The predominant feature of the course is its “professionalizing” aspect and it aims to provide advanced knowledge in the field of transportation infrastructure design (i.e., roads, railways and airports). The course follows a sequential process that starts from knowledge of the various modeling techniques of the territory and ends with the design of horizontal and vertical alignments, edges and margins, slopes, and construction details. During the course certain key issues, relating to geometric and functional design, safety and economic analysis subject to compliance with rules and constraints, are presented. The topics covered deal with existing and planned transportation infrastructures.
The official language of the course is English.
The predominant feature of the course is its “professionalizing” aspect and it aims to provide advanced knowledge in the field of transportation infrastructure design (i.e., roads, railways and airports). The course follows a sequential process that starts from knowledge of the various modeling techniques of the territory and ends with the design of horizontal and vertical alignments, edges and margins, slopes, and construction details. During the course certain key issues, relating to geometric and functional design, safety and economic analysis subject to compliance with rules and constraints, are presented. The topics covered deal with existing and planned transportation infrastructures.
The official language of the course is English.
The course deals with the geometric and functional design (or re-design in the case of rehabilitation) of transportation infrastructures. The topics are introduced in such a way as to promote in each student the capacity to independently analyze problems from a professional point of view. Throughout the course, there will be opportunities to update students on the progress of scientific research in this specific field.
In particular, the student will acquire the following skills:
- ability to produce geometric drawings of infrastructures and their components,
- ability to assess operational functionality and safety;
- ability to estimate construction costs.
For the final exams, the student needs to know:
- the interactions between the various components of transportation infrastructures,
- the models and methods useful for geometric and functional design;
- the rules, regulations & standards currently in force.
For the purposes of their judgment skills and ability to relate to other professionals, students have to be able to:
- compile technical and descriptive reports,
- adopt and motivate design choices,
- draw tables of the project,
- coordinate design groups;
- communicate and engage with specialists from other civil engineering disciplines (structures, geotechnics, hydraulics, topography),
- use the terminology specific to sector in an appropriate way.
The course deals with the geometric and functional design (or re-design in the case of rehabilitation) of transportation infrastructures. The topics are introduced in such a way as to promote in each student the capacity to independently analyze problems from a professional point of view. Throughout the course, there will be opportunities to update students on the progress of scientific research in this specific field.
In particular, the student will acquire the following skills:
- ability to produce geometric drawings of infrastructures and their components,
- ability to assess operational functionality and safety;
- ability to estimate construction costs.
For the final exams, the student needs to know:
- the interactions between the various components of transportation infrastructures,
- the models and methods useful for geometric and functional design;
- the rules, regulations & standards currently in force.
For the purposes of their judgment skills and ability to relate to other professionals, students have to be able to:
- compile technical and descriptive reports,
- adopt and motivate design choices,
- draw tables of the project,
- coordinate design groups;
- communicate and engage with specialists from other civil engineering disciplines (structures, geotechnics, hydraulics, topography),
- use the terminology specific to sector in an appropriate way.
Knowledge of national and international regulations in various types of infrastructure courses (roads or infrastructure fundamentals) covered in the undergraduate courses. Students are required to attend the Construction of Roads, Railways and Airports course (graduate level). An understanding of written and spoken English is also mandatory.
Knowledge of national and international regulations in various types of infrastructure courses (roads or infrastructure fundamentals) covered in the undergraduate courses. Students are required to attend the Construction of Roads, Railways and Airports course (graduate level). An understanding of written and spoken English is also mandatory.
1. Introduction
2. Aspects in common in the design of transportation infrastructures (40%)
- Computer aided design
- Terrain model formation
- Horizontal and vertical alignment
- Transition curves
- Design levels
- Computation and cost predictions
3. Roads (30%)
- Principles and application of functional design
- Geometric design rules
- Safety analysis
- Roadside hazards and protection
- Intersections and interchanges
4. Railways (15%)
- Technical characteristics of railways
- Design principles of existing and planned lines
- Track layout, switches and crossings
5. Airports (15%)
- Organization
- Runway design
- Taxiway design
1. Introduction
2. Aspects in common in the design of transportation infrastructures (40%)
- Computer aided design
- Terrain model formation
- Horizontal and vertical alignment
- Transition curves
- Design levels
- Computation and cost predictions
3. Roads (30%)
- Principles and application of functional design
- Geometric design rules
- Safety analysis
- Roadside hazards and protection
- Intersections and interchanges
4. Railways (15%)
- Technical characteristics of railways
- Design principles of existing and planned lines
- Track layout, switches and crossings
5. Airports (15%)
- Organization
- Runway design
- Taxiway design
Video projector for slides during lectures and tutorials.
No consumables.
Lecture notes, handouts of the slides used in class, texts of design themes assigned and technical standards will be made available on the course webpage.
Students will receive print credits for the printing of the book of exercises (A4 - A3 - A1 format).
Video projector for slides during lectures and tutorials.
No consumables.
Lecture notes, handouts of the slides used in class, texts of design themes assigned and technical standards will be made available on the course webpage.
Students will receive print credits for the printing of the book of exercises (A4 - A3 - A1 format).
With the sole exception of the introductory part of the course, for each topic there is a corresponding number of hours of exercise which serve to help students learn about computational tools and methods.
The exercises will be assigned to distinct groups of no more than three students. They will include elaborated plans, longitudinal profiles and cross sections (typological and for computation purposes). Exercise on the functional design of roads have to be solved and included, together with the project, in the book of exercise.
The book of exercises that will be checked during the final examination.
Material for the exercises is provided on the website page of the course. Specific software for the design of infrastructure facilities will be available. As a rule, the group must include a self-completed work in order to complete each assignment.
The lecturer and the instructor will provide continuous assistance in the lab.
With the sole exception of the introductory part of the course, for each topic there is a corresponding number of hours of exercise which serve to help students learn about computational tools and methods.
The exercises will be assigned to distinct groups of no more than three students. They will include elaborated plans, longitudinal profiles and cross sections (typological and for computation purposes). Exercise on the functional design of roads have to be solved and included, together with the project, in the book of exercise.
The book of exercises that will be checked during the final examination.
Material for the exercises is provided on the website page of the course. Specific software for the design of infrastructure facilities will be available. As a rule, the group must include a self-completed work in order to complete each assignment.
The lecturer and the instructor will provide continuous assistance in the lab.
AA.VV., Strade. Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Stradali. Vol. I – Progettazione. Pearson ed.
Wright, P., Highway Engineering, Ed. Whiley.
Profillidis, V.A., Railway Management and Engineering, Ashgate ed.
Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F.X., Planning and Design of Airports, McGraw Hill.
The following will be made available on the course webpage:
- Teaching material (slides) presented during the lectures,
- Exercise texts,
- Design manuals,
- Technical standards.
AA.VV., Strade. Teoria e Tecnica delle Costruzioni Stradali. Vol. I – Progettazione. Pearson ed.
Wright, P., Highway Engineering, Ed. Whiley.
Profillidis, V.A., Railway Management and Engineering, Ashgate ed.
Horonjeff, R., McKelvey, F.X., Planning and Design of Airports, McGraw Hill.
The following will be made available on the course webpage:
- Teaching material (slides) presented during the lectures,
- Exercise texts,
- Design manuals,
- Technical standards.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Progetto di gruppo;
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
It is expected that an individual oral exam, lasting 45 minutes, will be held.
To be admitted to the oral exam it is necessary to obtain a positive result in the exercises.
The oral exam consists of:
- a discussion of the exercises,
- an interview involving the formulation of at least three questions.
The examination has the objective to assess if the student has acquired sufficient autonomy and ability to understand and solve the proposed design problem, in compliance with mandatory and non-mandatory design rules.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group project;
It is expected that an individual oral exam, lasting 45 minutes, will be held.
To be admitted to the oral exam it is necessary to obtain a positive result in the exercises.
The oral exam consists of:
- a discussion of the exercises,
- an interview involving the formulation of at least three questions.
The examination has the objective to assess if the student has acquired sufficient autonomy and ability to understand and solve the proposed design problem, in compliance with mandatory and non-mandatory design rules.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.