in English.
The main objective of the course is to introduce students to the basic laws governing lumped electrical circuits, giving suitable and general methods for their analysis. In particular, the course provides fundamental tools to analyze high-order dynamic circuits in the time and in the frequency domain. An introduction to automated circuit analysis via computer-based simulation is also provided. The theory is complemented by several practical classes.
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
Knowledge of the basic laws governing electrical circuits.
Knowledge of general analysis techniques for high order dynamic circuits.
Ability to analyze electric circuits, choosing the most convenient techniques.
Ability to use a modern computer program for Computer-aided Circuit Analysis (Spice).
Prerequisiti / Conoscenze pregresse
For all the students

Physics: power and energy, basic electromagnetics.
Mathematics: algebra of complex numbers, linear algebra and matrix analysis, algebraic linear systems, first-order linear differential equations, partial fraction decomposition of rational functions.

For MSc students

Circuit theory: fundamentals of resistive circuit analysis (the "basic" part in the course syllabus outlined below).
The course is structured in a "basic" part (2 credits), a "core" part (6 credits) and an "applications" part (2 credits). The "core" part is common to all the students attending this course. The "basic" part is only for 1st level (BSc) students attending this course, assuming that 2nd level (MSc) students have already acquired these competencies in their former BSc program. The "applications" part is only for students enrolled in the Electronic and Communications Engineering, Physics Engineering, and Mechatronic Engineering programs (not required for Computer Engineering students).

1. Basic part (2 credits)

Lumped circuits; voltage, current, power. Reference directions. Kirchhoff laws. Tellegen’s theorem. Basic circuit elements. Series and parallel connection of resistive one-port elements. Voltage and current dividers. Millmann theorem and nodal analysis.

2. Core part (6 credits)

2.a General linear resistive circuits (1.5 credits). Dependent sources, ideal transformer, ideal operational amplifier. Network theorems: substitution, Thevenin, Norton, superposition.

2.b Dynamic circuits (2.5 credits). Linear inductors and capacitors; series and parallel connection of inductors and capacitors. First order RC and RL circuits with constant sources and ideal switches. Second order circuits. Formulation and solution of state equations. Transient analysis of general dynamic circuits using the Laplace transform. Network functions: impedance, admittance and transfer functions. Natural frequencies and stability. Connection between frequency-domain and time-domain responses. Extension of network theorems to dynamic circuits.

2.c Sinusoidal steady state (2 credits). Circuit equations in sinusoidal steady state (AC), symbolic analysis, phasors. Bode plots. AC power.

3. Applications part (2 credits)

3.a Automated circuit analysis and CAD. Topological formulation of circuit equations. Incidence matrix. Tableau analysis. Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA). Introduction to SPICE. Circuit solution using Matlab.

3.b Introduction to digital data transmission: first-order circuits under piecewise constant excitation. Clock and data signals.

3.c Power optimization. AC power matching.

3.d Two-port circuits and filters. Coupled inductors. Multiterminal circuit representations: Z, Y, H, T. Frequency-selective circuits and resonant circuits. Examples.

3.e Nonlinear resistors and diodes. Analysis of circuits with ideal diodes. Clipping circuits. Principles of AC/DC conversion.
Organizzazione dell'insegnamento
The course is organized into lectures and practical classes. Practical classes (approximately 40% of each credit) are aimed at applying the general circuit analysis methods presented during the lectures. During practical classes, active participation from the students is required. A few hours are dedicated to a basic introduction to computer-based circuit simulation programs (SPICE).
Testi richiesti o raccomandati: letture, dispense, altro materiale didattico
Reference textbook:

C.K. Alexander, M.N.O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (third edition), Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, 2008.

Additional texts:

Charles A. Desoer and Ernest S. Kuh, Basic circuit theory. McGraw- Hill, 1969
V. Daniele, A. Liberatore, R. Graglia, S. Manetti, Elettrotecnica, III edizione, Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 2005.
R. Perfetti, Circuiti elettrici, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2003.
M. Biey, M. Bonnin, F. Corinto, Esercitazioni di elettrotecnica, CLUT, Torino, 2012.
M. Biey, Spice e PSpice: introduzione all'uso, CLUT, Torino, 2001.

An exercise book is available for download from the course web site, as well additional material such as templates of final tests. The exercise book is the reference material for all practical classes. Please refer to the course web site for the most updated material and for any official communication.
Criteri, regole e procedure per l'esame

The knowledge, and the ability to apply it, will be verified during the final examination, which is structured in a written test followed by a short oral test (very likely not on the same day). Both exam parts are aimed at testing the ability of students to analyze circuits by choosing the appropriate methods. The written test includes problems related to the "basic" and "core" parts, whereas the oral test spans the entire course program.

The written part (duration 2 hours) includes 8 elementary problems (2 points each, total 16 points), for which the student is required to provide only the final results, and one/two more complex circuits (14 points total), for which the student is required to report all detailed steps of the solution. During the written test, it is possible to use a scientific calculator; no texts, books and notes are admitted. The written test is passed with at least 15/30 points, with at least 7/16 obtained from the elementary problems. The oral test starts with the correction of the written test, and continues with additional questions on the full course program. The basis for the final marks is provided by the score of the written test, which can be increased (or decreased) based on the oral test.

The grading criteria take into account:
• the correctness of the answer provided to the written problems and oral questions
• the ability to appropriately use the technical terms
• the autonomy and promptness of the student in providing the answers
Orario delle lezioni
Statistiche superamento esami

Programma definitivo per l'A.A.2017/18