The course is taught in English.
The course illustrates the principles of operation, and provides the design criteria of the main passive components used in microwave and millimeter-wave systems. The course also provides an introduction to electromagnetic compatibility, with particular emphasis on signal integrity, conducted and radiated interference, and mitigation of interference due to electromagnetic fields in electronic devices.
The course is taught in English.
The course illustrates the principles of operation, and provides the design criteria of the main passive components used in microwave and millimeter-wave systems. The course also provides an introduction to electromagnetic compatibility, with particular emphasis on signal integrity, conducted and radiated interference, and mitigation of interference due to electromagnetic fields in electronic devices.
- Capability to represent multi-port devices with equivalent matrices and to relate the properties of the latter to the physical characteristics of the component they represent.
- Knowledge of the operation principles of the main microwave an millimeter-wave passive components.
- Capability to design microwave components in microstrip technology.
- Capability to use simulation tools for microwave components.
- Capability to measure microstrip components.
- Knowledge and ability to model noise and interferences on transmission lines.
- Knowledge of basics of emissions and susceptibility of components and systems, and of the techniques for their suppression.
- Capability to represent multi-port devices with equivalent matrices and to relate the properties of the latter to the physical characteristics of the component they represent.
- Knowledge of the operation principles of the main microwave an millimeter-wave passive components.
- Capability to design microwave components in microstrip technology.
- Capability to use simulation tools for microwave components.
- Capability to measure microstrip components.
- Knowledge and ability to model noise and interferences on transmission lines.
- Knowledge of basics of emissions and susceptibility of components and systems, and of the techniques for their suppression.
- Basics of guided electromagnetic wave propagation: transmission lines.
- Basics of electromagnetic wave propagation in free space.
- Basics of guided electromagnetic wave propagation: transmission lines.
- Basics of electromagnetic wave propagation in free space.
Conventional transmission line review, introduction of Multiconductor transmission Lines and of S-parameters for the representation of N-port devices (1 CFU)
Microwave components, their characterization and design techniques, and their use in microwave systems. (4 CFU)
Signal integrity: distortions due to mis-matching, cross-talk. (1 CFU)
Rediated field review, introduction of radiated emissions and susceptibility. (1 CFU)
Numerical and experimental characterization of the considered devices, EMC measurements (1 CFU)
Conventional transmission line review, introduction of Multiconductor transmission Lines and of S-parameters for the representation of N-port devices (1 CFU)
Microwave components, their characterization and design techniques, and their use in microwave systems. (4 CFU)
Signal integrity: distortions due to mis-matching, cross-talk. (1 CFU)
Rediated field review, introduction of radiated emissions and susceptibility. (1 CFU)
Numerical and experimental characterization of the considered devices, EMC measurements (1 CFU)
Problem-solving classes integrated with lectures. Exercises assigned almost weekly, to be held mainly at home (homework). They are solved during the exercise classes, the week after the assignment.
Experimental labs: measurement of microwave components and radiated emissions. The measures will be taken by students divided into teams and assisted by experienced staff.
Numerical labs on the simulation of microwave components in the MATLAB envirnment and with commercial software, assisted by experienced staff.
Group activity (optional) devoted to the design of one of the components analyzed during the course, to the simulation of its behavior and to the measurement of a prototype, that will be manufactured by experienced personnel.
Problem-solving classes integrated with lectures. Exercises assigned almost weekly, to be held mainly at home (homework). They are solved during the exercise classes, the week after the assignment.
Experimental labs: measurement of microwave components and radiated emissions. The measures will be taken by students divided into teams and assisted by experienced staff.
Numerical labs on the simulation of microwave components in the MATLAB envirnment and with commercial software, assisted by experienced staff.
Group activity (optional) devoted to the design of one of the components analyzed during the course, to the simulation of its behavior and to the measurement of a prototype, that will be manufactured by experienced personnel.
Material available on the web portal: classes slides, assignments, collection of useful formulas
Suggested textbooks:
- D. Pozar, "Microwave engineering"
- C. Paul: "Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility"
Material available on the web portal: classes slides, assignments, collection of useful formulas
Suggested textbooks:
- D. Pozar, "Microwave engineering"
- C. Paul: "Introduction to electromagnetic compatibility"
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa;
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
The main aim of the exam is to verify the learning level of the course topics, i.e. the capability to design the passive components that are commonly present in the RF block of an electronic circuits, to perform their critical analysis, to quantify the effects of interferences and to find possible solution for their reduction.
The final score is expressed in thirtieths. The minimum score to not fail the exam is 18/30.
The exam consists in a mandatory written test, consisting in three exercises, devoted to verify the knowledge of the subject matters. Its aim is to verify the acquisition of the course competences (see expected learning outcomes) through the solution of exercises in which problems similar to those solved during exercise classes or porposed in the weekly assignements have to be solved.
It is possible to pass the exam with the written test only, but in this case the maximum achievable score is 27/30. Its duration is 2 hours.
For the written test, students need only to take with them what is necessary to write and the calculator. Na books, solved exercises or notes are allowed. The usefull formula are directly added to the exam text.
The results of the written test are posted on the course website. Students have the possibility to see their written exam and to discuss it, in a predefined day.
If the written test has a score at least equal to 18/30, it is possible to improve the final score according to the following different ways, that are not mutually exclusive.
- An oral test, mostly aimed to check the more theoretical aspects of the topics debated during the course; it could increase or decrease the final score with respect to that of the written test.
- The submission of the assigned exercises (homeworks); their aim is to help the students to deal with the different subject matters immediately after their explanation, to have the possibility of asking clarifications without waiting for the end of the course.
- The submission of a short report on the optional project activity. It will consist in the design, numerical characterization and measurements of one of the devices considered during the course (e.g. a filter). The course instructors are responsable for its manufacturing. The activity is carried on in small groups (2-4 people). One report for each group is required, to be delivered before the end of July's exam period. The aim of this activity is to teach students to face a "real problem", learning to use a commercial tool for the numerical analysis of the component, and to discuss the effects of manufacturing tolerances and the possible discrepancies between computed and measured results.
The total number of points that could be gained with the assignments and the projects are four.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Optional oral exam;
The main aim of the exam is to verify the learning level of the course topics, i.e. the capability to design the passive components that are commonly present in the RF block of an electronic circuits, to perform their critical analysis, to quantify the effects of interferences and to find possible solution for their reduction.
The final score is expressed in thirtieths. The minimum score to not fail the exam is 18/30.
The exam consists in a mandatory written test, consisting in three exercises, devoted to verify the knowledge of the subject matters. Its aim is to verify the acquisition of the course competences (see expected learning outcomes) through the solution of exercises in which problems similar to those solved during exercise classes or porposed in the weekly assignements have to be solved.
It is possible to pass the exam with the written test only, but in this case the maximum achievable score is 27/30. Its duration is 2 hours.
For the written test, students need only to take with them what is necessary to write and the calculator. Na books, solved exercises or notes are allowed. The usefull formula are directly added to the exam text.
The results of the written test are posted on the course website. Students have the possibility to see their written exam and to discuss it, in a predefined day.
If the written test has a score at least equal to 18/30, it is possible to improve the final score according to the following different ways, that are not mutually exclusive.
- An oral test, mostly aimed to check the more theoretical aspects of the topics debated during the course; it could increase or decrease the final score with respect to that of the written test.
- The submission of the assigned exercises (homeworks); their aim is to help the students to deal with the different subject matters immediately after their explanation, to have the possibility of asking clarifications without waiting for the end of the course.
- The submission of a short report on the optional project activity. It will consist in the design, numerical characterization and measurements of one of the devices considered during the course (e.g. a filter). The course instructors are responsable for its manufacturing. The activity is carried on in small groups (2-4 people). One report for each group is required, to be delivered before the end of July's exam period. The aim of this activity is to teach students to face a "real problem", learning to use a commercial tool for the numerical analysis of the component, and to discuss the effects of manufacturing tolerances and the possible discrepancies between computed and measured results.
The total number of points that could be gained with the assignments and the projects are four.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.