Elenco notifiche

Solid state physics/Electronic devices


A.A. 2018/19

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The course is taught in English. Aim of the course (1st semester, 1st year) is to provide the theoretical basics of solid state physics and their applications to solid state electronic devices, with particular emphasis in applications in the area of ICTs and energy. This course plays a central role in the development of an Engineer expert in Nanotechnologies, because it extensively provides the basic elements for the understanding of subsequent courses of the MSc learning program. The integrated course is divided in two sections. In the Solid State Physics section the students are organized into two teams for the initial 4 ECTS. The first team is composed of students with a low background in the areas of quantum mechanics and statistics, which have to be learned in order to understand ensuing subjects in physics of matter and electronic devices. The second team is composed of students with an adequate background of modern physics. In both cases the students get (up to different levels of in-depth analysis) the fundamentals of solid state physics functional to study electronic properties of nanostructured materials. The second part of the first section (taught to all students) general methods for the evaluation of the band structure of conducting/semiconducting solids are given. In the Electronic Devices section, the students learn the basics for understanding the physics and the design of electronic devices.
The course is taught in English. Aim of the course (1st semester, 1st year) is to provide the theoretical basics of solid state physics and their applications to solid state electronic devices, with particular emphasis in applications in the area of ICTs and energy. This course plays a central role in the development of an Engineer expert in Nanotechnologies, because it extensively provides the basic elements for the understanding of subsequent courses of the MSc learning program. The integrated course is divided in two sections. In the Solid State Physics section the students are organized into two teams for the initial 4 ECTS. The first team is composed of students with a low background in the areas of quantum mechanics and statistics, which have to be learned in order to understand ensuing subjects in physics of matter and electronic devices. The second team is composed of students with an adequate background of modern physics. In both cases the students get (up to different levels of in-depth analysis) the fundamentals of solid state physics functional to study electronic properties of nanostructured materials. The second part of the first section (taught to all students) general methods for the evaluation of the band structure of conducting/semiconducting solids are given. In the Electronic Devices section, the students learn the basics for understanding the physics and the design of electronic devices.
- Knowledge of the radiation-matter interaction - Knowledge of electronic and optical properties of solids and nanostructures. - In-depth knowledge of quantum charge conduction in metals, semiconductors and insulators (bulk and nanostructures) - Knowledge of the effects related to quantum coherence and ballistic regime of electrons in nanostructures - Ability to evaluate the effects related to electronic motion un nanostructures with side confinement - Ability to evaluate band structures, even in low-dimensional systems - Knowledge of the operating principles of semiconductor (opto)electronic devices - Ability to apply the basics of solid state physics to the understanding of electronic devices.. - Ability in understanding and interpreting important experimental characterization techniques of semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices - Ability to use physics-based models for the analysis and design of the main semiconductor (opto)electronic devices - Ability to derive and use circuit-based models for the analysis of the main semiconductor (opto)electronic devices
- Knowledge of the radiation-matter interaction - Knowledge of electronic and optical properties of solids and nanostructures. - In-depth knowledge of quantum charge conduction in metals, semiconductors and insulators (bulk and nanostructures) - Knowledge of the effects related to quantum coherence and ballistic regime of electrons in nanostructures - Ability to evaluate the effects related to electronic motion un nanostructures with side confinement - Ability to evaluate band structures, even in low-dimensional systems - Knowledge of the operating principles of semiconductor (opto)electronic devices - Ability to apply the basics of solid state physics to the understanding of electronic devices.. - Ability in understanding and interpreting important experimental characterization techniques of semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices - Ability to use physics-based models for the analysis and design of the main semiconductor (opto)electronic devices - Ability to derive and use circuit-based models for the analysis of the main semiconductor (opto)electronic devices
- Elementary physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, wave optics, elements of structure of matter) - Elements of modern physics - Elements of electronics
- Elementary physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, wave optics, elements of structure of matter) - Elements of modern physics - Elements of electronics
Section: Solid State Physics Team 1 (4 ECTS) From classical physics to quantum mechanics (0,5 ECTS) Schrodinger equation. Measurement of a physical quantity. Interemination principle (0,5 ECTS) Analysis of one-dimensional quantum problems, the Schroedinger's equation for an infinite array of potential wells, electrons in crystalline solids (1 ECTS) The gas of photons and phonons (the Bose-Einstein's distribution), the black-body problem, the electron gas (the Fermi-Dirac's distribution). (1 ECTS) Electronic properties of metals and semiconductors Photon-matter interaction (0,5 ECTS) Team 2 (4 ECTS) The Boltzmann equation and the electrical conductivity of metals (0,5 ECTS) Phonons and electrons (0,5 ECTS) Surface and interface effects (0,5 ECTS) Low dimensionality systems (2 ECTS); graphene, the Landauer formula; resonant tunneling; Coulomb blockade ; single-electron trasnsistor Elements of spintronics: spintronic transistors (0,5 ECTS) Team 1 and 2 (2 ECTS) The density functional theory (1 ECTS) Applications of the model to determine band structures in solids (including low-dimensional systems) (1 ECTS) Section: Electronic Devices (Team 1 and 2 ) Semiclassical models for the analysis and design of electronic and optoelectronic devices (0,75 ECTS) p-n junction and heterojunctions (0,75 ECTS) Homo- and Hetero-junction bipolar transistors (1 ECTS) Metal-semiconductor junction and MESFET transistors (1,5 ECTS) Heterostructure field effect transistors (HEMT, HFET) (0,5 ECTS) MOS system and MOSFET transistor. (1 ECTS) Photovoltaic effect and solar cells (0,5 ECTS)
Section: Solid State Physics Team 1 (4 ECTS) From classical physics to quantum mechanics (0,5 ECTS) Schrodinger equation. Measurement of a physical quantity. Interemination principle (0,5 ECTS) Analysis of one-dimensional quantum problems, the Schroedinger's equation for an infinite array of potential wells, electrons in crystalline solids (1 ECTS) The gas of photons and phonons (the Bose-Einstein's distribution), the black-body problem, the electron gas (the Fermi-Dirac's distribution). (1 ECTS) Electronic properties of metals and semiconductors Photon-matter interaction (0,5 ECTS) Team 2 (4 ECTS) The Boltzmann equation and the electrical conductivity of metals (0,5 ECTS) Phonons and electrons (0,5 ECTS) Surface and interface effects (0,5 ECTS) Low dimensionality systems (2 ECTS); graphene, the Landauer formula; resonant tunneling; Coulomb blockade ; single-electron trasnsistor Elements of spintronics: spintronic transistors (0,5 ECTS) Team 1 and 2 (2 ECTS) The density functional theory (1 ECTS) Applications of the model to determine band structures in solids (including low-dimensional systems) (1 ECTS) Section: Electronic Devices (Team 1 and 2 ) Semiclassical models for the analysis and design of electronic and optoelectronic devices (0,75 ECTS) p-n junction and heterojunctions (0,75 ECTS) Homo- and Hetero-junction bipolar transistors (1 ECTS) Metal-semiconductor junction and MESFET transistors (1,5 ECTS) Heterostructure field effect transistors (HEMT, HFET) (0,5 ECTS) MOS system and MOSFET transistor. (1 ECTS) Photovoltaic effect and solar cells (0,5 ECTS)
Section: Solid State Physics Class practices include simple problem solving activities, with strict connections to theoretical lectures. In some cases scientific calculators (students' personal property) may be required. In the second part of this Section (joint student teams) the students will learn how to apply the DFT method to practical cases by informatics practices. Section: Electronic Devices Class practices include problems to be solved with analytical techniques (with the possible use of student’s scientific calculator) and problems to be solved with numerical techniques (with the use of student’s personal computer). In each week further exercises are proposed for individual study (homework), whose discussion and solution is provided in the following week
Section: Solid State Physics Class practices include simple problem solving activities, with strict connections to theoretical lectures. In some cases scientific calculators (students' personal property) may be required. In the second part of this Section (joint student teams) the students will learn how to apply the DFT method to practical cases by informatics practices. Section: Electronic Devices Class practices include problems to be solved with analytical techniques (with the possible use of student’s scientific calculator) and problems to be solved with numerical techniques (with the use of student’s personal computer). In each week further exercises are proposed for individual study (homework), whose discussion and solution is provided in the following week
C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (Wiley) H. Ibach ' H. Luth: Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Theory and Experiment (Springer) N. W. Ashcroft ' N. D. Mermin, Solid state physics (Brooks Cole) Material distributed by teachers Actual texts (selected among those in the list) will be stated by the teacher.
C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (Wiley) H. Ibach ' H. Luth: Solid-State Physics: An Introduction to Theory and Experiment (Springer) N. W. Ashcroft ' N. D. Mermin, Solid state physics (Brooks Cole) Material distributed by teachers Actual texts (selected among those in the list) will be stated by the teacher.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale obbligatoria; Prova orale facoltativa; Progetto di gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Optional oral exam; Group project;
... Section: Solid State Physics. The exam is written. The test includes multiple-answer questions and statements (to be assessed as true or false) and two open questions on all the course’s subjects. The maximum mark of questions/statements is 20/30, that of open questions is 10/30. The total allotted time is 90 min. The final mark can be increased/decrease up to 3 points on the basis of the quality of the reports on the informatics practices. The written test is passed with a score of at least 15/30. Willing students with an assessed knowledge of solid-state physics may ask for an oral test to possibly increase their marks. Section: Electronic Devices The exam is written. It includes numerical exercises and open answer questions and it is aimed at assessing the student ability to analyze the operation of the devices presented during the course. The written exam may be complemented by an optional (on request of the student or of the teacher) oral exam. In this case the final mark is given as arithmetic average of the written and oral parts. For interested students, with a demonstrated knowledge of elementary semiconductor devices, the written exam may be replaced by a term project, usually involving 2-4 students, on one of the course topics. In this case the exam consists of the delivery of a written report of the project work and of an individual oral (mandatory) exam for the discussion of the presented results. The final mark results as the average of the report evaluation and of the evaluation of the oral exam.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Compulsory oral exam; Optional oral exam; Group project;
Section: Solid State Physics. The exam is written. The test includes multiple-answer questions and statements (to be assessed as true or false) and two open questions on all the course’s subjects. The maximum mark of questions/statements is 20/30, that of open questions is 10/30. The total allotted time is 90 min. The final mark can be increased/decrease up to 3 points on the basis of the quality of the reports on the informatics practices. The written test is passed with a score of at least 15/30. Willing students with an assessed knowledge of solid-state physics may ask for an oral test to possibly increase their marks. Section: Electronic Devices The exam is written. It includes numerical exercises and open answer questions and it is aimed at assessing the student ability to analyze the operation of the devices presented during the course. The written exam may be complemented by an optional (on request of the student or of the teacher) oral exam. In this case the final mark is given as arithmetic average of the written and oral parts. For interested students, with a demonstrated knowledge of elementary semiconductor devices, the written exam may be replaced by a term project, usually involving 2-4 students, on one of the course topics. In this case the exam consists of the delivery of a written report of the project work and of an individual oral (mandatory) exam for the discussion of the presented results. The final mark results as the average of the report evaluation and of the evaluation of the oral exam.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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