The Course starts with an overview of the chemical and physical properties of bonds and of solid state, in order to level students with different cultural background. Afterwards, the most recent techniques for the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials are described; finally, several applications of nanomaterials in many different fields are considered (from groundwater remediation to drug delivery). It is an interdisciplinary course with several teachers (one of them is from the University of Turin), all of them experts in different sectors of nanoscience and nanotechnologies, giving classes based on their main research topics.
The Course starts with an overview of the chemical and physical properties of bonds and of solid state, in order to level students with different cultural background. Afterwards, the most recent techniques for the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials are described; finally, several applications of nanomaterials in many different fields are considered (from groundwater remediation to drug delivery). It is an interdisciplinary course with several teachers (one of them is from the University of Turin), all of them experts in different sectors of nanoscience and nanotechnologies, giving classes based on their main research topics.
Overview of the chemical bond. Nanostructured materials (definition, techniques of making, basic physico-chemical properties): nanotubes (both carbon-based and not), nanoparticles, nanoporous systems. Basics of solid state physics: Schrödinger equation, electronic states in solids. Compositional characterizations: XPS, photoemission spectroscopies. Structural characterizations: IR spectroscopy. Morphological characterizations: TEM and SEM microscopies (including EDX). Top-down nano-structuration processes: nanolithography (optical, X rays, electronic, ionic, AFM, nanoimprinting); thin film growth; etching. Bottom-up nano-structuration processes: self assembling and Langmuir-Blodgett films. Nanotechnologies for groundwater remediation. Photonic nanostructures: photonic crystals Photonic nanostructures: photonic crystals. Health effects of engineered nanomaterials. Mechanical properties of nanocomposites. Nanomagnets. Drug delivery from nanostructures. Sensors for bio-diagnostics (cellular, genomic, proteomic): chemical and biochemical surface functionalization.
Overview of the chemical bond. Nanostructured materials (definition, techniques of making, basic physico-chemical properties): nanotubes (both carbon-based and not), nanoparticles, nanoporous systems. Basics of solid state physics: Schrödinger equation, electronic states in solids. Compositional characterizations: XPS, photoemission spectroscopies. Structural characterizations: IR spectroscopy. Morphological characterizations: TEM and SEM microscopies (including EDX). Top-down nano-structuration processes: nanolithography (optical, X rays, electronic, ionic, AFM, nanoimprinting); thin film growth; etching. Bottom-up nano-structuration processes: self assembling and Langmuir-Blodgett films. Nanotechnologies for groundwater remediation. Photonic nanostructures: photonic crystals Photonic nanostructures: photonic crystals. Health effects of engineered nanomaterials. Mechanical properties of nanocomposites. Nanomagnets. Drug delivery from nanostructures. Sensors for bio-diagnostics (cellular, genomic, proteomic): chemical and biochemical surface functionalization.
Classes will be given in English in Room 2F of the DISAT Department (DISAT Entrance number 2, ground floor)
Overview of the chemical bond
Nanostructured materials (definition, techniques of making, basic physico-chemical properties): nanotubes (both carbon-based and not), nanoparticles, nanoporous systems.
Bonelli, Barbara 15/05 14.00-16.00
16/05 14.00-16.00
Basics of solid state physics: Schrodinger equation, electronic states in solids, quantum confinement
Ricciardi, Carlo 17/05 14.00-16.00
22/05 14.00-16.00
Structural characterizations: IR spectroscopy
Fiorilli, Sonia 23/05 14.00-16.00
Morphological characterizations: TEM and SEM microscopies (including EDX).
Manzoli, Maela (UniTO) 24/05 14.00-17.00
Mechanical properties of inorganic nanocomposites
Palmero, Paola 29/05 14.00-16.00
Top-down nano-structuration processes: clean room; thin film growth (PVD and CVD); nanolithography (optical, electronic, ionic, SPM); etching (wet and dry).
Giorgis, Fabrizio 30/05 14.00-17.00
Compositional characterizations: XPS, photoemission spectroscopies.
Castellino, Micaela 31/05 14.00-16.00
The use of VT-IR technique to characterize gas-solid systems.
Bonelli, Barbara 05/06 14.00-16.00
CO2 interaction with nanoporous solids and other nanomaterials for CCS.
Bonelli, Barbara 06/06 14.00-16.00
Nanostructured TiO2: synthesis, properties and applications.
Bonelli, Barbara 07/06 14.00-16.00
Nanotechnologies for groundwater remediation.
Sethi, Rajandrea 12/0614.00-16.00
Photonic nanostructures: photonic crystals.
Giorgis, Fabrizio 13/06 14.00-16.00
Sensors for bio-diagnostics (cellular, genomic, proteomic): chemical and biochemical surface functionalization.
Rivolo, Paola 14/06 14.00-16.00
Nanocatalysts for water splitting.
Armandi, Marco 19/06 14.00-17.00
Classes will be given in English in Room 2F of the DISAT Department (DISAT Entrance number 2, ground floor)
Overview of the chemical bond
Nanostructured materials (definition, techniques of making, basic physico-chemical properties): nanotubes (both carbon-based and not), nanoparticles, nanoporous systems.
Bonelli, Barbara 15/05 14.00-16.00
16/05 14.00-16.00
Basics of solid state physics: Schrodinger equation, electronic states in solids, quantum confinement
Ricciardi, Carlo 17/05 14.00-16.00
22/05 14.00-16.00
Structural characterizations: IR spectroscopy
Fiorilli, Sonia 23/05 14.00-16.00
Morphological characterizations: TEM and SEM microscopies (including EDX).
Manzoli, Maela (UniTO) 24/05 14.00-17.00
Mechanical properties of inorganic nanocomposites
Palmero, Paola 29/05 14.00-16.00
Top-down nano-structuration processes: clean room; thin film growth (PVD and CVD); nanolithography (optical, electronic, ionic, SPM); etching (wet and dry).
Giorgis, Fabrizio 30/05 14.00-17.00
Compositional characterizations: XPS, photoemission spectroscopies.
Castellino, Micaela 31/05 14.00-16.00
The use of VT-IR technique to characterize gas-solid systems.
Bonelli, Barbara 05/06 14.00-16.00
CO2 interaction with nanoporous solids and other nanomaterials for CCS.
Bonelli, Barbara 06/06 14.00-16.00
Nanostructured TiO2: synthesis, properties and applications.
Bonelli, Barbara 07/06 14.00-16.00
Nanotechnologies for groundwater remediation.
Sethi, Rajandrea 12/0614.00-16.00
Photonic nanostructures: photonic crystals.
Giorgis, Fabrizio 13/06 14.00-16.00
Sensors for bio-diagnostics (cellular, genomic, proteomic): chemical and biochemical surface functionalization.
Rivolo, Paola 14/06 14.00-16.00
Nanocatalysts for water splitting.
Armandi, Marco 19/06 14.00-17.00
Modalità di esame:
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.