The course is meant to allow the PhD students to have a direct, “hands-on” experience in a real experimental laboratory on fiber optics transmission, thanks to the infrastructure available in the PhotoNext, one of the 11 new Inter-Departmental Centers at POLITO ( As required by its mission, PhotoNext will propose a new type of didactical experiences to the PhD students that will follow this course, which will involve three practical “hands-on” laboratory experiments.
The three experiences that will be carried out during the course will be on:
- A direct-detection optical fiber transmission systems emulating a fiber to the home (FTTH) access network at 10+ Gbit/s data rate
- A coherent detection optical fiber transmission systems emulating a long-haul fiber network at 100+ Gbit/s
- An overview of the fiber fabrication process, followed by the characterization of an optical fiber in terms of optical attenuation and optical gain.
The course is meant to allow the PhD students to have a direct, “hands-on” experience in a real experimental laboratory on fiber optics transmission, thanks to the infrastructure available in the PhotoNext, one of the 11 new Inter-Departmental Centers at POLITO ( As required by its mission, PhotoNext will propose a new type of didactical experiences to the PhD students that will follow this course, which will involve three practical “hands-on” laboratory experiments.
The three experiences that will be carried out during the course will be on:
- A direct-detection optical fiber transmission systems emulating a fiber to the home (FTTH) access network at 10+ Gbit/s data rate
- A coherent detection optical fiber transmission systems emulating a long-haul fiber network at 100+ Gbit/s
- An overview of the fiber fabrication process, followed by the characterization of an optical fiber in terms of optical attenuation and optical gain.
The students will be guided through three different sets of experiments. For each of them, there will be a theoretical introduction (about 3 hours in class) then 3 hours in the laboratory where, together with a research assistant, the experimental setup will first be assembled, then the actual measurements will be taken. Finally, for the following 3 hours, the student will be assisted in post-processing and interpreting the experimental results.
At the end of the course, in order to pass the exam, each student will have to give a 15 minutes oral presentation on the results of his/her experiments.
For the first two experiments, a realistic optical fiber transmission systems will be assembled (laser, external modulator, fiber, different type of receivers, optionally optical filters and amplifiers), then the students will have to program a very high speed Arbitrary Waveform Generator to generate the transmitted signal, and to acquire the received signal using a Real Time Oscilloscope. The acquired sample data will then have to be post-processed. The software tool of choice to generate and post-process the experimental data will be Matlab.
For the last experiment, a rare earth doped optical fiber fabricated in our laboratories will be characterized in terms of optical attenuation and optical gain. The students will be given the raw data and will be asked to calculate the loss at 1300 nm, plot the optical gain curve, the laser linewidth, power threshold and slope efficiency.
The students will be guided through three different sets of experiments. For each of them, there will be a theoretical introduction (about 3 hours in class) then 3 hours in the laboratory where, together with a research assistant, the experimental setup will first be assembled, then the actual measurements will be taken. Finally, for the following 3 hours, the student will be assisted in post-processing and interpreting the experimental results.
At the end of the course, in order to pass the exam, each student will have to give a 15 minutes oral presentation on the results of his/her experiments.
For the first two experiments, a realistic optical fiber transmission systems will be assembled (laser, external modulator, fiber, different type of receivers, optionally optical filters and amplifiers), then the students will have to program a very high speed Arbitrary Waveform Generator to generate the transmitted signal, and to acquire the received signal using a Real Time Oscilloscope. The acquired sample data will then have to be post-processed. The software tool of choice to generate and post-process the experimental data will be Matlab.
For the last experiment, a rare earth doped optical fiber fabricated in our laboratories will be characterized in terms of optical attenuation and optical gain. The students will be given the raw data and will be asked to calculate the loss at 1300 nm, plot the optical gain curve, the laser linewidth, power threshold and slope efficiency.
Program for the PhD course "Photonext: Hands on course on Photonics for Fiber Transmission"
As already outlined on the online program, the course will propose to the PhD students 3 practical and experimental laboratory experiences, one for each of the three weeks of the course, according to the following schedule and topics:
• WEEK 1 (July 1-5): Digital Transmission over fibers based on intensity modulation and direct detection (acronym IM-DD)
• WEEK 2 (July 8-12): Physical measurements on optical fibers (acronym FIBERS)
• WEEK 3 (July 15-19): Digital Transmission over fibers based on complex modulation and coherent detection (acronym COHERENT)
In particular, this is the detailed schedule:
• Monday July 1st, 14.00-18.00, Prof. Gaudino
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: Introduction to experimental measurements and reports for experiments in the area of photonics. Theory of the experience on IM-DD systems
• Tuesday July 2nd 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o PhotoNext Laboratory, inside LINKS premises
o Topic: practical assisted IM-DD experiments in the lab
• Thursday July 4th 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: elaboration of the written results and how to write the final report.
• Monday July 8th, 14.00-18.00, Prof. Pugliese
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: Theory of the “FIBERS” experience, and visit to a laboratory for the fabrication of special glasses
• Tuesday July 9th 9.00-13.00, Prof. Boetti
o PhotoNext Laboratory, inside LINKS premises
o Topic: practical assisted “FIBERS” experiments in the lab
• Thursday July 11th 9.00-11.00, Prof. Boetti
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: elaboration of the written results and how to write the final report.
• Monday July 15th, 14.00-18.00, Prof. Carena
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: Theory of the experience on COHERENT systems
• Tuesday July 16nd 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o PhotoNext Laboratory, inside LINKS premises
o Topic: practical assisted COHERENT experiments in the lab
• Thursday July 18th 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: elaboration of the written results and how to write the final report.
Exam rules: the exam requires writing a concise report of the three experiences. The report can be written in groups of 2-3 students. The groups will be organized at the end of the first week. Typical length of the full report must be 10 pages (±1 page max) overall.
Program for the PhD course "Photonext: Hands on course on Photonics for Fiber Transmission"
As already outlined on the online program, the course will propose to the PhD students 3 practical and experimental laboratory experiences, one for each of the three weeks of the course, according to the following schedule and topics:
• WEEK 1 (July 1-5): Digital Transmission over fibers based on intensity modulation and direct detection (acronym IM-DD)
• WEEK 2 (July 8-12): Physical measurements on optical fibers (acronym FIBERS)
• WEEK 3 (July 15-19): Digital Transmission over fibers based on complex modulation and coherent detection (acronym COHERENT)
In particular, this is the detailed schedule:
• Monday July 1st, 14.00-18.00, Prof. Gaudino
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: Introduction to experimental measurements and reports for experiments in the area of photonics. Theory of the experience on IM-DD systems
• Tuesday July 2nd 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o PhotoNext Laboratory, inside LINKS premises
o Topic: practical assisted IM-DD experiments in the lab
• Thursday July 4th 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: elaboration of the written results and how to write the final report.
• Monday July 8th, 14.00-18.00, Prof. Pugliese
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: Theory of the “FIBERS” experience, and visit to a laboratory for the fabrication of special glasses
• Tuesday July 9th 9.00-13.00, Prof. Boetti
o PhotoNext Laboratory, inside LINKS premises
o Topic: practical assisted “FIBERS” experiments in the lab
• Thursday July 11th 9.00-11.00, Prof. Boetti
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: elaboration of the written results and how to write the final report.
• Monday July 15th, 14.00-18.00, Prof. Carena
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: Theory of the experience on COHERENT systems
• Tuesday July 16nd 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o PhotoNext Laboratory, inside LINKS premises
o Topic: practical assisted COHERENT experiments in the lab
• Thursday July 18th 9.00-12.00, Prof. Rizzelli
o Lessons, Shannon’s Room (in front of Classroom 12)
o Topics: elaboration of the written results and how to write the final report.
Exam rules: the exam requires writing a concise report of the three experiences. The report can be written in groups of 2-3 students. The groups will be organized at the end of the first week. Typical length of the full report must be 10 pages (±1 page max) overall.
Modalità di esame:
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.