Elenco notifiche

Manufacturing and assembly technologies


A.A. 2019/20

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo (Automotive Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 82
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Russo Spena Pasquale   Professore Associato IIND-04/A 41 27 0 0 7

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/16 10 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria meccanica
The main aim of the course is to provide an overview of the main manufacturing and assembly processes used in the automotive industry. Fundamentals of manufacturing and assembly processes are discussed, also with the intent of providing some concepts about the relationships between these processes and product requirements, in terms of performance and cost. A comparative analysis between traditional and unconventional manufacturing processes will also be addressed. During the course, the students will acquire the main theoretical knowledges, related to both scientific and technological aspects, relevant to the manufacturing and assembly industrial activities. Theory, problems, and practical examples, illustrated during lectures, will allow students to reflect on the main features and limitations of production and assembly processes in the automotive industry, as well as on the choice of proper manufacturing technologies (e.g. selection of process parameters) and assembly operations.
The main aim of the course is to provide an overview of the main manufacturing and assembly processes used in the automotive industry. Fundamentals of manufacturing and assembly processes are discussed, also with the intent of providing some concepts about the relationships between these processes and product requirements, in terms of performance and cost. A comparative analysis between traditional and unconventional manufacturing processes will also be addressed. During the course, the students will acquire the main theoretical knowledges, related to both scientific and technological aspects, relevant to the manufacturing and assembly industrial activities. Theory, problems, and practical examples, illustrated during lectures, will allow students to reflect on the main features and limitations of production and assembly processes in the automotive industry, as well as on the choice of proper manufacturing technologies (e.g. selection of process parameters) and assembly operations.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Knowledge and understanding: 1. to know and understand the main mechanical components and their functions; 2. to acquire a knowledge and understanding about the main important manufacturing and assembly processes in mechanical industry; 3. to know and understand the relationships between materials, manufacturing processes and product requirements; 4. to identify advantages and limitations of the main industrial manufacturing and assembly processes; 5. to realize the potentiality of unconventional processes in respect with traditional processes in the industrial production. Applying knowledge and understanding: 6. operational capacity to solve problems of medium complexity in the main fields of automotive engineering; 7. to be able to evaluate which manufacturing and assembly process is more suitable to ensure proper product requirements. Making judgements: 8) to able to critically identify and select the information necessary for a proper selection and planning of a manufacturing and assembly process; 9) to examine objectively the results obtained from analytical processing, numerical simulations or experimental laboratory tests; 10) to develop a predisposition to solving problems of medium complexity related to manufacturing and assembly technologies; 11) to make use of technical and scientific literature. Communication skills: 12) ability to structure and prepare scientific and technical documentations inherent to the main manufacturing processes used in the mechanical industry; 13) ability to present, communicate, discuss and argue the topics covered in the course. Ability to learn: 14) the student will develop learning skills through the individual study of the topics dealt in the lecture and exercise hours. In addition, the analysis of different problems of manufacturing and assembly processes may also be addressed by group discussions; 15) the student will have the opportunity to extent the knowledge of the manufacturing and assembly processes by consulting scientific literature, specialized texts, technical standards and international standards that the professor may provide during the course.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Knowledge and understanding: 1. to know and understand the main mechanical components and their functions; 2. to acquire a knowledge and understanding about the main important manufacturing and assembly processes in mechanical industry; 3. to know and understand the relationships between materials, manufacturing processes and product requirements; 4. to identify advantages and limitations of the main industrial manufacturing and assembly processes; 5. to realize the potentiality of unconventional processes in respect with traditional processes in the industrial production. Applying knowledge and understanding: 6. operational capacity to solve problems of medium complexity in the main fields of automotive engineering; 7. to be able to evaluate which manufacturing and assembly process is more suitable to ensure proper product requirements. Making judgements: 8) to able to critically identify and select the information necessary for a proper selection and planning of a manufacturing and assembly process; 9) to examine objectively the results obtained from analytical processing, numerical simulations or experimental laboratory tests; 10) to develop a predisposition to solving problems of medium complexity related to manufacturing and assembly technologies; 11) to make use of technical and scientific literature. Communication skills: 12) ability to structure and prepare scientific and technical documentations inherent to the main manufacturing processes used in the mechanical industry; 13) ability to present, communicate, discuss and argue the topics covered in the course. Ability to learn: 14) the student will develop learning skills through the individual study of the topics dealt in the lecture and exercise hours. In addition, the analysis of different problems of manufacturing and assembly processes may also be addressed by group discussions; 15) the student will have the opportunity to extent the knowledge of the manufacturing and assembly processes by consulting scientific literature, specialized texts, technical standards and international standards that the professor may provide during the course.
Students who attend the course should have a basic knowledge of mathematical analysis, technical drawing, physics, material science. Basic computer skills, also about Excel and Solidworks (or similar software), are required.
Students who attend the course should have a basic knowledge of mathematical analysis, technical drawing, physics, material science. Basic computer skills, also about Excel and Solidworks (or similar software), are required.
The course covers the following topics: Manufacturing processes (50 hours) o Classification of manufacturing processes o Materials for automotive applications o Production indicators • Casting techniques o Main issues: solidification of metals, shrinkage and risers, gating system o Expendable mold casting processes o Permanent mold casting processes • Forming processes o Fundamentals of theory of plasticity o Bulk deformation processes: - Rolling - Drawing - Extrusion - Forging • Machining processes o Fundamentals of material removal processes o Tool materials o Turning operations o Drilling operations o Milling operations o Grinding processes o Wear of tools, Taylor’s tool-life equation o Economics of machining Assembly and joining processes (50 hours) o Sheet metal forming o Welding processes and automotive applications o Tolerance chain management o Laser welding o Capacity discharge welding o Medium-frequency welding o Taylor welded blanks o Flexibility (robot gate evolution) o Mechanical joining techniques: self-piercing riveting, clinching, adhesives, hybrid techniques • Painting in the automotive sector o Corrosion protection o Fundamentals of painting plants and transport systems o Methods and Cycles • Plastics: molding, welding, coatings, and assembly techniques • Assembly in the automotive sector o Components of a joint o Tightening strategies and preload o Tightening tools o Assembly line analysis o Assembly line saturation and balancing o Robots and robotization o Virtual engineering, manufacturing systems simulation o SPC and quality o Design for manufacturing and assembly o Ergonomics o Problem solving o Communication and presentation techniques
The course covers the following topics: Manufacturing processes (50 hours) o Classification of manufacturing processes o Materials for automotive applications o Production indicators • Casting techniques o Main issues: solidification of metals, shrinkage and risers, gating system o Expendable mold casting processes o Permanent mold casting processes • Forming processes o Fundamentals of theory of plasticity o Bulk deformation processes: - Rolling - Drawing - Extrusion - Forging • Machining processes o Fundamentals of material removal processes o Tool materials o Turning operations o Drilling operations o Milling operations o Grinding processes o Wear of tools, Taylor’s tool-life equation o Economics of machining Assembly and joining processes (50 hours) o Sheet metal forming o Welding processes and automotive applications o Tolerance chain management o Laser welding o Capacity discharge welding o Medium-frequency welding o Taylor welded blanks o Flexibility (robot gate evolution) o Mechanical joining techniques: self-piercing riveting, clinching, adhesives, hybrid techniques • Painting in the automotive sector o Corrosion protection o Fundamentals of painting plants and transport systems o Methods and Cycles • Plastics: molding, welding, coatings, and assembly techniques • Assembly in the automotive sector o Components of a joint o Tightening strategies and preload o Tightening tools o Assembly line analysis o Assembly line saturation and balancing o Robots and robotization o Virtual engineering, manufacturing systems simulation o SPC and quality o Design for manufacturing and assembly o Ergonomics o Problem solving o Communication and presentation techniques
The course is based on hours of frontal lectures and hours dedicated to classroom and laboratory activities, as well as on possible visits to manufacturing companies and/or exhibitions. The course is divided into two parts. One part is devoted to providing the fundamentals of assembly technologies for the automotive industry; the second part provide the fundamentals of manufacturing processes for the automotive industry. Students will be divided in teams with a specific project to develop (manufacturing, stamping, body in white teamwork).
The course is based on hours of frontal lectures and hours dedicated to classroom and laboratory activities, as well as on possible visits to manufacturing companies and/or exhibitions. The course is divided into two parts. One part is devoted to providing the fundamentals of assembly technologies for the automotive industry; the second part provide the fundamentals of manufacturing processes for the automotive industry. Students will be divided in teams with a specific project to develop (manufacturing, stamping, body in white teamwork).
PowerPoint slides presented during lectures will be provided as lecture notes (.pdf files) and uploaded in the web portal of the course. Professors may also provide supplementary readings (e.g., research papers, web links) or videos concerning the course topics. The student can mainly refer to the following textbooks: 1) S. Kalpakjian, "Manufacturing engineering and technology", ed. Pearson 2) M.P. Groover, "Fundamentals of modern manufacturing, ed. Wiley 3) G.E. Dieter, "Mechanical metallurgy", ed. McGraw-Hill 4) A. Zompì, R. Levi, "Tecnologia meccanica (lavorazioni per deformazione plastica)", ed. UTET 5) A. Zompì, R. Levi, "Tecnologia meccanica (lavorazioni ad asportazione di truciolo)", ed. UTET 6) Santochi e F. Giusti, "Tecnologia meccanica e studi di fabbricazione", Editrice Ambrosiana
PowerPoint slides presented during lectures will be provided as lecture notes (.pdf files) and uploaded in the web portal of the course. Professors may also provide supplementary readings (e.g., research papers, web links) or videos concerning the course topics. The student can mainly refer to the following textbooks: 1) S. Kalpakjian, "Manufacturing engineering and technology", ed. Pearson 2) M.P. Groover, "Fundamentals of modern manufacturing, ed. Wiley 3) G.E. Dieter, "Mechanical metallurgy", ed. McGraw-Hill 4) A. Zompì, R. Levi, "Tecnologia meccanica (lavorazioni per deformazione plastica)", ed. UTET 5) A. Zompì, R. Levi, "Tecnologia meccanica (lavorazioni ad asportazione di truciolo)", ed. UTET 6) Santochi e F. Giusti, "Tecnologia meccanica e studi di fabbricazione", Editrice Ambrosiana
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Progetto di gruppo;
Exam: Written test; Group project;
... Formative assessment The exercises in the classroom and in the laboratory, as well as discussions with the professor during the lectures would allow to assess and evaluate the student ability to apply their knowledge and understanding of the topics covered during the course. The expected ILOs assessed during the formative assessment are summarized in the following (refer to the list in the "expected learning outcomes" field): - ILOs assessed by means of discussions with the professor: 2, 11, 13, 14. - ILOs assessed by class exercises and laboratory activities: 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14. Criteria, rules, and procedures for the final examination The final examination consists of two distinct written parts, which the student must take in succession (i.e. in the same day): one part aims to assess the contents concerning assembly technology; second part to assess the contents concerning manufacturing processes. Each written part consists of 10 questions inherent to the topics addressed during the course (both during the frontal and exercise lectures, as well as lab activities). Therefore, the whole exam consists of 20 questions. The questions can be multiple choice questions, open-ended questions and/or exercises to be solved. Each written part can be successfully passed if the student reaches 18/30 (answers are rated from 0 to 3 points each). Score of 18/30 in both the written parts is a mandatory to pass the whole exam, otherwise it is failed. In case of passing only one of the two tests, students can keep the good one till the first exam session of the next academic year (January - February). The expected ILOs assessed during the final exam are (refer to the list in the "expected learning outcomes" field): 1-8, 10, 13. Evaluation criteria and criteria for awarding marks The evaluation criteria of the written exam are based on the correctness of the responses to multiple choice questions and exercises, and pertinence and clarity of the response to the open-ended questions. The grade for each written part is expressed in a 30/30 scale. The student can present the results of a teamwork activity (a team normally consists of 4-6 students) in order to increase the final grade of further 1/30 to 3/30 points. In the teamwork activity, students must design autonomously an assembly or a manufacturing process to fabricate an industrial component assigned by the professor. The teamwork activity lasts about 1.5 months (approximately from the beginning of May to mid-June). Students must make an oral presentation, always planned before the first exam session, to present and discuss the results of the teamwork activity. The evaluation criteria of the teamwork are based on the knowledge of the topics of the course, the clarity and the properties of language of students, the pertinence and the relevance to the answers of the professor, and the autonomy of judgment. Teamwork activity is optional and not compulsory. Summarizing: final score = [score of manufacturing test (expressed in xx/30 with a minimum of 18/30) + score of assembly test (expressed in xx/30 with a minimum of 18/30)] /2 + teamwork score (from 0 to 3/30).
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Written test; Group project;
Formative assessment The exercises in the classroom and in the laboratory, as well as discussions with the professor during the lectures would allow to assess and evaluate the student ability to apply their knowledge and understanding of the topics covered during the course. The expected ILOs assessed during the formative assessment are summarized in the following (refer to the list in the "expected learning outcomes" field): - ILOs assessed by means of discussions with the professor: 2, 11, 13, 14. - ILOs assessed by class exercises and laboratory activities: 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14. Criteria, rules, and procedures for the final examination The final examination consists of two distinct written parts, which the student must take in succession (i.e. in the same day): one part aims to assess the contents concerning assembly technology; second part to assess the contents concerning manufacturing processes. Each written part consists of 10 questions inherent to the topics addressed during the course (both during the frontal and exercise lectures, as well as lab activities). Therefore, the whole exam consists of 20 questions. The questions can be multiple choice questions, open-ended questions and/or exercises to be solved. Each written part can be successfully passed if the student reaches 18/30 (answers are rated from 0 to 3 points each). Score of 18/30 in both the written parts is a mandatory to pass the whole exam, otherwise it is failed. In case of passing only one of the two tests, students can keep the good one till the first exam session of the next academic year (January - February). The expected ILOs assessed during the final exam are (refer to the list in the "expected learning outcomes" field): 1-8, 10, 13. Evaluation criteria and criteria for awarding marks The evaluation criteria of the written exam are based on the correctness of the responses to multiple choice questions and exercises, and pertinence and clarity of the response to the open-ended questions. The grade for each written part is expressed in a 30/30 scale. The student can present the results of a teamwork activity (a team normally consists of 4-6 students) in order to increase the final grade of further 1/30 to 3/30 points. In the teamwork activity, students must design autonomously an assembly or a manufacturing process to fabricate an industrial component assigned by the professor. The teamwork activity lasts about 1.5 months (approximately from the beginning of May to mid-June). Students must make an oral presentation, always planned before the first exam session, to present and discuss the results of the teamwork activity. The evaluation criteria of the teamwork are based on the knowledge of the topics of the course, the clarity and the properties of language of students, the pertinence and the relevance to the answers of the professor, and the autonomy of judgment. Teamwork activity is optional and not compulsory. Summarizing: final score = [score of manufacturing test (expressed in xx/30 with a minimum of 18/30) + score of assembly test (expressed in xx/30 with a minimum of 18/30)] /2 + teamwork score (from 0 to 3/30).
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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