Elenco notifiche

Parallel and distributed computing


A.A. 2018/19

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Doctorate Research in Ingegneria Informatica E Dei Sistemi - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 25
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Savino Alessandro   Professore Associato IINF-05/A 12,5 0 0 0 7

SSD CFU Activities Area context
*** N/A ***    
PERIOD: MAY - JUNE The course aims at introducing the main methodologies of parallel and distributed computing, starting from a general classification up to a detailed description of the state of the art both for applied and pure research. In this way it can be of interest for the Information and system engineering PhD course and also for other, like Electrical, Electronics, Mechanics, Aerospace, in which such methodologies are indirectly used for research purposes (e.g. for finite element method). The course will be in English.
PERIOD: MAY - JUNE The course aims at introducing the main methodologies of parallel and distributed computing, starting from a general classification up to a detailed description of the state of the art both for applied and pure research. In this way it can be of interest for the Information and system engineering PhD course and also for other, like Electrical, Electronics, Mechanics, Aerospace, in which such methodologies are indirectly used for research purposes (e.g. for finite element method). The course will be in English.
Introduction to parallel and distributed computing. Classification of parallel and distributed computers. Amdahl's law. SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD. Multithreading. Vector processors. Shared memory, distributed memory. Message passing. GPU. Clusters. Beowulf. MESI protocol. MPI, PVM. GAMMA, MPI-GAMMA. OpenMP and gcc 4.3. Optimizing compilers, Intel FORTRAN and C. Profiler. NIC bonding. PCI and PCI-Express. Infiniband. MOSIX. RAM disk. Network benchmarking. Grid computing. SPECint and SPECfp. State of the art analysis and open problems. Finding interesting research papers. The final examination will be a presentation by the PhD student on a research argument pertaining to the course or on a paper shown during the course.
Introduction to parallel and distributed computing. Classification of parallel and distributed computers. Amdahl's law. SISD, SIMD, MISD, MIMD. Multithreading. Vector processors. Shared memory, distributed memory. Message passing. GPU. Clusters. Beowulf. MESI protocol. MPI, PVM. GAMMA, MPI-GAMMA. OpenMP and gcc 4.3. Optimizing compilers, Intel FORTRAN and C. Profiler. NIC bonding. PCI and PCI-Express. Infiniband. MOSIX. RAM disk. Network benchmarking. Grid computing. SPECint and SPECfp. State of the art analysis and open problems. Finding interesting research papers. The final examination will be a presentation by the PhD student on a research argument pertaining to the course or on a paper shown during the course.
Modalità di esame:
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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