Elenco notifiche

Quality Engineering


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Ingegneria Gestionale (Engineering And Management) - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 60
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Maisano Domenico Augusto Francesco Professore Ordinario IIND-04/A 60 60 0 0 14

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ING-IND/16 8 B - Caratterizzanti Ingegneria gestionale
The course (which is compulsory for the Master of Science in Management Engineering) provides the skills to analyze in detail the important aspects of Quality Management Systems related to companies/services. Course objectives are: • Stimulating student awareness of the concepts of Quality of a product/service and competition-oriented design. Particular attention will be devoted to the general problem of measuring Quality. • Presenting a structured framework of the Italian Quality System and the accreditation and certification activities. • Describing the main techniques of Process Control and Acceptance Monitoring in the acquisition phase of semi-processed/raw-materials and during the introduction on the market of end-products/services. • Stimulating capabilities of design and verification of the entire supply chain, starting from the market demand analysis, up to the policies of outsourcing/insourcing of facilities and support structures. Real evidences of Quality practitioners and case studies will complement the course.
The course (which is compulsory for the Master of Science in Management Engineering) provides the skills to analyze in detail the important aspects of Quality Management Systems related to companies/services. Course objectives are: • Stimulating student awareness of the concepts of Quality of a product/service and competition-oriented design. Particular attention will be devoted to the general problem of measuring Quality. • Presenting a structured framework of the Italian Quality System and the accreditation and certification activities. • Describing the main techniques of Process Control and Acceptance Monitoring in the acquisition phase of semi-processed/raw-materials and during the introduction on the market of end-products/services. • Stimulating capabilities of design and verification of the entire supply chain, starting from the market demand analysis, up to the policies of outsourcing/insourcing of facilities and support structures. Real evidences of Quality practitioners and case studies will complement the course.
At the end of the course, students are expected to have acquired knowledge in the following fields: • Key techniques for design under the perspective of the Quality of a product/service (FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, QFD - Quality Function Deployment, etc ...). • Methods and techniques for competitive analysis (Market Analysis, Benchmarking, etc ...). • Principles and methods of measurement and Quality control in manufacturing systems and service provision. • Understanding of fundamental concepts related to the current standards for Quality (ISO 9000 and 14000) both locally (for Quality Management System of an organization) and at national level (Italy Quality System and related activities accreditation and certification). • Plan and implementation of the main techniques of Statistical Process Control (Process Capability, Control Charts, etc ...) and Acceptance Control (Sampling Plan, Product Test, etc ...). • Methods of assessment, selection and monitoring of suppliers. Concerning the future application in the professional life of the acquired knowledge, at the end of the course, the student will have taken the methodological skills for independently designing, implementing and managing a Quality Management System for an organization providing products or services.
At the end of the course, students are expected to have acquired knowledge in the following fields: • Key techniques for design under the perspective of the Quality of a product/service (FMEA - Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, QFD - Quality Function Deployment, etc ...). • Methods and techniques for competitive analysis (Market Analysis, Benchmarking, etc ...). • Principles and methods of measurement and Quality control in manufacturing systems and service provision. • Understanding of fundamental concepts related to the current standards for Quality (ISO 9000 and 14000) both locally (for Quality Management System of an organization) and at national level (Italy Quality System and related activities accreditation and certification). • Plan and implementation of the main techniques of Statistical Process Control (Process Capability, Control Charts, etc ...) and Acceptance Control (Sampling Plan, Product Test, etc ...). • Methods of assessment, selection and monitoring of suppliers. Concerning the future application in the professional life of the acquired knowledge, at the end of the course, the student will have taken the methodological skills for independently designing, implementing and managing a Quality Management System for an organization providing products or services.
Adequate knowledge of statistical methodologies and tools for analyzing production processes and services. Specifically, good knowledge of the basic notions of probability and statistics, including the main techniques for the analysis of experimental data and statistical inference. Also, basic understanding of the principles of production systems management, with particular reference to modeling and representation in quantitative terms.
Adequate knowledge of statistical methodologies and tools for analyzing production processes and services. Specifically, good knowledge of the basic notions of probability and statistics, including the main techniques for the analysis of experimental data and statistical inference. Also, basic understanding of the principles of production systems management, with particular reference to modeling and representation in quantitative terms.
1. Preliminary concepts (5 h) The meaning of Quality. Quality Terminology. An historic overview of Quality Methodology. Quality in design and production. 2. Quality in Design (20 h) Quality and Innovation. Quality Function Deployment. Customer Requirements, Technical Characteristics and Relationship Matrix. The prioritization of Technical Characteristics. Competition Driven Design: Qbench algorithm. Quality costs. Prevention, Inspection, Scraps and field interventions. Supplier-customer chain. Claims management. 3. Quality in Services (10 h) The concept of service. Definition and main characteristics of services. Differences and analogies between product Quality and service Quality. Design and industrialization of a service. Methods and models for the implementation of Quality measurement of products and services. 4. Statistical Process Control (30 h) Fundamentals of statistical methods for Quality. Modeling Process Quality. Nominal specifications and service tolerances. Variability and natural tolerances of a process. Sum of tolerances. Control charts for variables and attributes. Process capability analysis. Acceptance Sampling. Lot by lot acceptance sampling by attributes. The OC curve. Acceptance sampling by variables. MIL STD 105E standard. MIL STD 414 standard. 5. Quality standards (5 h) Italian Quality System. Design and implementation of a Quality system. ISO 9000 standards. Accreditation and certification of Quality systems. The Quality manual. The role of certifiers and certification organisms. 6. Quality and procurement (10 h) General Framework to analyze procurement processes. Technical elements influencing purchasing decisions. Suppliers evaluation (qualification and evaluation, performance indicators, insourcing-outsourcing, etc.). Design of a Performance Measurement System.
1. Preliminary concepts (5 h) The meaning of Quality. Quality Terminology. An historic overview of Quality Methodology. Quality in design and production. 2. Quality in Design (20 h) Quality and Innovation. Quality Function Deployment. Customer Requirements, Technical Characteristics and Relationship Matrix. The prioritization of Technical Characteristics. Competition Driven Design: Qbench algorithm. Quality costs. Prevention, Inspection, Scraps and field interventions. Supplier-customer chain. Claims management. 3. Quality in Services (10 h) The concept of service. Definition and main characteristics of services. Differences and analogies between product Quality and service Quality. Design and industrialization of a service. Methods and models for the implementation of Quality measurement of products and services. 4. Statistical Process Control (30 h) Fundamentals of statistical methods for Quality. Modeling Process Quality. Nominal specifications and service tolerances. Variability and natural tolerances of a process. Sum of tolerances. Control charts for variables and attributes. Process capability analysis. Acceptance Sampling. Lot by lot acceptance sampling by attributes. The OC curve. Acceptance sampling by variables. MIL STD 105E standard. MIL STD 414 standard. 5. Quality standards (5 h) Italian Quality System. Design and implementation of a Quality system. ISO 9000 standards. Accreditation and certification of Quality systems. The Quality manual. The role of certifiers and certification organisms. 6. Quality and procurement (10 h) General Framework to analyze procurement processes. Technical elements influencing purchasing decisions. Suppliers evaluation (qualification and evaluation, performance indicators, insourcing-outsourcing, etc.). Design of a Performance Measurement System.
The central topics of the course will be illustrated through a number of complementary activities that will take place in the classroom and/or laboratory. Some of these include the drafting of a technical report (individually or by group work). These activities will cover: • analysis of case studies proposed by the instructor; • application of QFD and benchmarking techniques; • construction and use of control charts and sampling plans; • design and Quality control of a service.
The central topics of the course will be illustrated through a number of complementary activities that will take place in the classroom and/or laboratory. Some of these include the drafting of a technical report (individually or by group work). These activities will cover: • analysis of case studies proposed by the instructor; • application of QFD and benchmarking techniques; • construction and use of control charts and sampling plans; • design and Quality control of a service.
In addition to course notes and documents distributed by the teacher, the following reference texts are recommended: • Franceschini F., Advanced Quality Function Deployment, St. Lucie Press/CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL, 2002. ISBN/ISSN 1-57444-321-6. • Franceschini F., Galetto M., Maisano D., Mastrogiacomo L., Ingegneria della Qualità: Applicazioni ed Esercizi (III edizione, II ristampa). CLUT Editrice, Torino, 2019. • Franceschini F., Galetto M., Maisano D., Indicatori e misure di prestazione per la gestione dei processi. Ed. Il Sole 24 ORE Libri, Milano, 2007. • Franceschini, F., Galetto, M., Maisano, D., Designing Performance Measurement Systems: Theory and Practice of Key Performance Indicators, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2019. • Montgomery D.C., Introduction to Statistical Process Control, 5th Ed., J. Wiley, New York, 2005.
In addition to course notes and documents distributed by the teacher, the following reference texts are recommended: • Montgomery D.C., Introduction to Statistical Process Control, 5th Ed., J. Wiley, New York, 2005. • Franceschini F., Advanced Quality Function Deployment, St. Lucie Press/CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, FL, 2002. ISBN/ISSN 1-57444-321-6. • Franceschini, F., Galetto, M., Maisano, D., Designing Performance Measurement Systems: Theory and Practice of Key Performance Indicators, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland, 2019. • Franceschini F., Galetto M., Maisano D., Mastrogiacomo L., Ingegneria della Qualità: Applicazioni ed Esercizi (III edizione, II ristampa). CLUT Editrice, Torino, 2019.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
It is not necessary to change the usual method of preparation with respect to the classical exam. The exam will be organized in the form of a “quiz”, with a variety of problems and questions (roughly, between 5 and 10), trying to reproduce the classical configuration illustrated in class. Also, the typical topics are the same ones illustrated in class, i.e.: a. Statistical Process Control; a.0 Probability calculation and hypothesis testing; a.1 Delta method; a.2 Control charts; a.3 Sampling plans; b. Quality in design; b.1 General notions; b.2 Quality Function Deployment (QFD); b.3 Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). c. Indicators and performance measurements; c.1 Theory of measurements scales and meaningfulness of statements; c.2 Definition classification and properties of indicators. The exam mainly consists of problems involving calculations, with the addition of some multiple-choice theoretical questions. In case of wrong answers to multiple-choice questions, penalties may be applied (e.g., -0.5 point); therefore, it is advisable to omit the answer in case of doubt, avoiding “random guessing”. Problems involving calculations are not “sequential”, just to avoid that calculation errors on the initial answers lead to a sort of “error propagation” on the subsequent answers. Questions/problems are fully “customized”, both (1) in terms of numerical data for problems involving calculations and (2) in terms of order/combination for multiple-choice questions. As in any normal exam, you can use paper, pen, tables, formulary and calculator. A technical difficulty of the examination method is to fill in the answer boxes. Since any typing or rounding error may affect the correct outcome of your test, it is recommended to be very careful. In any case, appropriate "tolerance ranges" will be considered around the correct results, to take into account possible rounding errors. For numerical answers, the platform accepts both “.” and “,” as decimal separator. Also, students must report the probabilities as numbers between 0 and 1 and not in percentage form (e.g., a probability of 2.5% should be reported as “0.025”, not “2.5%”). For each problem/question, a score will be reported. The total mark will obviously be 30 (plus the 2-point bonus related to the project work). Even though the standard exam is an online quiz, the professor reserves the right to perform a supplemental oral exam. On the other hand, requests for oral examination by students will not be accepted. For students who wish to do so, it will be possible to interact with the teacher during the exam through an optional Virtual Classroom, which can be activated after the beginning of the exam, pressing a dedicated button in the top-left corner of the quiz window, below the countdown. After the publication of the result of the exam on the Teaching Portal, students are allowed to reject their positive mark by sending an e-mail to the teacher, before the mark-registration date (which will be announced later). Finally, students are invited to carefully consider the rector's guidelines for online exams and the FAQs available on the course material.
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
The online exam will be organized in the form of a “quiz”, of about two hours, mainly consisting of problems involving calculations and multiple-choice theoretical questions. This quiz will be carried out through an e-learning platform (Exam) and monitored through a proctoring software (Respondus), provided by PoliTO to professors and students. Exercises and theoretical questions will be "balanced" in order to ascertain the achievement of the learning outcomes, expected from the course. It is not necessary to change the usual method of preparation with respect to the classical exam. Students will use the material indicated by the professor – i.e., specific statistical tables and a free-formula sheet; lecture notes, books, manuals, or smartphones will be strictly forbidden. During the course, students will also be involved in an optional teamwork project. In the case of positive evaluation, team members will gain 1 or 2 extra points. The maximum possible grade for the exam will be 30L, including the said extra points. Even though the online exam is a quiz, the professor reserves the right to perform a supplemental oral exam. On the other hand, requests for oral examination by students will not be accepted.
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo; Elaborato progettuale in gruppo;
It is not necessary to change the usual method of preparation with respect to the classical exam. The exam will be organized in the form of a “quiz”, with a variety of problems and questions (roughly, between 5 and 10), trying to reproduce the classical configuration illustrated in class. Also, the typical topics are the same ones illustrated in class, i.e.: a. Statistical Process Control; a.0 Probability calculation and hypothesis testing; a.1 Delta method; a.2 Control charts; a.3 Sampling plans; b. Quality in design; b.1 General notions; b.2 Quality Function Deployment (QFD); b.3 Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). c. Indicators and performance measurements; c.1 Theory of measurements scales and meaningfulness of statements; c.2 Definition classification and properties of indicators. The exam mainly consists of problems involving calculations, with the addition of some multiple-choice theoretical questions. In case of wrong answers to multiple-choice questions, penalties may be applied (e.g., -0.5 point); therefore, it is advisable to omit the answer in case of doubt, avoiding “random guessing”. Problems involving calculations are not “sequential”, just to avoid that calculation errors on the initial answers lead to a sort of “error propagation” on the subsequent answers. Questions/problems are fully “customized”, both (1) in terms of numerical data for problems involving calculations and (2) in terms of order/combination for multiple-choice questions. As in any normal exam, you can use paper, pen, tables, formulary and calculator. A technical difficulty of the examination method is to fill in the answer boxes. Since any typing or rounding error may affect the correct outcome of your test, it is recommended to be very careful. In any case, appropriate "tolerance ranges" will be considered around the correct results, to take into account possible rounding errors. For numerical answers, the platform accepts both “.” and “,” as decimal separator. Also, students must report the probabilities as numbers between 0 and 1 and not in percentage form (e.g., a probability of 2.5% should be reported as “0.025”, not “2.5%”). For each problem/question, a score will be reported. The total mark will obviously be 30 (plus the 2-point bonus related to the project work). Even though the standard exam is an online quiz, the professor reserves the right to perform a supplemental oral exam. On the other hand, requests for oral examination by students will not be accepted. For students who wish to do so, it will be possible to interact with the teacher during the exam through an optional Virtual Classroom, which can be activated after the beginning of the exam, pressing a dedicated button in the top-left corner of the quiz window, below the countdown. After the publication of the result of the exam on the Teaching Portal, students are allowed to reject their positive mark by sending an e-mail to the teacher, before the mark-registration date (which will be announced later). Finally, students are invited to carefully consider the rector's guidelines for online exams and the FAQs available on the course material.
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform; Group project;
There will be no exams in BLENDED mode but exclusively in ONLINE mode, as described above.
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