The aim of the course is to provide to the students of the Master Degree in Management Engineering the analytical tools suitable for recognizing the management strategies applicable to a production system, to examine the main management and organizational issues and to evaluate the performance of the production system in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Different courses of the Degree in Management Engineering present the broad theme of the production of goods and services from multiple points of view: technological, plant engineering, economic, operational management, and of quality. Therefore, the aim of the course is to provide to the students of the Master Degree in Management Engineering a complementary knowledge, both through the development of new analysis tools and approaches, and their integration in the perspective of contemporary business, characterized by its inclusion in globalized and competitive markets, not only by considering traditional concepts of value and cost, but also new aspects such as the sustainability.
The student must be able to:
• Know the methods of analysis of a production system of goods or services;
• Apply these methods to simple production systems by describing the main operations, the management structure, and the way the work is divided.
• Identify the correct performance indicators for the evaluation of a production system and associate those indicators with descriptive models of an enterprise.
• Extend, with appropriate adjustments, the methodologies learned for the analysis of a production chain.
The course aims to develop the ability of students to analyze, evaluate and design a production system, both of manufacturing and services, coherently with the company's strategy and organization. This will be obtained by learning new technical skills, by creating connections between skills already developed, and by familiarizing with the most important changes taking place in the production sectors.
Good knowledge of topics covered in courses dedicated to production systems, logistics and corporate organization.
Adequate knowledge of topics covered in courses dedicated to Production Systems, Production Planning and Control, and Economics and Business Organization.
a. Introduction to the analysis of industrial systems.
a.1. The operating structure: product tree, manufacturing cycle, layout.
a.2. The management structure: internal information system and organizational chart.
a.3. The interactions between the production system and its market environment: demand analysis.
b. Some formal tools to perform performance analysis.
c. Analysis of Production Management Methods and Procedures in an Industrial Production System:
c.1. Analysis of the most common order scheduling procedures
c.2. Analysis of programming procedures: JIT, CONWIP, SERU.
c.3. Applications of the procedures.
The presentation of the analysis tools is accompanied by examples of their application to realistic production systems.
The course addresses the following topics, divided into two major thematic areas.
1 - Representation and analysis of production systems
- Representation of the product and its connection with the physical and organizational structure of the production system (representation of flows of information and materials and of the organizational structure in graph and matrix form)
- Assessment of the performance of the production systems (KPI)
- Qualitative methods (VSM, Customer journey)
- Quantitative methods (queue networks for the modeling of complex systems, hints of discrete event simulation for the modeling and analysis of production systems)
2 - Operations and Strategy
- Basic concepts of "operations strategy" (OS matrix, decision-making areas, management of tradeoffs)
- Modern paradigms of operations management and their relationship with the OS (Lean, WCM, Industry 4.0)
- Decision-making processes and decision support in the operations strategy (organizational decision-making processes, application of support methods for multi-criteria and multi-actor decisions)
- Definition and implementation of sustainability strategies (LCA analysis, basic principles of CSR, Non-Financial Reporting).
The topics presented during the lessons will be resumed during the exercises for the analysis of some production systems.
The teaching is organized according to two main methods: (i) ex cathedra lessons, aimed at learning new skills, and (ii) discussion of case studies, aimed at developing an overall understanding of the subject matter. Some topics related to the main trends in the management practices of companies and production systems will be treated in seminar by company experts.
[1] Set of presentations for each topic covered, provided by the teaching site.
[2] Altiok T., "Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems", Springer, London, 1993.
[3] Villa A., "Analisi di Sistemi di Produzione Industriale", CLUT, Torino, 2006.
[4] Wallace J. Hopp e Mark L Spearman "Factory Physics", McGraw Hill, 2000.
- Slack N., Lewis N., "Operations Strategy", Pearson, 2017
- Curry G.L., Feldman, R.M., "Manufacturing Systems Modeling and Analysis", Springer, 2011
- Villa A., "Analysis of Industrial Production Systems", CLUT, Turin, 2006
- Slides and lecture notes
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
In the case of remote examination, it will consist of a written test, carried out on the platform that the University will make available, aimed at assessing the analysis capabilities of a system (manufacturing or services) both from a technical point of view, and in reference to the context in which this system it will find itself operating.
The test will include both the solution of numerical exercises and open questions on the theoretical aspects (qualitative and quantitative), and multiple choice or true / false answer questions. Numerical exercises and theoretical questions can be integrated in the same exercise. During the written exam it is not possible to consult any support (form, handouts, texts, etc.).
Exam: Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
In the case of remote examination, it will consist of a written test, carried out on the platform that the University will make available, aimed at assessing the analysis capabilities of a system (manufacturing or services) both from a technical point of view, and in reference to the context in which the system is operating.
The test will include both the numerical exercises and questions on the theoretical aspects (qualitative and quantitative). The questions can be open or multiple choice or true/false answer. Numerical exercises and theoretical questions can be integrated in the same exercise. During the written exam it is not possible to consult any support (form, handouts, texts, etc.).
Modalità di esame: Prova scritta (in aula); Prova scritta tramite PC con l'utilizzo della piattaforma di ateneo;
The exam will consist of a written test which, depending on the conditions of the epidemiological context linked to covid-19 and the decisions of the University Governing Bodies, can be performed in the presence or remotely.
If it is possible to carry out the onsite examination, it will consist of a written test aimed at assessing the analysis capabilities of a system (manufacturing or services) both from a technical point of view, and in reference to the context in which this system it will find itself operating.
The written test will last 2 hours and will include both the solution of numerical exercises and open questions on the theoretical aspects (qualitative and quantitative), and multiple choice or true / false answer questions. Numerical exercises and theoretical questions can be integrated in the same exercise. During the written exam it is not possible to consult any support (form, handouts, texts, etc.).
In the case of remote examination, it will consist of a written test carried out on the platform that the University will make available. As for the test carried out in the presence, the test will include both the solution of numerical exercises and open questions on the theoretical aspects (qualitative and quantitative), and multiple choice or true / false answer questions. Numerical exercises and theoretical questions can be integrated in the same exercise. During the exam it is not possible to consult any support (form, handouts, texts, etc.).
Exam: Written test; Computer-based written test using the PoliTo platform;
The exam will consist of a written test which, depending on the conditions of the epidemiological context linked to covid-19 and the decisions of the University Governing Bodies, can be performed in the presence or remotely.
If it is possible to carry out the onsite examination, it will consist of a written test aimed at assessing the analysis capabilities of a system (manufacturing or services) both from a technical point of view, and in reference to the context in which this system it will find itself operating.
The written test will last 2 hours and will include both the solution of numerical exercises and open questions on the theoretical aspects (qualitative and quantitative), and multiple choice or true / false answer questions. Numerical exercises and theoretical questions can be integrated in the same exercise. During the written exam it is not possible to consult any support (form, handouts, texts, etc.).
In the case of remote examination, it will consist of a written test carried out on the platform that the University will make available. As for the test carried out in the presence, the test will include both the solution of numerical exercises and open questions on the theoretical aspects (qualitative and quantitative), and multiple choice or true / false answer questions. Numerical exercises and theoretical questions can be integrated in the same exercise. During the exam it is not possible to consult any support (form, handouts, texts, etc.).