Elenco notifiche

Machine dynamics


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo (Automotive Engineering) - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Dell'Autoveicolo - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Biomedica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Energetica - Torino
1st degree and Bachelor-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Fisica - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 33
Esercitazioni in aula 21
Esercitazioni in laboratorio 6
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Gastaldi Laura   Professore Ordinario IIND-02/A 33 15 6 0 11

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/13 6 D - A scelta dello studente A scelta dello studente
The subject is addressed at providing the knowledge and capabilities for the mathematical modelling of mechanical systems within industrial and automotive applications, with particular attention to the analysis of dynamic phenomena that can be verified in mechanical components.
The subject is addressed at providing the knowledge and capabilities for the mathematical modelling of mechanical systems within industrial and automotive applications, with particular attention to the analysis of dynamic phenomena that can be verified in mechanical components.
Knowledge related to dynamic behavior of structures, mechanical systems and rotating machines in stationary or periodical regime and in transitory phases. Capability to model and analyse the dynamic behaviour of structures, mechanical systems and rotating machines.
Knowledge related to dynamic behavior of structures, mechanical systems and rotating machines in stationary or periodical regime and in transitory phases. Capability to model and analyse the dynamic behaviour of structures, mechanical systems and rotating machines.
Basic knowledge within the mechanical theory and applied mechanics, of mechanical components and of fundamental of differential and integral calculus
Basic knowledge within the mechanical theory and applied mechanics, of mechanical components and of fundamental of differential and integral calculus
Syllabus: vibrations of damped sdof systems [lecture 6 h, tutorial 4.5 h] vibrations of mdof systems with proportional viscous damping [lecture 9 h, tutorial 4.5 h] elements of analytical dynamics [lecture 4.5 h, tutorial 4.5 h ] vibrations of continuous systems (distributed parameters) [lecture 7.5 h, tutorial 4.5 h] dynamics of rotors [lecture 3 h, tutorial 2 h] engine balance [lecture 3 h, tutorial 2 h] 3D rigid body dynamics [lecture 3 h, tutorial 2 h]
Syllabus: vibrations of damped sdof systems [lecture 6 h, tutorial 4.5 h] vibrations of mdof systems with proportional viscous damping [lecture 9 h, tutorial 4.5 h] elements of analytical dynamics [lecture 4.5 h, tutorial 4.5 h ] vibrations of continuous systems (distributed parameters) [lecture 7.5 h, tutorial 4.5 h] dynamics of rotors [lecture 3 h, tutorial 2 h] engine balance [lecture 3 h, tutorial 2 h] 3D rigid body dynamics [lecture 3 h, tutorial 2 h]
The course consists of 60 class hours: 39 lecture hours, 21 tutorial hours Theoretical lectures will be illustrated with examples and applications. Lectures on each topic of the syllabus will be followed by applied lectures meant to further deepen the understanding of the concepts dealt with within the lectures, through examples and exercises related to real applications. Solution or frames for solution of the proposed exercises will be provided by the tutor. Attendance to both lectures and tutorial classes is strongly recommended.
The course consists of 60 class hours: 33 lecture hours, 21 tutorial hours, 6 lab hours Theoretical lectures will be illustrated with examples and practical case applications. Lectures on each topic of the syllabus will be followed by applied tutorials meant to further deepen the understanding of the concepts dealt with within the lectures, through examples and exercises related to real applications. Solution or frames for solution of the proposed exercises will be provided by the tutor. Numerical examples will be proposed and solved by the students by using Matlab® scripts, specifically prepared to exploit the material presented during the lectures. For this task students are continuously supported by staff members. The ability of using Matlab® will not be checked during the exam. An assigment in which a 2 dof system is model, numerically analysed and results are discussed might possibly substitute part of the exam. Attendance to lectures, tutorial and lab classes is strongly recommended. The lecturer and the tutors are available weekly (contact them by e-mail) during the teaching period in order to meet students for consultation.
Lectures subjects, text of practices as well as other didactic material are available on Corse Website. Students are recommended to download provided files before lectures. Reference textbooks for improving the study: Meirovitch L., Fundamentals of Vibrations, Mc Graw Hill Vigliani A., Lectures on Rotordynamics, Clut
Lectures subjects, text of practices as well as other didactic material are available on Corse Website. Students are recommended to download provided files before lectures. Reference textbooks for improving the study: Meirovitch L., Fundamentals of Vibrations, Mc Graw Hill Vigliani A., Lectures on Rotordynamics, Clut
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The final exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge of the topics listed in the syllabus and the ability to apply the theory and the relative methods of calculation to the solution of exercises. The assessment is a closed book exam and the duration is 2 h. It consists of a written test composed of: 1 question about a topic seen during the lectures (theoretical question) and 3 open-ended calculation exercises that require the need to choose and apply the course knowledge and understanding (see Expected learning outcomes) most appropriate for the their resolution. The theoretical question, at student's choice, can be replaced by an assigment (model and analysis of a 2 dof mechanical system in Matlab-Simulink environment). The evaluations are expressed in thirtieths, the maximum score is 30/30 with merit (cum laude) and the exam is passed if the score is at least 18/30. Each question is worth maximum 8 points; actual grades are proportional to the correctness and completeness of the answers to the proposed problems and questions. The results of the exam are communicated on the “Portale della didattica”, together with the date on which the students can view the written output, grade and request clarifications.
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The final exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge of the topics listed in the syllabus and the ability to apply the theory and the relative methods of calculation to the solution of exercises. The assessment is a closed book exam and the duration is 2 h. It consists of a written test composed of: 1 open question about a topic seen during the lectures (theoretical question) and 3 open-ended calculation exercises that require the need to choose and apply the course knowledge and understanding (see Expected learning outcomes) most appropriate for the their resolution. The theory question and the exercises will be shown online and students are requested to solve them on paper. Then photos of the solution for each single exercise/question should be taken using the camera button directly integrated in the exam questions. Once the exam time is expired, students have 15 minutes to scan all the written sheets (that were photographed before) and upload a pdf on the “portale della didattica” in the section “elaborati”. The evaluations are expressed in thirtieths, the maximum score is 30/30 with merit (cum laude) and the exam is passed if the score is at least 18/30. Each question is worth maximum 8 points; actual grades are proportional to the correctness and completeness of the answers to the proposed problems and questions. The theoretical question, at student's choice, might be replaced by an assigment (model and analysis of a 2 dof mechanical system in Matlab-Simulink environment), that will be examined in an oral discussion (max 8 points). In this case the written exam will consist of 3 open-ended calculation exercises, and it will last 1,5 h. Each question is worth maximum 8 points. The results of the exam are communicated on the “Portale della didattica”, together with the date on which the students can view the written output, grade and request clarifications
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The final exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge of the topics listed in the syllabus and the ability to apply the theory and the relative methods of calculation to the solution of exercises. The assessment is a closed book exam and the duration is 2 h. It consists of a written test composed of: 1 question about a topic seen during the lectures (theoretical question) and 3 open-ended calculation exercises that require the need to choose and apply the course knowledge and understanding (see Expected learning outcomes) most appropriate for the their resolution. The theoretical question, at student's choice, can be replaced by an assigment (model and analysis of a 2 dof mechanical system in Matlab-Simulink environment). The evaluations are expressed in thirtieths, the maximum score is 30/30 with merit (cum laude) and the exam is passed if the score is at least 18/30. Each question is worth maximum 8 points; actual grades are proportional to the correctness and completeness of the answers to the proposed problems and questions. The results of the exam are communicated on the “Portale della didattica”, together with the date on which the students can view the written output, grade and request clarifications.
Exam: Written test; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The final exam is aimed at assessing the knowledge of the topics listed in the syllabus and the ability to apply the theory and the relative methods of calculation to the solution of exercises. The assessment is a closed book exam and the duration is 2 h. Both for online and onsite, the exam consists of a written test composed of: 1 open question about a topic seen during the lectures (theoretical question) and 3 open-ended calculation exercises that require the need to choose and apply the course knowledge and understanding (see Expected learning outcomes) most appropriate for the their resolution. For the online modality the theory question and the exercises will be shown online and students will be requested to solve them on paper. Then photos of the solution for each single exercise/question should be taken using the camera button directly integrated in the exam questions. Once the exam time is expired, students have 15 minutes to scan all the written sheets (that were photographed before) and upload a pdf on the “portale della didattica” in the section “elaborati”. The evaluations are expressed in thirtieths, the maximum score is 30/30 with merit (cum laude) and the exam is passed if the score is at least 18/30. Each question is worth maximum 8 points; actual grades are proportional to the correctness and completeness of the answers to the proposed problems and questions. The theoretical question, at student's choice, might be replaced by an assigment (model and analysis of a 2 dof mechanical system in Matlab-Simulink environment), that will be examined in an oral discussion (max 8 points). In this case the written exam will consist of 3 open-ended calculation exercises, and it will last 1,5 h. Each question is worth maximum 8 points. The results of the exam are communicated on the “Portale della didattica”, together with the date on which the students can view the written output, grade and request clarifications
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