Elenco notifiche

Atelier Compatibility and sustainability of architectural restoration E


A.A. 2018/19

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 42
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Tutoraggio 35
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Piumatti Paolo
Atelier Compatibility and sustainability of architectural restoration E (New technologies for survey and drawing)  
Professore Associato CEAR-10/A 21 9 0 0 2
Tocci Cesare
Atelier Compatibility and sustainability of architectural restoration E (Restoration)  
Professore Associato CEAR-11/B 42 18 0 0 6

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The multidisciplinary Atelier addresses the integration of some disciplines that contribute to the realization of a sustainable, aimed-at-re-functioning, Restoration Project, with a particular focus on the innovative techniques for survey and the communication of the project. The disciplines of Restoration, Survey and Representation (Drawing and Geomatics) are coordinated within a design exercise that students are asked to develop, at different scales of study, facing the relevant themes related to: - preservation, - structural rehabilitation, - compliance with codes, - design of new functions - cultural, economic and environmental sustainability. The Restoration unit aims at contributing to the formation of the student’s design experience in the field of built heritage. From the knowledge of the city, and of the processes that led to its current configuration, up to the detection of the building chosen as a case study, one can outline the general framework within which the design activity will take place. The analysis of the built context, read together with the historical evolution of the building, defines the first cognitive phase, and is followed by the direct knowledge of the building itself, according to the restoration principles and methods. Such a knowledge is based the historical research, the survey of constructional techniques and structural apparatuses, the analysis of decay and distress phenomena of the building. All these aspects are investigated in the first part of the Atelier, and are followed by an in-depth analysis regarding the potentials of the building from the viewpoint of the objectives of conservation and enhancement. The project develops constantly relating to the other modules, and continuously verifying the principles of (environmental, economic, cultural, social) compatibility and sustainability, moreover trying to share the enhancement process with local authorities. The main objective of the New Technologies for Survey and Drawing unit is to provide students with the methods for evaluating and selecting the survey and representation techniques which are the most suitable for the development of the restoration design, offering theoretical knowledge and operational tools to detect and represent architecture in its various components. Firstly advance techniques concerning 3D survey will be analyzed that will be based on digital photogrammetry and LiDAr acquisition devices. Moreover different representation techniques will be experimented, in particular digital 3D modeling techniques, considering them not only as fundamental means to describe and comprehend reality, but also as key communication systems for educating to the view of the built environment, at different scales, and to its metric control. The teaching activity is aimed at providing theoretical and practical knowledge of the most proper and advanced drawing softwares for the representation of reality, describing their correct and conscious use.
The multidisciplinary Atelier addresses the integration of some disciplines that contribute to the realization of a sustainable, aimed-at-re-functioning, Restoration Project, with a particular focus on the innovative techniques for survey and the communication of the project. The disciplines of Restoration, Survey and Representation (Drawing and Geomatics) are coordinated within a design exercise that students are asked to develop, at different scales of study, facing the relevant themes related to: - preservation, - structural rehabilitation, - compliance with codes, - design of new functions - cultural, economic and environmental sustainability. The Restoration unit aims at contributing to the formation of the student’s design experience in the field of built heritage. From the knowledge of the city, and of the processes that led to its current configuration, up to the detection of the building chosen as a case study, one can outline the general framework within which the design activity will take place. The analysis of the built context, read together with the historical evolution of the building, defines the first cognitive phase, and is followed by the direct knowledge of the building itself, according to the restoration principles and methods. Such a knowledge is based the historical research, the survey of constructional techniques and structural apparatuses, the analysis of decay and distress phenomena of the building. All these aspects are investigated in the first part of the Atelier, and are followed by an in-depth analysis regarding the potentials of the building from the viewpoint of the objectives of conservation and enhancement. The project develops constantly relating to the other modules, and continuously verifying the principles of (environmental, economic, cultural, social) compatibility and sustainability, moreover trying to share the enhancement process with local authorities. The main objective of the New Technologies for Survey and Drawing unit is to provide students with the methods for evaluating and selecting the survey and representation techniques which are the most suitable for the development of the restoration design, offering theoretical knowledge and operational tools to detect and represent architecture in its various components. Firstly advance techniques concerning 3D survey will be analyzed that will be based on digital photogrammetry and LiDAr acquisition devices. Moreover different representation techniques will be experimented, in particular digital 3D modeling techniques, considering them not only as fundamental means to describe and comprehend reality, but also as key communication systems for educating to the view of the built environment, at different scales, and to its metric control. The teaching activity is aimed at providing theoretical and practical knowledge of the most proper and advanced drawing softwares for the representation of reality, describing their correct and conscious use.
The expected learning objectives essentially concern the following topics: - Theories and techniques for the restoration design of architectural heritage; - Fundamentals and basic theoretical principles of the 3D survey methods (digital photogrammetry and LiDAR); - Survey theories and techniques for managing the design process of restoration; - Fundamentals and theoretical principles of Cartography (projection systems and reference systems, elements of digital mapping); - Principles of Geomatics; - fundamentals of architectural 3D modeling. The students will be able to apply their knowledge for the achievement of the following objectives: - Recognizing the formal, structural and material features of historical architecture; - Identifying meanings and uses of architectural heritage, in both tangible and intangible aspects; - Verifying the compatibility of re-functioning choices in the restoration project; - Checking autonomously the sustainability of the conservation project; - Drawing properly the restoration project (virtual image and real image); - Exploiting properly 2D and 3D representation systems; - Using representation methods and scales suited to the different needs of the project; - Managing IT protocols and representation systems for the collection, organization and processing of information as a support for knowledge and sustainable management of architectural and environmental heritage; - Using Geomatics as a methodology to acquire an ever wider and more accurate knowledge of the existing buildings, optimizing survey and monitoring techniques.
The expected learning objectives essentially concern the following topics: - Theories and techniques for the restoration design of architectural heritage; - Fundamentals and basic theoretical principles of the 3D survey methods (digital photogrammetry and LiDAR); - Survey theories and techniques for managing the design process of restoration; - Fundamentals and theoretical principles of Cartography (projection systems and reference systems, elements of digital mapping); - Principles of Geomatics; - fundamentals of architectural 3D modeling. The students will be able to apply their knowledge for the achievement of the following objectives: - Recognizing the formal, structural and material features of historical architecture; - Identifying meanings and uses of architectural heritage, in both tangible and intangible aspects; - Verifying the compatibility of re-functioning choices in the restoration project; - Checking autonomously the sustainability of the conservation project; - Drawing properly the restoration project (virtual image and real image); - Exploiting properly 2D and 3D representation systems; - Using representation methods and scales suited to the different needs of the project; - Managing IT protocols and representation systems for the collection, organization and processing of information as a support for knowledge and sustainable management of architectural and environmental heritage; - Using Geomatics as a methodology to acquire an ever wider and more accurate knowledge of the existing buildings, optimizing survey and monitoring techniques.
Preliminary to the Atelier are considered the skills and abilities acquired in the three-years degree course (theory and history of restoration, drawing and survey, structural and technological disciplines, architectural composition and history of architecture).
Preliminary to the Atelier are considered the skills and abilities acquired in the three-years degree course (theory and history of restoration, drawing and survey, structural and technological disciplines, architectural composition and history of architecture).
The LAB activity that students are requested to develop concerns the Caserma Galliano a building belonging to a wider military complex in the historical centre of Mondovì (CN), built on the remains of a church dating back to the XIV century and still recognizable inside the present barrack. The Caserma - that has been already studied during the last Atelier - will be dealt with by direct (on the building) and indirect (on bibliographic and archive sources) methodologies continuously flanking, in both cases, advanced techniques and traditional tools. Being located inside the historical centre and characterized by relatively small dimensions and constructional apparatuses easy to survey, the Caserma can be analyzed at both urban and architectural scale. The former turns out to be essential in order to comprehend the relationship of the church with the city, in the latter the Caserma is examined in its constructional and structural consistency. The two scales are strictly related to the subsequent designing phase in which the theme of the sustainability will be expressed taking into account, on the one hand, the need for integration at the urban and territorial scales and calibrating, on the other hand, the specific design choices in accordance with the peculiar nature of the building. The lectures of the Restoration unit (6 CFU) will deal with the general features of historical masonry constructions, the main forms and processes of decay and distress they can undergo, the interventions that can be carried out on them in the framework of a consistent methodological approach to restoration. The lectures of the New Technologies for Survey and Drawing unit will be focused on the available new methods and technology for 3D survey and representation. The part will be divided in several steps: - theoretical lectures for understanding the methods and technology used for 3D survey and representation; - on the field data acquisition (New Technologies for Survey) using LiDAR instruments, topographic surveys and photogrammetric acquistition withh the use of Drone as well in order to document the area at an urban and architectural scale; - data processing using commercial and open source software (photogrammetric Structure from motion techniques, topographic and LiDAR ) in order to obtain 3D point Clouds, 3D models, orthophotos and Digital Surface Model (DSM). - 2D drawing extraction (Drawing) starting from the achieved 3D point clouds - parametric 3D model realization with the aim of HBIM realization.
The LAB activity that students are requested to develop concerns the Caserma Galliano a building belonging to a wider military complex in the historical centre of Mondovì (CN), built on the remains of a church dating back to the XIV century and still recognizable inside the present barrack. The Caserma - that has been already studied during the last Atelier - will be dealt with by direct (on the building) and indirect (on bibliographic and archive sources) methodologies continuously flanking, in both cases, advanced techniques and traditional tools. Being located inside the historical centre and characterized by relatively small dimensions and constructional apparatuses easy to survey, the Caserma can be analyzed at both urban and architectural scale. The former turns out to be essential in order to comprehend the relationship of the church with the city, in the latter the Caserma is examined in its constructional and structural consistency. The two scales are strictly related to the subsequent designing phase in which the theme of the sustainability will be expressed taking into account, on the one hand, the need for integration at the urban and territorial scales and calibrating, on the other hand, the specific design choices in accordance with the peculiar nature of the building. The lectures of the Restoration unit (6 CFU) will deal with the general features of historical masonry constructions, the main forms and processes of decay and distress they can undergo, the interventions that can be carried out on them in the framework of a consistent methodological approach to restoration. The lectures of the New Technologies for Survey and Drawing unit will be focused on the available new methods and technology for 3D survey and representation. The part will be divided in several steps: - theoretical lectures for understanding the methods and technology used for 3D survey and representation; - on the field data acquisition (New Technologies for Survey) using LiDAR instruments, topographic surveys and photogrammetric acquistition withh the use of Drone as well in order to document the area at an urban and architectural scale; - data processing using commercial and open source software (photogrammetric Structure from motion techniques, topographic and LiDAR ) in order to obtain 3D point Clouds, 3D models, orthophotos and Digital Surface Model (DSM). - 2D drawing extraction (Drawing) starting from the achieved 3D point clouds - parametric 3D model realization with the aim of HBIM realization.
The Atelier comprises lectures on the above mentioned topics and an exercise on the study case of the Caserma Galliano. The teaching methods include frontal, mono and multi-disciplinary, lectures focused on the real experience of the restoration project. The examination of the study case assigned to small groups of students (no more than three students) will allow dealing with the methods of intervention described in the theoretical lectures, sharing and deepening them in collective discussions. On-field surveys are provided for in dates that will be communicated at the beginning of the Atelier.
The Atelier comprises lectures on the above mentioned topics and an exercise on the study case of the Caserma Galliano. The teaching methods include frontal, mono and multi-disciplinary, lectures focused on the real experience of the restoration project. The examination of the study case assigned to small groups of students (no more than three students) will allow dealing with the methods of intervention described in the theoretical lectures, sharing and deepening them in collective discussions. On-field surveys are provided for in dates that will be communicated at the beginning of the Atelier.
References will be reported during the individual learning activities, in relation to the addressed issues. The basic material for the exercise will be constantly updated on the website of the course, where students will also find excerpts of the lectures. Anyway, essential textbooks for the Atelier are listed below. Restoration unit: • Carbonara G., Atlante del restauro, Torino, 2004. • Carocci C.F., Tocci C. (a cura di), Antonino Giuffrè. Leggendo il libro delle antiche architetture: aspetti statici del restauro, saggi 1985-1997, Roma, 2010. • Doglioni F., Nel restauro. Progetti per le architetture del passato, Venezia, 2008. New Technologies for Survey and Drawing unit: - Bryan, P., Blake, B., & Bedford, J.. Metric survey specifications for cultural heritage. English Heritage, 2013. - Stefano, B., & Marco, B. Manuale di rilievo architettonico e urbano. Novara: CittàStudi, 2012. - De Luca, L.. La fotomodellazione architettonica. Rilievo, modellazione, rappresentazione di edifici a partire da fotografie, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2011.
References will be reported during the individual learning activities, in relation to the addressed issues. The basic material for the exercise will be constantly updated on the website of the course, where students will also find excerpts of the lectures. Anyway, essential textbooks for the Atelier are listed below. Restoration unit: • Carbonara G., Atlante del restauro, Torino, 2004. • Carocci C.F., Tocci C. (a cura di), Antonino Giuffrè. Leggendo il libro delle antiche architetture: aspetti statici del restauro, saggi 1985-1997, Roma, 2010. • Doglioni F., Nel restauro. Progetti per le architetture del passato, Venezia, 2008. New Technologies for Survey and Drawing unit: - Bryan, P., Blake, B., & Bedford, J.. Metric survey specifications for cultural heritage. English Heritage, 2013. - Stefano, B., & Marco, B. Manuale di rilievo architettonico e urbano. Novara: CittàStudi, 2012. - De Luca, L.. La fotomodellazione architettonica. Rilievo, modellazione, rappresentazione di edifici a partire da fotografie, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2011.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
... The attendance of the Atelier is essential to develop positively the planned activities. The attained knowledge will be checked by discussing the exercise requested by the professors and through an oral examination concerning theoretical and applied aspects of the different disciplines of the Atelier. In-depth studies on monographic issues, or specific reports on technical topics, could be required, always aimed at preparing the project. The assessment of the performed work and the evaluation of the results, will take into account not only the degree of learning and maturation of the students, but also the ability to properly present ideas and proposals and promote the comprehension and participation of future partners to the proposed project. The final evaluation will take into account the intermediate assessments and the total amount of work, and will be based on the final discussion of the exercise (whose weight is 70% of the final mark) and the acquisition by each individual student of specific abilities regarding the Atelier topics as well as its participation in every phase (the remaining 30%). The exam may be passed only with a positive judgement in both disciplines of the Atelier.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The attendance of the Atelier is essential to develop positively the planned activities. The attained knowledge will be checked by discussing the exercise requested by the professors and through an oral examination concerning theoretical and applied aspects of the different disciplines of the Atelier. In-depth studies on monographic issues, or specific reports on technical topics, could be required, always aimed at preparing the project. The assessment of the performed work and the evaluation of the results, will take into account not only the degree of learning and maturation of the students, but also the ability to properly present ideas and proposals and promote the comprehension and participation of future partners to the proposed project. The final evaluation will take into account the intermediate assessments and the total amount of work, and will be based on the final discussion of the exercise (whose weight is 70% of the final mark) and the acquisition by each individual student of specific abilities regarding the Atelier topics as well as its participation in every phase (the remaining 30%). The exam may be passed only with a positive judgement in both disciplines of the Atelier.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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