Elenco notifiche

Atelier Urban Design E


A.A. 2019/20

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 42
Esercitazioni in aula 18
Tutoraggio 35
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Artuso Mario
Atelier Urban Design E (Urban planning)
Docente esterno e/o collaboratore   42 18 0 0 6
Ciaffi Daniela
Atelier Urban Design E (Urban sociology)
Professore Associato GSPS-08/B 32 8 0 0 2

SSD CFU Activities Area context
The "Architecture for Sustainability" degree aims at training a designer able to work out a specific technical project according to the current rules and procedures and aware of the aftermaths that a design choice involves at different scales and in different geographical contexts. This activity takes place in agreement with the principles of environmental sustainability, economic, social and cultural development - as well as - the management of available resources. Therefore, this Atelier assigns primary focus on Sustainable development, considering its main role for urban and regional planning. The urban project is here considered in all its multidisciplinary issues, environment, social cohesion, economic feasibility, and distributional equity, morphological quality, technical and procedural rules and so on. Each of these issues will be focus in relationship with urban and sociological policies in the design project area that is located in the City of Lyon, France. This choice is mainly due to three reasons: To train students to work in a foreign context, the presence in the city of Lyon of an urban area affected by an important international planning urban development program and located in a context of high sociological interest (the area called "Confluence" corresponding to the a 83 Ha surface), the easy accessibility of Lyon from Turin, thus facilitating a visit to the place.
The "Architecture for Sustainability" degree aims at training a designer able to work out a specific technical project according to the current rules and procedures and aware of the aftermaths that a design choice involves at different scales and in different geographical contexts. This activity takes place in agreement with the principles of environmental sustainability, economic, social and cultural development - as well as - the management of available resources. Therefore, this Atelier assigns primary focus on Sustainable development, considering its main role for urban and regional planning. The urban project is here considered in all its multidisciplinary issues, environment, social cohesion, economic feasibility, and distributional equity, morphological quality, technical and procedural rules and so on. Each of these issues will be focus in relationship with urban and sociological policies in the design project area that is located in the City of Lyon, France. This choice is mainly due to three reasons: To train students to work in a foreign context, the presence in the city of Lyon of an urban area affected by an important international planning urban development program and located in a context of high sociological interest (the area called "Confluence" corresponding to the a 83 Ha surface), the easy accessibility of Lyon from Turin, thus facilitating a visit to the place.
This Atelier, which takes place in English language aims to make sure that each student can improve his knowledge with particular carefulness for: - the concept of sustainability in its several meanings and its disciplinary evolution over the time; - the town and regional planning technical tools; - the landscape, its signs, meanings and land use planning; - the social and environmental requirements needed to design; - the knowledge of settlements morphological structure, physical-spatial and distributive features; - local communities social and cultural imprinting’s and their relationships with the natural and built environment; - the design process at different scales and its relationships with the socio-economic and environmental context. At the end of the course students must have acquired the skills for: - to analyze the urban contexts with respect to built and open spaces; - to collect, organize and manage social and urban data's for urban and regional planning; - to specify urban policies and priorities and to bring the project choices back to them; - to use appropriate urban planning parameters to frame urban transformation; - to assess the aftermaths that the proposed transformations may have on existing structures; - to design an urban project in a precise and detailed way; - to learn to expose an urban project in a synthetic way.
This Atelier, which takes place in English language aims to make sure that each student can improve his knowledge with particular carefulness for: - the concept of sustainability in its several meanings and its disciplinary evolution over the time; - the town and regional planning technical tools; - the landscape, its signs, meanings and land use planning; - the social and environmental requirements needed to design; - the knowledge of settlements morphological structure, physical-spatial and distributive features; - local communities social and cultural imprinting’s and their relationships with the natural and built environment; - the design process at different scales and its relationships with the socio-economic and environmental context. At the end of the course students must have acquired the skills for: - to analyze the urban contexts with respect to built and open spaces; - to collect, organize and manage social and urban data's for urban and regional planning; - to specify urban policies and priorities and to bring the project choices back to them; - to use appropriate urban planning parameters to frame urban transformation; - to assess the aftermaths that the proposed transformations may have on existing structures; - to design an urban project in a precise and detailed way; - to learn to expose an urban project in a synthetic way.
prerequisite is the knowledge of the English language, together with skills and knowledge that students must have acquired in previous training, in particular to the technical knowledge of urban design and the basics of the history of architecture. Course attendance is very important for being able to develop the planned activities positively.
prerequisite is the knowledge of the English language, together with skills and knowledge that students must have acquired in previous training, in particular to the technical knowledge of urban design and the basics of the history of architecture. Course attendance is very important for being able to develop the planned activities positively.
The Atelier consists of two disciplinary subjects contributions : Urban Planning (6 Academic Credits), Sociology (4 Academic credits). Throughout the Atelier a close synergy between the two contributions of Urban Planning and Sociology is implemented and, particular attention is deepen to urban regeneration in both urban and sociological topics. Students are required to consider the different urban surfaces located into the project area and its neighboring urban areas; considering the residential district, the abandoned industrial surfaces, the geographic boundaries of the two rivers, the infrastructure networks and the dealings with the other areas of the city of Lyon. Then to define policies priorities and to bring the project choices back to them. Teaching includes lectures, lessons from external speakers, guided tours of the study area, exercises and work reviews. The Urban Planning lessons concern techniques and tools for urban analysis, policies and designing, such as planning and public space analysis methodologies, existing neighborhoods surveys, urban and regional infrastructure network, relationships between the project area and the local urban plans, urban environment and landscape. The Sociology lessons aims to detail the urban social topics and techniques - such as for instance the SWAT and the Stakeholders analysis - and the practices of community involvement considering their relationships with the urban planning design. Specific lessons, both in Urban Planning and in Sociology, concern the respective themes contextualized to the working area Students are asked to work in groups of up to three people and for each group are expected three graphic tables as results: 1 processing an analysis board 2. designing a Masterplan 3 defining a design detail There are no interim evaluations, while the joint revisions are foreseen and planned systematically especially in the final phase of the course
The Atelier consists of two disciplinary subjects contributions : Urban Planning (6 Academic Credits), Sociology (4 Academic credits). Throughout the Atelier a close synergy between the two contributions of Urban Planning and Sociology is implemented and, particular attention is deepen to urban regeneration in both urban and sociological topics. Students are required to consider the different urban surfaces located into the project area and its neighboring urban areas; considering the residential district, the abandoned industrial surfaces, the geographic boundaries of the two rivers, the infrastructure networks and the dealings with the other areas of the city of Lyon. Then to define policies priorities and to bring the project choices back to them. Teaching includes lectures, lessons from external speakers, guided tours of the study area, exercises and work reviews. The Urban Planning lessons concern techniques and tools for urban analysis, policies and designing, such as planning and public space analysis methodologies, existing neighborhoods surveys, urban and regional infrastructure network, relationships between the project area and the local urban plans, urban environment and landscape. The Sociology lessons aims to detail the urban social topics and techniques - such as for instance the SWAT and the Stakeholders analysis - and the practices of community involvement considering their relationships with the urban planning design. Specific lessons, both in Urban Planning and in Sociology, concern the respective themes contextualized to the working area Students are asked to work in groups of up to three people and for each group are expected three graphic tables as results: 1 processing an analysis board 2. designing a Masterplan 3 defining a design detail There are no interim evaluations, while the joint revisions are foreseen and planned systematically especially in the final phase of the course
Lessons are organized as follows: The first part of the course includes theoretical lessons. Both contributions - Urban Planning and Sociology - in terms of their respective roles and tools, provide the techniques of analysis and reading of the urban and sociological tools, data's and maps. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the project site urban area, considering the relationships with the landscape and the regional planning, the rules and the prescriptions foreseen by the local public authorities and required to the project designers. The close synergy between the two contributions of Urban Planning and Sociology aims to allow particular attention to the relationships that link the components of an urban system and the definition of detailed territorial transformation policies from which the planning design priorities take shape. The Lyon Urban working area is called "Confluence" corresponding to the a 83 Ha surface bounded on the north by the Perrache railway station and on the remaining sides by the Saone and Rhone Rivers that converge here The topics explained in the first part are useful to prepare students for a visit to Lyon. This Survey provides: 1) Meeting with the Lyon municipal technicians in charge for the project 2) Visit to the local technical Department responsible for the project, and discuss with the local technicians and with the Project manager. 3) Survey on the field. The visit will be carry out in two days. The third part of the Atelier provides for an alternation of lectures and reviews on the progress of students' design work so as to allow students that attend the course continuously to be able to finish their project by the end of the academic period. Students will be organized into groups of up to three units each. The course will be highly professional and, as such, it provides opportunities to verify the progress of ongoing job in a team work between teachers and students.
Lessons are organized as follows: The first part of the course includes theoretical lessons. Both contributions - Urban Planning and Sociology - in terms of their respective roles and tools, provide the techniques of analysis and reading of the urban and sociological tools, data's and maps. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the project site urban area, considering the relationships with the landscape and the regional planning, the rules and the prescriptions foreseen by the local public authorities and required to the project designers. The close synergy between the two contributions of Urban Planning and Sociology aims to allow particular attention to the relationships that link the components of an urban system and the definition of detailed territorial transformation policies from which the planning design priorities take shape. The Lyon Urban working area is called "Confluence" corresponding to the a 83 Ha surface bounded on the north by the Perrache railway station and on the remaining sides by the Saone and Rhone Rivers that converge here The topics explained in the first part are useful to prepare students for a visit to Lyon. This Survey provides: 1) Meeting with the Lyon municipal technicians in charge for the project 2) Visit to the local technical Department responsible for the project, and discuss with the local technicians and with the Project manager. 3) Survey on the field. The visit will be carry out in two days. The third part of the Atelier provides for an alternation of lectures and reviews on the progress of students' design work so as to allow students that attend the course continuously to be able to finish their project by the end of the academic period. Students will be organized into groups of up to three units each. The course will be highly professional and, as such, it provides opportunities to verify the progress of ongoing job in a team work between teachers and students.
Bibliography, technical documents and cartography of the working area is available on the academic informatics website of the course - Lynch Kevin, The Image of the city, MIT Press, Boston, 1960 - Municipality of Lyon, Projet Confluence, Lyon, 2016
Bibliography, technical documents and cartography of the working area is available on the academic informatics website of the course - Lynch Kevin, The Image of the city, MIT Press, Boston, 1960 - Municipality of Lyon, Projet Confluence, Lyon, 2016
Modalità di esame: Progetto di gruppo;
Exam: Group project;
... In the exam day each group will submit and discusses their project. The evaluation takes into account the ongoing evaluations, the presentation and discussion of the final processed and the overall work done by the group, but also of individual commitment in such work. The review will also consider the theoretical contents of the two courses and not just the design documents. The exam will be considered passed only if the student sustains sufficient judgment in both disciplines pertaining the Atelier, in evaluation of the drawings and in the good result of the short written test scheduled for the last lesson and do to questions relating to the theoretical contents
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Group project;
In the exam day each group will submit and discusses their project. The evaluation takes into account the ongoing evaluations, the presentation and discussion of the final processed and the overall work done by the group, but also of individual commitment in such work. The review will also consider the theoretical contents of the two courses and not just the design documents. The exam will be considered passed only if the student sustains sufficient judgment in both disciplines pertaining the Atelier, in evaluation of the drawings and in the good result of the short written test scheduled for the last lesson and do to questions relating to the theoretical contents
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.
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