The course is taught in English.
This class is intended to introduce students to the design and analysis of embedded electronics systems that interact with physical processes. Applications include medical devices, consumer electronics, automotive systems, process controls, manufacturing . A major theme of this course will be the skill to design an electronic system, starting from the technical specifications through the circuit analysis up to the final printed circuit board design. Testing procedures and failure analysis will be also described. A professional Electronic Development Aids (Cadence/Allegro) will be used to design the circuit, to simulate it and to verify its behaviour. Signal integrity aspects will be also evaluated. A case study will be used from the design up to the hardware testing in a final laboratory. Each student will also develop and discuss a homework selected at the beginning of the semester. A final technical report will describe each aspect of the project. The PCB, organised using Gerber files will be submitted to a professional manufacturer (Eurocircuit) to be checked and, in some cases, implemented.
The course is taught in English.
This class is intended to introduce students to the design and analysis of embedded electronics systems that interact with physical processes. Applications include medical devices, consumer electronics, automotive systems, process controls, manufacturing . A major theme of this course will be the skill to design an electronic system, starting from the technical specifications through the circuit analysis up to the final printed circuit board design. Testing procedures and failure analysis will be also described. A professional Electronic Development Aids (Cadence/Allegro) will be used to design the circuit, to simulate it and to verify its behaviour. Signal integrity aspects will be also evaluated. A case study will be used from the design up to the hardware testing in a final laboratory. Each student will also develop and discuss a homework selected at the beginning of the semester. A final technical report will describe each aspect of the project. The PCB, organised using Gerber files will be submitted to a professional manufacturer (Eurocircuit) to be checked and, in some cases, implemented.
The course enables students to acquire the knowledge and ability to apply basic and advanced design techniques for embedded electronic systems. They will be able to investigate every side of board-level design, starting with the basics of design trends, rules, signal integrity up to the project documentation.
At the end of the teaching module the student will get the following competencies and abilities:
- Knowledge of the problems related to embedded electronic systems design from specifications to implementation through the simulation of their behavior
- Ability to describe the project (requirements, documentation, manuals)
- Knowledge of international standards and rules ( EMC, user interface, reliability)
- Knowledge of technologies, design flow, design rules for Printed Circuit Boards , and ability to use related CAD tools;
- Knowledge of material properties, packaging, component placement, thermal effects, and ability to develop design taking into account these issues.
- Knowledge of applied EMC/EMI and ability to consider them in the design;
- Knowledge of basic concepts of manufacturing aspects (ergonomy, quality, certification)
The course enables students to acquire the knowledge and ability to apply basic and advanced design techniques for embedded electronic systems. They will be able to investigate every side of board-level design, starting with the basics of design trends, rules, signal integrity up to the project documentation.
At the end of the teaching module the student will get the following competencies and abilities:
- Knowledge of the problems related to embedded electronic systems design from specifications to implementation through the simulation of their behavior
- Ability to describe the project (requirements, documentation, manuals)
- Knowledge of international standards and rules ( EMC, user interface, reliability)
- Knowledge of technologies, design flow, design rules for Printed Circuit Boards , and ability to use related CAD tools;
- Knowledge of material properties, packaging, component placement, thermal effects, and ability to develop design taking into account these issues.
- Knowledge of applied EMC/EMI and ability to consider them in the design;
- Knowledge of basic concepts of manufacturing aspects (ergonomy, quality, certification)
Good Knowledge of the basic CMOS characteristics, logic circuits, microprocessors, microcontrollers and memories.
Basic understanding of the frequency domain representation of linear systems. Basic knowledge of analog and digital electronic circuits.
Good Knowledge of the basic CMOS characteristics, logic circuits, microprocessors, microcontrollers and memories.
Basic understanding of the frequency domain representation of linear systems. Basic knowledge of analog and digital electronic circuits.
1. Embedded electronic system design fundamentals (1 CFU)
a. Design specifications: Y chart, guide lines, international standard and rules
b. Design requirements (documentation, release history, testing, maintenance)
c. Quality basic concepts
d. Ergonomy
2. EDA tools for design, (1,4 CFU)
a. Design flow
b. simulation, verification and layout
c. PCB
3. Electronic components selection (0,8 CFU)
a. technologies roadmap
b. Packages and related problems
c. Interconnections (protocols, connectors, components)
4. Ground and power distribution (0,8 CFU)
a. Power Delivery
b. Simultaneous Switching Noise
c. Power and Ground routing, bypass capacitors
5. Digital Timing Analysis, Common-Clock Timing, Source Synchronous Timing (0,8 CFU)
6. EMI (1,2 CFU)
a. Radiated Emissions Compliance and System Noise Minimization,
b. Additional PCB Design Criteria, Package Considerations,
c. High Speed Digital circuits (Measurement Techniques, Time-Domain Reflectometry, Propagation Velocity)
1. Embedded electronic system design fundamentals (1 CFU)
a. Design specifications: Y chart, guide lines, international standard and rules
b. Design requirements (documentation, release history, testing, maintenance)
c. Quality basic concepts
d. Ergonomy
2. EDA tools for design, (1,4 CFU)
a. Design flow
b. simulation, verification and layout
c. PCB
3. Electronic components selection (0,8 CFU)
a. technologies roadmap
b. Packages and related problems
c. Interconnections (protocols, connectors, components)
4. Ground and power distribution (0,8 CFU)
a. Power Delivery
b. Simultaneous Switching Noise
c. Power and Ground routing, bypass capacitors
5. Digital Timing Analysis, Common-Clock Timing, Source Synchronous Timing (0,8 CFU)
6. EMI (1,2 CFU)
a. Radiated Emissions Compliance and System Noise Minimization,
b. Additional PCB Design Criteria, Package Considerations,
c. High Speed Digital circuits (Measurement Techniques, Time-Domain Reflectometry, Propagation Velocity)
Theory: Theoretical aspects of how a Printed Circuit Board is organised. Multi-layers structures, layout, IC placing, signal routing, Design Rule Checking, Net-list, Gerber files, Manufacturer report, Final technical Report. Each aspect of a circuit project is described and analysed.
Practice: the arguments of the course go with a series of practical and numerical exercises related to technological aspects of PCBs.
Laboratory: a case study will be presented, starting from the CAD design, simulation and analysis up to the final PCB and testing of the circuit. The PCB, organised as Gerber files, will be submitted to a professional manufacturer to see the final Design Rule Check.
Homeworks: each student will choose one argument from a list of topics related to advanced aspect of the Electronics Systems Design. He will receive material (scientific and technical papers, datasheets and so on) and will organise a small presentation for his fellows. The homework will be organised as a circuit (ORCAD), the Design Rule Check, the Netlist and the final Gerber Files which will be submitted to a manufacturer to be checked. Selected circuits will be implemented (optional) and will replace the final common practical exam. Students must choose the exam format by the end of October.
Theory: Theoretical aspects of how a Printed Circuit Board is organised. Multi-layers structures, layout, IC placing, signal routing, Design Rule Checking, Net-list, Gerber files, Manufacturer report, Final technical Report. Each aspect of a circuit project is described and analysed.
Practice: the arguments of the course go with a series of practical and numerical exercises related to technological aspects of PCBs.
Laboratory: a case study will be presented, starting from the CAD design, simulation and analysis up to the final PCB and testing of the circuit. The PCB, organised as Gerber files, will be submitted to a professional manufacturer to see the final Design Rule Check.
Homeworks: each student will choose one argument from a list of topics related to advanced aspect of the Electronics Systems Design. He will receive material (scientific and technical papers, datasheets and so on) and will organise a small presentation for his fellows. The homework will be organised as a circuit (ORCAD), the Design Rule Check, the Netlist and the final Gerber Files which will be submitted to a manufacturer to be checked. Selected circuits will be implemented (optional) and will replace the final common practical exam. Students must choose the exam format by the end of October.
A set of transparencies on the course subjects and exercises
Selected articles, datasheets, reports, application notes
A list of http links containing instrument manuals and white papers on the different subjects
ORCAD tutorial handbook.
The main book used is
- Howard Johnson and Martin Graham "High Speed Digital Design", ed. Prentice Hall (Pearson Italy)
Additional (optional) books are:
- Howard Johnson and Martin Graham "High Speed Signal Propagation", ed. Prentice Hall (Pearson Italy)
- Tom Granberg "Digital Techniques for High Speed Design", ed. Prentice Hall (Pearson Italy)
A set of transparencies on the course subjects and exercises
Selected articles, datasheets, reports, application notes
A list of http links containing instrument manuals and white papers on the different subjects
ORCAD tutorial handbook.
The main book used is
- Howard Johnson and Martin Graham "High Speed Digital Design", ed. Prentice Hall (Pearson Italy)
Additional (optional) books are:
- Howard Johnson and Martin Graham "High Speed Signal Propagation", ed. Prentice Hall (Pearson Italy)
- Tom Granberg "Digital Techniques for High Speed Design", ed. Prentice Hall (Pearson Italy)
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova pratica di laboratorio; Progetto individuale; Progetto di gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Practical lab skills test; Individual project; Group project;
The exam's goal is to verify the skill of the students to develop the project of an embedded electronic system. Theoretical issues will be checked by means of a final written test. Practical skills will be checked by means of individual or group (maximum 2 students) personal projects.
The final exam is organised with the following rules:
1) a brief (30 minutes) written theoretical section where 7 questions with closed answer with the weight of 0.47 (14/30) on the final score; minimum 4/7 answers should be right. No text (books, notes and so on) will be allowed during the test.
2) a 120 minutes written practical exam on the whole subjects (classes and practises) with the weight of 0.4 (12/30) on the final score; notes and books are allowed. A project will be proposed and each student has to use the CAD tools to produce the whole project (schematic, DRC, BOM, Netlist, Gerber files, technical report) ;
3) alternative to 2). An optional individual (or group, maximum 2 students) electronic project (assigned at the beginning of the semester) will be presented and evaluated with the weight of 0.54 on the final score (maximum 16/30). After 2 months each group will present their project to other students (short presentation) and an intermediate report will be checked. If approved the groups will go on up to the final Gerber Files which will be handed in immediately after the XMAS vacations . If not approved they will leave the project and will attend the regular exam, part 2).
Selected projects will be implemented and checked in the laboratory (optional, up to 3 points maximum).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Practical lab skills test; Individual project; Group project;
The exam's goal is to verify the skill of the students to develop the project of an embedded electronic system. Theoretical issues will be checked by means of a final written test. Practical skills will be checked by means of individual or group (maximum 2 students) personal projects.
The final exam is organised with the following rules:
1) a brief (30 minutes) written theoretical section where 7 questions with closed answer with the weight of 0.47 (14/30) on the final score; minimum 4/7 answers should be right. No text (books, notes and so on) will be allowed during the test.
2) a 120 minutes written practical exam on the whole subjects (classes and practises) with the weight of 0.4 (12/30) on the final score; notes and books are allowed. A project will be proposed and each student has to use the CAD tools to produce the whole project (schematic, DRC, BOM, Netlist, Gerber files, technical report) ;
3) alternative to 2). An optional individual (or group, maximum 2 students) electronic project (assigned at the beginning of the semester) will be presented and evaluated with the weight of 0.54 on the final score (maximum 16/30). After 2 months each group will present their project to other students (short presentation) and an intermediate report will be checked. If approved the groups will go on up to the final Gerber Files which will be handed in immediately after the XMAS vacations . If not approved they will leave the project and will attend the regular exam, part 2).
Selected projects will be implemented and checked in the laboratory (optional, up to 3 points maximum).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.