Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Communications And Computer Networks Engineering (Ingegneria Telematica E Delle Comunicazioni) - Torino
The course gives the fundamental of electromagnetic propagation and radio planning applied to both traditional context (e. g. radio link) and in more innovative and new generation network.
The student will become familiar to the most common instruments to analyze and design radio link and propagation network in general. Some national and international regulations are presented. The electromagnetic field evaluation (fundamental topic in radio planning also from the regulation point of view) is presented, even in practical context.
The issue of electromagnetic compatibility is also addressed.
The course gives the fundamental of electromagnetic propagation and radio planning applied to both traditional context (e. g. radio link) and in more innovative and new generation network.
The student will become familiar to the most common instruments to analyze and design radio link and propagation network in general. Some national and international regulations are presented. The electromagnetic field evaluation (fundamental topic in radio planning also from the regulation point of view) is presented, even in practical context.
The issue of electromagnetic compatibility is also addressed.
Have a basic knowledge of the design problematics for radio link and radio network.
Critically analyze the specifications of the radio-electric network design, with respect to operative conditions.
Design a radio-electric transmission system to satisfy the specific requirements.
Apply techniques and specific algorithms to predict the electromagnetic field for radio coverage and radio planning purposes.
Analyze a radio-electric system according to the human exposition to electromagnetic fields regulation.
Analyze the problem of electromagnetic compatibility within a transmission system.
Have a basic knowledge of the design problematics for radio link and radio network.
Critically analyze the specifications of the radio-electric network design, with respect to operative conditions.
Design a radio-electric transmission system to satisfy the specific requirements.
Apply techniques and specific algorithms to predict the electromagnetic field for radio coverage and radio planning purposes.
Analyze a radio-electric system according to the human exposition to electromagnetic fields regulation.
Analyze the problem of electromagnetic compatibility within a transmission system.
Basic electromagnetic theory, theory of electronic circuits with distributed parameters, theory of free space and guided electromagnetic propagation.
Basic electromagnetic theory, theory of electronic circuits with distributed parameters, theory of free space and guided electromagnetic propagation.
Introduction on radio planning and frequency bands used in telecommunications
Plane waves. Antennas: review and fundamentals. Characteristics of different type of antennas: wire antennas, microstrip antennas, aperture antennas
Free space propagation
Two-ray propagation model
Dielectric canyon (10-ray propagation model)
Empirical propagation models (Okamura Hata, COST 231 Hata, Sakagami – Kuboi, Ad-hoc models for cellular microcells and picocells)
Diffraction from knife-edge obstacle
Empirical models (multiple knife edge obstacles (Bullington model, Epstein Peterson model, Japanese Atlas model, Deygout model)
Round obstacle diffraction
Tropospheric propagation (Refraction index in atmosphere, Eiconal equation)
Cellular network planning: availability and out of service probability; frequency use/reuse; cell coverages and network architectures (TETRA, GSM, UMTS, 4G, LTE, … ); hints on wireless networks (Wifi 802.11 a,b,g – Mesh 802.11 s – V2x 802.11p) and on wireless sensor networks.
Indoor radio planning (ray tracing and ray launching)
Ionospheric propagation (Appleton-Hartree equation, Total Electronic Content (TEC), GPS)
National and international regulations (Human exposition to electromagnetic fields, frequency band allocation)
Electromagnetic compatibility
Introduction on radio planning and frequency bands used in telecommunications
Plane waves. Antennas: review and fundamentals. Characteristics of different type of antennas: wire antennas, microstrip antennas, aperture antennas
Free space propagation
Two-ray propagation model
Dielectric canyon (10-ray propagation model)
Empirical propagation models (Okamura Hata, COST 231 Hata, Sakagami – Kuboi, Ad-hoc models for cellular microcells and picocells)
Diffraction from knife-edge obstacle
Empirical models (multiple knife edge obstacles (Bullington model, Epstein Peterson model, Japanese Atlas model, Deygout model)
Round obstacle diffraction
Tropospheric propagation (Refraction index in atmosphere, Eiconal equation)
Cellular network planning: availability and out of service probability; frequency use/reuse; cell coverages and network architectures (TETRA, GSM, UMTS, 4G, LTE, … ); hints on wireless networks (Wifi 802.11 a,b,g – Mesh 802.11 s – V2x 802.11p) and on wireless sensor networks.
Indoor radio planning (ray tracing and ray launching)
Ionospheric propagation (Appleton-Hartree equation, Total Electronic Content (TEC), GPS)
National and international regulations (Human exposition to electromagnetic fields, frequency band allocation)
Electromagnetic compatibility
The course will be divided into frontal lessons and problem solving exercises.
For a better understanding of the discussed topics, some full numerical exercises are also scheduled in laboratories. They consists of development of Matlab scripts related to the presented theoretical part.
Experiental laboratory activity on (i) measurements on antenna radiation patter and gain, and on (ii) electromagnetic coulpling between two transmission lines is also scheduled.
The course will be divided into frontal lessons and problem solving exercises.
For a better understanding of the discussed topics, some full numerical exercises are also scheduled in laboratories. They consists of development of Matlab scripts related to the presented theoretical part.
Experiental laboratory activity on (i) measurements on antenna radiation patter and gain, and on (ii) electromagnetic coulpling between two transmission lines is also scheduled.
Lecture notes and slides.
The lecturer in charge of the course will announce reference and useful books during the lessons. However, their use is not mandatory. The provided slides/text contains all the necessary information fro understanding the discussed topics.
Lecture notes and slides.
The lecturer in charge of the course will announce reference and useful books during the lessons. However, their use is not mandatory. The provided slides/text contains all the necessary information fro understanding the discussed topics.
Modalità di esame: Test informatizzato in laboratorio; Prova scritta (in aula); Prova orale facoltativa; Elaborato scritto individuale;
Standard final exam has a written, open-book, part: test+ theory, aiming to assess that the presented topics have bee correctly acquired.
Optional written or oral test on theory.
Timely submission of completed Laboratory reports will grant additive bonus. Deadline will be announced when the assignments/lab. activities are proposed.
A) The final mark consists of two parts:
A.1) written (duration of approx. 1.5 hour): maximum mark 30/30 (problem-solving test + theory).
Allowed supporting material: Hard-copy of the uploaded notes, calculator, notes (hard- and soft copy) and books.
Use of communicating calculators, mobile or hand held devices is strictly forbidden. Consultation of solved exercises is not permitted.
Alternatively to the written part of the exam, a short numerical project (max 3 hours) can be carried out. It consists of a numerical analysis (by Matlab) of a real case design of a radio link to be performed in the lab.
Validity of the written part: within the exam session.
A.2) Submission of the laboratory reports: The proposed numerical exercises, to be performed in Matlab, are thought to be finished during the lab. session. Laboratory reports can be developed during the lab. session or at home, and are to be handled in within one week (after the lab.). Reports should be delivered in one week time after the laboratory. The evaluation of the report regards the clear statement of the objectives, presence of results (graphs) and a short conclusion. Positive evaluation of the lab. report (statement of the aim, procedure, comments on the results, developed script) will give a maximum additional bonus of 2 points to be added to the final mark.
B) Participate to an optional oral exam (of approx 30 minutes) , mainly based on the theory, requires a minimum mark of 18/30 obtained for the part (A.1), i.e., without any assignment bonus. Students have to indicate their participation to the oral exam before a deadline clearly indicated after the outcome of the written exam is published (usually of 2 days). During the oral exam students are asked to perform the demonstrations presented during the classes, and to discuss the results in a critical manner.
In case of the oral exam the final mark is given by the arithmetic mean (average) between the mark obtained at the oral exam and the mark from the previous item A (written part plus bonus).
The final mark will be given in thirty (30) e lode.
Gli studenti e le studentesse con disabilità o con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento (DSA), oltre alla segnalazione tramite procedura informatizzata, sono invitati a comunicare anche direttamente al/la docente titolare dell'insegnamento, con un preavviso non inferiore ad una settimana dall'avvio della sessione d'esame, gli strumenti compensativi concordati con l'Unità Special Needs, al fine di permettere al/la docente la declinazione più idonea in riferimento alla specifica tipologia di esame.
Standard final exam has a written, open-book, part: test+ theory, aiming to assess that the presented topics have bee correctly acquired.
Optional written or oral test on theory.
Timely submission of completed Laboratory reports will grant additive bonus. Deadline will be announced when the assignments/lab. activities are proposed.
A) The final mark consists of two parts:
A.1) written (duration of approx. 1.5 hour): maximum mark 30/30 (problem-solving test + theory).
Allowed supporting material: Hard-copy of the uploaded notes, calculator, notes (hard- and soft copy) and books.
Use of communicating calculators, mobile or hand held devices is strictly forbidden. Consultation of solved exercises is not permitted.
Alternatively to the written part of the exam, a short numerical project (max 3 hours) can be carried out. It consists of a numerical analysis (by Matlab) of a real case design of a radio link to be performed in the lab.
Validity of the written part: within the exam session.
A.2) Submission of the laboratory reports: The proposed numerical exercises, to be performed in Matlab, are thought to be finished during the lab. session. Laboratory reports can be developed during the lab. session or at home, and are to be handled in within one week (after the lab.). Reports should be delivered in one week time after the laboratory. The evaluation of the report regards the clear statement of the objectives, presence of results (graphs) and a short conclusion. Positive evaluation of the lab. report (statement of the aim, procedure, comments on the results, developed script) will give a maximum additional bonus of 2 points to be added to the final mark.
B) Participate to an optional oral exam (of approx 30 minutes) , mainly based on the theory, requires a minimum mark of 18/30 obtained for the part (A.1), i.e., without any assignment bonus. Students have to indicate their participation to the oral exam before a deadline clearly indicated after the outcome of the written exam is published (usually of 2 days). During the oral exam students are asked to perform the demonstrations presented during the classes, and to discuss the results in a critical manner.
In case of the oral exam the final mark is given by the arithmetic mean (average) between the mark obtained at the oral exam and the mark from the previous item A (written part plus bonus).
The final mark will be given in thirty (30) e lode.
In addition to the message sent by the online system, students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) are invited to directly inform the professor in charge of the course about the special arrangements for the exam that have been agreed with the Special Needs Unit. The professor has to be informed at least one week before the beginning of the examination session in order to provide students with the most suitable arrangements for each specific type of exam.