Elenco notifiche

Building information modelling


A.A. 2020/21

Course Language


Degree programme(s)

Master of science-level of the Bologna process in Architettura Costruzione Citta' - Torino

Course structure
Teaching Hours
Lezioni 40
Esercitazioni in aula 20
Tutoraggio 20
Teacher Status SSD h.Les h.Ex h.Lab h.Tut Years teaching
Lo Turco Massimiliano Professore Ordinario CEAR-10/A 40 20 0 0 8

SSD CFU Activities Area context
ICAR/17 6 B - Caratterizzanti Rappresentazione dell'architettura e dell'ambiente
The course, organized in lectures and exercises, aims to provide not only the operational tools for a correct use of parametric software, but also cultural knowledge to critically evaluate the strong change brought by BIM technology to the construction industry. It will be essential to control the management of the construction process (both during the design phase for the structural and economic fields) using the integrated database that is able to correlate graphic data (drawings) with alphanumeric information (GFA automatic calculation, window and door schedules, evaluaton cost, etc.). The course focuses its attention on new trials of interoperability between different software, referring to international case studies, so giving an added and innovative value that in the future could be spent in the workplace.
The course, organized in lectures and exercises, aims to provide not only the operational tools for a correct use of parametric software, but also cultural knowledge to critically evaluate the strong change brought by BIM technology to the construction industry. It will be essential to control the management of the construction process (both during the design phase for the structural and economic fields) using the integrated database that is able to correlate graphic data (drawings) with alphanumeric information (GFA automatic calculation, window and door schedules, evaluaton cost, etc.). The course focuses its attention on new trials of interoperability between different software, referring to international case studies, so giving an added and innovative value that in the future could be spent in the workplace.
The student will have to demonstrate to be able to acquire the theoretical knowledge necessary to critically develop the topics proposed during lectures and practical exercises using BIM methodology (BIM). At the end of the course the student will be able to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method in relation to the traditional one based on the elaboration of drawings and documents that are not interoperable with each other. In this way the student will prove to have a professional approach to work. Finally, the student will develop a learning method that allows him to continue studying on their own.
The student will have to demonstrate to be able to acquire the theoretical knowledge necessary to critically develop the topics proposed during lectures and practical exercises using BIM methodology (BIM). At the end of the course the student will be able to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed method in relation to the traditional one based on the elaboration of drawings and documents that are not interoperable with each other. In this way the student will prove to have a professional approach to work. Finally, the student will develop a learning method that allows him to continue studying on their own.
It is preferred a good knowledge of the tools provided by CAD software for architectural design and 3D modelling. Then, it is needed a good mastery of the English language.
It is preferred a good knowledge of the tools provided by CAD software for architectural design and 3D modelling. Then, it is needed a good mastery of the English language.
It is assumed to divide the course into 8 modules. Each lesson will be characterized by the explanation of specific issues resulting from research projects and case studies in progress or already closed, of national and international level. 1/8 - Survey on the state of the art of BIM and software interoperability. 2/8 - Definitions of BIM and interoperability and searching for a real case study. 3/8 - CAD vs. BIM according to the international literature and assignment of a case study. 4/8 – Use of the parametric modeling in architecture (graphical user interface, templates, correlation between visual information, both numerical and graphic, customization of existing libraries and the creation of new ones etc..) 5/8 - Introduction to energy simulations. 6/8 - Sharing information and audit processes. 7/8 - Communication of the design data (report, schedules, drawings derived from the 3D models) 8/8 - BIM for the building management and the general revision of the documents.
It is assumed to divide the course into 8 modules. Each lesson will be characterized by the explanation of specific issues resulting from research projects and case studies in progress or already closed, of national and international level. 1/8 - Survey on the state of the art of BIM and software interoperability. 2/8 - Definitions of BIM and interoperability and searching for a real case study. 3/8 - CAD vs. BIM according to the international literature and assignment of a case study. 4/8 – Use of the parametric modeling in architecture (graphical user interface, templates, correlation between visual information, both numerical and graphic, customization of existing libraries and the creation of new ones etc..) 5/8 - Introduction to energy simulations. 6/8 - Sharing information and audit processes. 7/8 - Communication of the design data (report, schedules, drawings derived from the 3D models) 8/8 - BIM for the building management and the general revision of the documents.
The teaching will be divided into: • Theoretical lessons, about scientific knowledge aimed at providing students with critical and cultural tools (50%); • Specific seminars, (with the possible involvement of external experts from the profession world) aimed to focus attention on specific issues (about 10%); • Practical exercises devoted to the use of specific tools for the acquisition of the BIM approach. These exercises are essential for checking the understanding of general technical contents (about 40%).
The teaching will be divided into: • Theoretical lessons, about scientific knowledge aimed at providing students with critical and cultural tools (50%); • Specific seminars, (with the possible involvement of external experts from the profession world) aimed to focus attention on specific issues (about 10%); • Practical exercises devoted to the use of specific tools for the acquisition of the BIM approach. These exercises are essential for checking the understanding of general technical contents (about 40%).
Reference texts on specific issues of BIM are: C. EASTMAN, K. LISTON, R. SACKS, P. TEICHOLZ, BIM Handbook: A guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractor, Hardcover, Marzo 2008. G. GARZINO G., (editor). Disegno (e) in_formazione. Disegno Politecnico. Drawing (and) Information. Polytechnic drawing, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2011. A. OSELLO, Il futuro del disegno con il BIM per ingegneri e architetti. The future of Drawing with BIM for Engineers and Architects, Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, Maggio 2012. M. LO TURCO, Bim and Infographic representation in the construction process. A decade of research and applications - Il BIM e la rappresentazione infografica nel processo edilizio. Dieci anni di ricerche e applicazioni, Aracne, Ariccia 2015. Then, some lecture notes and some website references will be given during the course”
Reference texts on specific issues of BIM are: C. EASTMAN, K. LISTON, R. SACKS, P. TEICHOLZ, BIM Handbook: A guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractor, Hardcover, Marzo 2008. G. GARZINO G., (editor). Disegno (e) in_formazione. Disegno Politecnico. Drawing (and) Information. Polytechnic drawing, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna, 2011. A. OSELLO, Il futuro del disegno con il BIM per ingegneri e architetti. The future of Drawing with BIM for Engineers and Architects, Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, Maggio 2012. M. LO TURCO, Bim and Infographic representation in the construction process. A decade of research and applications - Il BIM e la rappresentazione infografica nel processo edilizio. Dieci anni di ricerche e applicazioni, Aracne, Ariccia 2015. Then, some lecture notes and some website references will be given during the course”
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
The exam will be divided in two parts: the first one, more theoretical, focuses on the topics addressed during the lessons through some questions addressed directly to the candidate. The student will be expected to answer to specific topics developed during the lectures and seminars (max 12/30). Theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to the students. The second part of the exam refers to the results of the exercise conducted. The grouphas to present the work done during exercises using the material required to pass the exam and will have to answer the questions posed by the teacher inert submitted papers (max 18/30). The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The final evaluation will result from the sum of the tests. The grade will take into account the correctness of the documents produced, in addition to the clarity, the ability to synthesis and properties of language demonstrated during the conversation.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam will be divided in two parts: the first one, more theoretical, focuses on the topics addressed during the lessons through some questions addressed directly to the candidate. The student will be expected to answer to specific topics developed during the lectures and seminars (max 12/30). Theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to the students. The second part of the exam refers to the results of the exercise conducted. The grouphas to present the work done during exercises using the material required to pass the exam and will have to answer the questions posed by the teacher inert submitted papers (max 18/30). The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The final evaluation will result from the sum of the tests. The grade will take into account the correctness of the documents produced, in addition to the clarity, the ability to synthesis and properties of language demonstrated during the conversation.
Modalità di esame: Prova orale obbligatoria; Elaborato grafico prodotto in gruppo;
The exam will be divided in two parts: the first one, more theoretical, focuses on the topics addressed during the lessons through some questions addressed directly to the candidate. The student will be expected to answer to specific topics developed during the lectures and seminars (max 12/30). Theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to the students. The second part of the exam refers to the results of the exercise conducted. The grouphas to present the work done during exercises using the material required to pass the exam and will have to answer the questions posed by the teacher inert submitted papers (max 18/30). The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The final evaluation will result from the sum of the tests. The grade will take into account the correctness of the documents produced, in addition to the clarity, the ability to synthesis and properties of language demonstrated during the conversation.
Exam: Compulsory oral exam; Group graphic design project;
The exam will be divided in two parts: the first one, more theoretical, focuses on the topics addressed during the lessons through some questions addressed directly to the candidate. The student will be expected to answer to specific topics developed during the lectures and seminars (max 12/30). Theoretical questions are reported on a document made available to the students. The second part of the exam refers to the results of the exercise conducted. The grouphas to present the work done during exercises using the material required to pass the exam and will have to answer the questions posed by the teacher inert submitted papers (max 18/30). The average length of the oral exam is about 30 minutes. The final evaluation will result from the sum of the tests. The grade will take into account the correctness of the documents produced, in addition to the clarity, the ability to synthesis and properties of language demonstrated during the conversation.
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